
Korton; Greetings.
Russ; Greetings Korton.
Korton; OK, let me give a brief dissertation on the eloquence of communication and pronunciation and annunciation in a correct easy pattern that is easy to understand. As you will remember, I was discussing the importance of being able to communicate on a crisp and clear level. It has come to my attention that you have been practicing some of this and trying to communicate in an eloquent way that people are interacting with you in a different way. This is good, what is occurring is exactly what is necessary. You are now being looked upon as a person of respect as opposed to somebody that is looked upon as a laid back surfer type. But that in itself can be a useful tool, knowing when to use which particular style of communication is the key to a good communicator. Communicators as a whole are not versed in just one style of communication. They will talk in many different ways and in many different facets depending on the situations and the individuals they are communicating with. For example, a good communicator dealing with children will get down on a level that is eye to eye with them. They know that when dealing with children, that if you are talking to them from on high, they will either hold you in awe or, they will get fidgety and not listen and feel intimidated and the information will not sink in. When you deal with children on an eye to eye level, it is easier to communicate with them. Again, dealing with a different group of individuals, teenagers. Now teenagers are a tricky group of individuals. They are very moody, they are enjoying the first experiences of youth, so therefore getting their attention and holding it is something that is necessary. You can stand there and lay down the law and tell them the way that it is until you are green in the face. To get the full affect you have to get their attention and interact in way that is beneficial for you and for them. You have to make it interesting. They do like analogies. After all, they are not that far from being children themselves. Children like stories, and stories with morals. Adolescents like analogies and a language that they understand. Again, as with little children, if you do the on high routine, "this is how it is, this is the way it is, this is how it has always been", you will lose their interest and they will get fidgety and they will pay no attention. So you have to make it lively and interactive for them so that they understand and digest what is being said in a way that is useful to them. That is another key to a communicator. Knowing the audience and the group of individuals that you are communicating with. Speaking to them on a level plane. Do not talk down to them, do not talk in a superior way. Now, dealing with a group of adults, must adults are intelligent enough to understand you when you are communicating in a crisp, clear, eloquent pattern. But, if you use slang and phrases, this too can catch their attention. After all, does not everybody on your planet like stories? I've mentioned three types of stories. This is a useful tool. If you explain it in a story, you have to be short, you wouldn't want to be too long. A long story will lose their interest unless you can paint a really good picture. There are very few communicators on your planet that can do so. Using sound bytes or phrases is again, a very useful tool. There is an individual who is unfortunately in the middle stages of a disease called Alzheimer's who was supremely good and a good example of using sound bytes to tell a story, interact and keep your attention. This gentleman is worth studying in his ways and styles of communicating. Do you know who this gentleman is Russ?
R; Walter Cronkite?
Korton; No, although that is another good person to look at. This person was a president.
R; Reagan?
Korton; Ronald Reagan. That is something else that is important when dealing with communicating. It doesn't matter how much you dislike a person, you give them their full title. Former President Ronald Reagan, current President Bill Clinton, The Prince Of Wales. You give everybody their title. After all, to get respect, you have to give respect. As a communicator you need respect, so it is important to be able to get respect and give respect. It is good to practice when you are talking in general to give people their correct title. If you talking to somebody and you are discussing what you witnessed on your communication devices, of Earl Spencer giving a speech or Tony Blair giving a speech, the Prime Minister of Great Britain or Her Majesty the Queen giving a speech, you use their full title. The Queen, well if you are not from Great Britain then somebody might misunderstand that you are not talking about a member of an aristocracy. OK, any questions?
R; Yes, first off, how would you deal with communicating to someone down here who was maybe a surfer and spoke in the slang used by that group of individuals? I just can't see you saying dude…..
Korton; Why not dude.
R; (laughs) It's just not you Korton.
Korton; Yes I know it is not me, but if it were necessary to address a group of people that were of that nature and I wanted them to understand instead of being from on high as it were, first I would dress in a way that matched them and learn as much as possible about their environment so that I could relate. I would even possibly spend some time and learn how to surf so I could learn where they were coming from. I would interact with them in a way that I would be able to talk to them in their language and understand them as much as possible. This way they could understand where I am coming from which in turn creates the respect.
R; Excellent Korton, thank you very much.
Korton; You're welcome. Let me add to that. It is necessary to know where they are coming from so you can interact in a way that is equal to them.
R; I have one more question I would like to ask at this time.
Korton; Certainly.
R; When we where speaking of the future and the problems that would come about due to unrest, learning how to use a communication skill in dealing with people we might interact with then at this early stage might ease us through problems later. For example learning some Spanish or making friends in various walks of life might facilitate communication with them during a crisis.
Korton; I would think that would be self evident. OK, thank you, I will return.

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