
Karra: hello.

Russ: hello my love.

Karra: hmm, we do have our positioning on how we come on. It is as a rule Tia first, then our censor and then always myself and then it will be the guest speaker and if we have another guest speaker it will be that speaker and then last of all my sister.

Russ: that’s true.

Karra: uh-huh, it’s always the same setup.

Russ: well it’s a nice way to do it, kind of a like……

Karra: yes.

Russ: a five course meal.

Karra: uh-huh, with the light, sugary individual last. Light, sugary and syrupy. 

(Russ chuckles over the humorous description.) 

Karra: okay, now where have we got to?

Russ: well we got quite a bit to work on here.

Karra: okay let’s answer your questions first.

Russ: okay, let’s see first off with the speech patterns of as we’re talking about with Korton between the two different sectors. Does that mean that when Huna is speaking in their private language you can’t understand what they’re saying?

Karra: there are some words that I can catch and other words that I can’t. When they talk fast, it is hard for me to understand them and Kiri also nods.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Karra: but also there is a courtesy thing that if there is a person that speaks another language, let us say I am president and Huna and Leah are talking, they will speak in the common language of Sirius even if it is private, intimate conversation because that is rude not to.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: I do not know if they are saying something derogatory about me or cracking some joke that I should be aware of and find amusing. So it is something that is considered very rude to speak in your own language if there is a person around that does not speak your language.

Russ: I see, okay. All right, now what is your opinion on setting this up in the webpage as the Tenuvial and Tanaka clans?

Karra: I know your thoughts and we will think about it.

Russ: okay.

Karra: but we’re not opposing clans, we’re just........

Russ: understandable, it’s an interesting way of describing the heritage of Sirius where we see earth history in many different forms but until you get down right to the family roots of it you don’t really see the history.

Karra: no.

Russ: just like the Hatfield's and McCoy’s. All right we’ve got work done on the…..we’ll get the work done on the page......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: as far as figuring out the graphics to the tape and we'll add this in also.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: so with that of course we’re going to add in the part, the memorial I guess to Princess Diana.

Karra: yes.

Russ: okay do you want to run that now?

Karra: we will do that between the two of us.

Russ: oh you and Kiri?

Karra: well......

Russ: oh me and you?

Karra: and Kiri.

Russ: okay.

Karra: Kiri will also put in her two cents worth, I will be in contact with her….

Russ: okay.

Karra: when we do it.

Russ: all right fair enough. Now then, as far as the healing aspects go…..

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: could you describe a little bit about that in relationship to how in general something going on with Atlantis, how it split up? The Egyptians obviously had the major parts of it.

Karra: no they didn’t actually.

Russ: really?

Karra: it was spread equally. Again it was an environmental thing. Korton is quite correct in discussing the environment, it does play a big role in the medicine. For example, certain healing herbs for mining injuries would be culturally unsuitable in a farming community or a seafaring community as would the seafaring community using or having their medicine used in a mining community. Look at it this way, what is the point in having……hmm, that’s not a good example actually. I was going to talk about broken bones. Okay let us talk about poultices, now in a farming community it is not very often to get crushed bones so you would not use hard splints. You get cuts and gashes and clean breaks as opposed to crushes that would need putting back together in a plain splints. In a farming community you would use the various herbs that are best for making poultices to deal with cuts and gashes and clean breaks and all that entails whereas in a mining community where a crushed hand or finger or foot or leg is more common and with crushing, there isn’t so many cuts and breaks of the skin and the muscle tissue. That all happens internally so you would use a different kind of medicine.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: you see?

Russ: uh-huh. Now after the breakup of Atlantis you would be dealing with a lot of trauma.

Karra: of course.

Russ: not only in injuries but just mental and emotional trauma.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: but these aren’t things you can use a poultice or a splint or something for…

Karra: uh-huh, well it goes back to what we discussed a few weeks ago about dealing with problems. You see when you sit down and communicate, you address the problem. By talking, and talking about how somebody feels about their problems and why they feel in a particular way will actually do more good than sitting down and prescribing pharmaceuticals for their moods. Certainly there are times where pharmaceuticals are very necessary when an individual has a chemical imbalance but where it is psychological, all the medication in the world just masks the real problem.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: so by sitting down and talking and doing it in such a way that is cleverly worded so that the individual’s mental harm is repaired is the important thing.

Russ: interesting, this almost takes us back to the shamans of all four parts of the globe at that point.

Karra: well it does dovetail with what we were discussing last week about changing the frequencies and bringing the frequencies up.

Russ: right because basically yeah whoever is doing the work, be it a shaman or healer or whatever, they're going to be a lot of words spoken, a lot of ceremony….

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: you’re going to see a lot of incense or smells.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: changing the person’s environment mentally and physically.

Karra: and their conscious state.

Russ: and their conscious state correct, would do a lot in the way of trauma and things like that.

Karra: correct, you see rituals serve a very useful purpose. You remember how much of a ritual we used to make out of Carrie’s healings?

Russ: absolutely.

Karra: it was unbelievably ritualized. Bowl of water, clean cloth, putting Carrie through an experience.Making her laugh, making her cry, making her serious. It was changing her conscious level, bringing it up to a level where it was easy for me to come down to her level.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: so by increasing her conscious level and me adjusting my level to her level, the healing could take place. It is important as a healer to be able to change and fluctuate one’s healing levels so that communication and the healing take place.

Russ: doesn’t this also then go along with empathy?

Karra: empathy is very important.

Russ: as you come to each other’s level, the level of empathy then is able to match more closely to that person whether their vibrations are different from yours.

Karra: that goes without saying.

Russ: yes but we need to say that.

Karra: yes but it is something that is very self-evident.

Russ: right.

Karra: if you are aware of what is necessary. But the rituals are very important, they do much more than bringing an individual up to or down to a particular level. They put you through an experience, a common experience that is shared by all the people participating. If you take for example the healing of Carrie again, she’s going to love being on the Internet, the experiences that we put her through and I went through and you went through made it a shared thing. Even at the end when she was getting ready to leave, the jokes, the humor, the mask, the rubber gloves, they were reminding her of a shared experience.

Russ: hmm-hmmm.

Karra: you see in a cold, sterile environment it is intimidating for an individual to go through a healing. For a while on your planet I’ve noticed that a clean, sterile and I don’t mean clean, sterile, I mean sterile as….

Russ: antiseptic almost.

Karra: correct yes, I was saying could you help me here with the word, what I mean is somewhere that is cold.

Russ: yeah, very professional as far as attitude goes?

Karra: well the environment.

Russ: yeah, very antiseptic.

Karra: yes, that will work. That has an effect of intimidating. If you go to hospitals that are built more recently, you will find that they are still a little cold, no carpeting on the floor which is wise if you have a lot of bloodstains but you go in to the doctor’s offices where they had discussions with the patients you'll find pictures and all the necessary, cheerful…….

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