Let us look closely at the various types of astral travel. The first type is dream travel, which is the most common of all types of astral travel. Most people at some time in their lives have experienced astral travel in their dream states and dream travel is by far the easiest and most safest way to astral travel. It is quite common for people to have dreams of flying or of places that they have not been to. Some times people dream of places that they knew when they were young but not as they once were but as they are now. Other people dream of loved ones and sometimes they go to them in their dreams. It is one's most deepest wish to be some where you really want to be. Before you go to sleep you MUST picture the place you want to be in your mind. I cannot say how important this is. Now you have the picture in your mind, and as you fall to sleep you have to keep picturing the place that you want to be in your mind. Once you are asleep, your mind will possibly take you to that place. I say possibly because sometimes the mind will be filled with the happenings of the day and this will override your wish to be somewhere that you have programmed into your sleep. Dream travel is not as good as normal astral travel.
There is the second type, involuntary astral travel. This occurs when somebody is not feeling at their peak and they wish to escape whatever ailment that they have and sometimes when lying in certain environments such as a warm sunny area which is comfortable, they will feel their body floating up above their physical body.
The third type of astral travel would be better to call it more on the lines of remote viewing. This is where you almost leave your body and yet you're still connected and stretched out over a long distance or a short distance even. You are able to view what you're looking at and also hear the noises from around the area of your physical body. You can also answer questions in this state. This form of astral travel is quite easy because all you do is achieve a meditation state where you are still conscious yet you are also disconnected from your physical body.
The forth type of astral travel is where you actually physically leave your body. You are aware of your body, you are aware of noises, but they are more remote and in the distance. This is one of the more harder types of astral travel to do because it involves consciously programming your destination and where you wish to go whilst still leaving your body and being aware of your body. This is the type of astral travel that novices use for as I said this is one of the more difficult types but it is quite easy to do because it is a programmed thought process that you go through whilst meditating.
The next type of astral travel, or astral travel type five, is where you physically leave your body in the astral form and are no longer conscious of your body in such that it no longer matters. This normally comes after a lot of practice and experience as an astral traveler. I myself use this method. This method involves shutting down all unnecessary functions of the body which includes hearing, smell, taste and touch. You're no longer aware of your surroundings, you are free to astral travel to wherever you wish, or as far as your stamina will take you.
Finally, type six astral travel. This is where you travel as I described in type five but, you also manipulate not only the third dimension so you can travel, but also the forth dimension and other dimensions. This is one of the most hardest types of astral travel to do.
Now of these various categories, there are subtypes. Involuntary dream travel, ahh that is also very common. Voluntary astral travel in a involuntary status. What I mean by that is astral traveling and desiring to do so but in choosing it without desire. There are also other numerous subtypes of astral travel as I have mentioned, these are just two of those. Now there is another subtype of astral travel. Which is where you are no longer conscious of your body, your body has been what you might say parked into a level of awareness where its not aware of its physical surroundings. This again is also a very hard type of astral travel that I am about to describe and this is where you leave your body but you assume a physical form in the physical world but in the astral form. Sometimes you are actually visible to other people but more frequently you are not. Individuals that are trained astral travelers in this, can also detect other astral travelers that are in this status. For example, the Dali Laama, he can see those people who are astral traveling in that form. There is another Laama high up in the Himalayas that frequently has visitors from all over the world.
There is obviously novice, very little experience with astral travel. Experienced, which has some experience and tends to astral travel within a localized area of up to 300 miles. Adept, someone that is quite experienced in astral travel and can travel a thousand, maybe two thousand miles radius in astral travel. Master, this is somebody who can astral travel and go explanatory but not very far, maybe as far as your moon. Also they have lots of stamina and a lot of experience with astral travel. Normally this comes after about five years.
Grand Master, these are the badasses of the astral travel world. I mean that of course in a positive way. They are like how would you describe it? They're good. They can go explanatory, distance to them starts to become irrelevant. Two, three light years, that's like getting up and walking across the room for them. Ten, twenty light years, that's like walking across the street. Fifty, a hundred light years, now were getting into the serious range for them. They can do that on a regular basis. They can some of them who are borderpoint to the next level, actually transpose to different dimensions.
