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December, 2024 Edition


Current Editorial

Reception Hall

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Cente For

        Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.


   Welcome to The Hades Base News, a connecting point between the higher dimensional members of Ashtar Command and those of us here on third dimensional Earth. The recordings within represent nine years of channeling sessions with beings we came to know and love between 1992 and 2001. Our purpose is to assist in the ascension of humanity by offering one more path among many for those seeking a growth of consciousness.

Formally channeled by Mark Crocker and currently transcribed by Russ Hatfield, they present an undiluted source of information about our planet's past, present and future with a inside look at how we interact with the many races of beings who share our galaxy with us. While there are no more sessions or news from the base, the archives still have much to teach going forward. If you are new to the site, please visit the reception hall to get caught up.  


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(To be posted on 01/01 at 1:30 AM Pacific)


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Latest podcast added to the current archives: "Christmas Time and the Sirian Barter System"
Channeling Session Date:


It's December, and appropriately enough we have a channeling session recorded at Christmas time of 1994. The unusual things about this session was that there were only two speakers in the form of Tia and Karra and that the bulk of the conversation was spent talking to our friend Carrie who had moved to the Midwest and we were calling now as scheduled. Tia is the ring mistress of this channeling session even if it is only one other person with whom she was switching. The entire concept of Christmas is put to the test as I try to explain the commercialization of the holiday. At the time, budgets were tight and the joy of the season was in competition with the cost of the season. We call up our good friend Carrie who had patiently been waiting for a call that came an hour late. It's good she stayed up because she had a favor to ask of Tia which was if she could name a potential daughter after her. Tia is overwhelmed by request and the love between the two is reflected in Tia's reaction. One thing we learn is that the base had placed higher dimensional monitors that couldn't be seen on the third dimension but they could monitor Carrie's condition throughout that time including her aura. We were familiar with them because we had talked about the ones here at the house in previous channeling sessions. Carrie describes to Tia a conversation with a priest where she defended Ashtar Command and the teaching she had learned during her times at our channeling sessions. One thing we learn from Tia is that there is a heaven for cats where they go through the same process of reincarnation humans do. Tia then makes way for Karra to channel and immediately Carrie's having a child becomes the main topic of their conversation because of a prophecy that had been predicted where Carrie would die if she had a child. That turned out not to be the case though we do hear about her other health issues at the time. The next topic is the place where Carrie had made her home in the Midwest and the people around her that were so much different from those in California. We close out the side with Karra explaining that this life is the most important of any prior because those were all in the past. This was said in response to Carrie expressing her exhaustion with the third dimension and wanting the knowledge waiting in the next. This is a good time for her to hear these motivating words from Karra.

Things continue from where they left off on side one as Karra provides a lesson to Carrie about how to approach life from a different perspective. Karra continues the topic of learning from your mistakes including ones that might've been made in Atlantis. That comes up because Carrie had a vision of this life being a reliving of a life in Atlantis when she had left prior to its destruction and her leaving our group was the same thing again. What she understands though is that she is on a mission to bring light to a place that lacks much in the way of higher dimensional knowledge. Karra ends this part of her channeling being assured by Carrie that she was going to make it thanks to the support from those on the base. Tia returns to chat with Carrie as we discuss names for baby boys while Tia describes what it is like to raise triplets. The call with Carrie has been going on long enough that Tia is worried about the phone bill so we wrap things up and return back to our normal channeling session. That means Karra is back to complete her talk with me and discuss a Christmas present for Carrie. It's when we're discussing some new redecoration of the apartment on the base that Karra breaks into some Rocky Horror Picture Show lyrics. It's always funny to hear third dimensional movie references among higher dimensional beings. That leads to a discussion on Atlantis again where the question of it being an analogy to the present time is discussed. A friend of ours that was staying at the house at the time stops in real quick to say hi before leaving for work. We next cover dehydrating food for survival in tough times. Things like turkey jerky to supplement any lost protein when stores aren't available is brought up as a possibility. That segues into how the higher dimensions manage to do things economically without money. It turns out they use a barter system when needing either foods or services. It's a logical progression from currency when the population is enlightened. We discuss how it could be a good option should society collapse. We end things with Karra and Tia comes on to wrap things up. During the short time left we discussed how both Mark and I were burning the candle at both ends during the holiday season. I assured her things would be back to normal after January first. A good session with a lot of information covered with just two speakers. Another worthy addition to the Hades Base archives.
This month's editorial is called "Believing with little evidence".   

Nothing matters until we make it matter.