The last level, Paramount Grand Masters. These are the elite, the best. I estimate there are no more than a dozen on your whole entire planet if that many and these are the real heavy dudes. Very serious, distance totally irrelevant. Walk across the galaxy no problem, walk to the next galaxy no problem, to the next galaxy, now you're starting to stretch a little bit but they can do it. They can dimension jump to different dimensions, forth, fifth, sixth dimension is a bit of a workout for them but it doesn't present to much of a problem. These are the individuals who have a fifty to sixty percent chance of ascending to the next level of evolution. These are the individuals that can be a little bit on the strange side. They can be very cranky, they can be very arrogant, very nice, very mellow, very relaxed, very helpful, very protective. All at the same time almost. This is because they are developing to a higher level. These Paramount Grand Masters are the individuals that as I said, can be very protective. Not only of themselves, but of their knowledge and the people around them. They are capable of all levels of astral travel, from remote viewing to dimension jumping to traveling great distances, they also have a lot of curiosity.
Now that we have looked some of the kinds of astral travel and levels . We will now look at how to astral travel. This is how I learned to astral travel .

First of all you we need to find a place that you like. Some place quiet and comfortable. Sometimes it is nice to astral travel to music. I found that classic music works real well. Music by Holst seems to work the best for me. There are a few pieces in the planets by Holst that work real well, Venus, Saturn ,Uranus and Neptune . But I must add that what music that you find relaxing will work just as well. OK, you have now found a place that is comfortable and quiet. You also have (if you wish music). Now comes the hard part. The astral travel itself.
First you need to lay down.( Make sure that you are comfortable and that you have taken care of your bodies needs(I hate coming back to a full bladder ).
Now close your eyes and clear your mind . Think of nothing . Now this can be hard as your inner voice wants to talk. but you must shut the inner voice off. The best way to do this is to hear music. This also helps you to relax. Now you are nice and relaxed.( not too relaxed .You don't want to fall asleep).take ten deep long breaths. The breaths should be about 5 seconds long.
Then take ten short breaths they should be about 2 seconds long.
Now with your minds eyes see a switch on your left foot. Switch that switch off. And feel all the energy drain out of that foot. When all the energy has left your foot , see with your minds eye a switch on your left knee .Switch of that switch and feel all the energy drain out of your leg. Once all has drained out of your leg , with your minds eye see a switch on your left hip. Switch that switch off and feel all the energy drain out of your hip . Ok now your left leg is free to move out of your body.
Now repeat the same thing on your right side.
Now both your legs are free to leave your body.
Now take 10 deep long breaths. each breath should be about 5 seconds long. As you take these breaths your body should feel lighter and lighter.
Having taking the 10 deep long breaths your body should feel quite light.
Now take 5 short breaths . Each breath should take about 2 seconds. Your body will feel as if it is almost free. Let your body float there for a few moments.
At this point you can if you wish return back to your body and then open your eyes. Or you can at this point leave and travel. At first you should just stay close to your body. BUT DON'T LOOK AT YOUR BODY . This will pull you back into your body.
Ok you are floating just above your body. Now you should feel your body slowly start to rise. You are now Astral traveling. Remember at first stay close to your body.( in the same room ) . later you may wish to go out and see what is out there.
Now you have been out of your body and you want to return.
this is the easiest part of astral traveling You will feel your real body pulling on your astral body. Just let that pull you back to your real body. It will pull you back in.
You have returned to your real body. Don't open your eyes right away. First of all take a deep breath. Now you can open your eyes .
Now here are a few more rules. Please do not break them .
rule 1- Never astral into someone's private space without their knowing.
rule 2- Never go near anything black.
rule 3- If someone talks to you always be open and truthful.
rule 4- If someone black or dark comes after you always say that you come in total love and light. ( this will make it hard for them to do you harm )
rule 6- If it does not feel right DON'T DO IT.
rule 7- Never leave the planet until you know how to travel long distances.
rule 8- Remember that you are not alone. If you need help look for someone in white. Ask nicely for help. And remember rule 4.
rule 9- Only you can harm you. If you let someone harm you they will harm you.
rule 10 Have fun .
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