As editors of this webpage, we now begin the
first of many monthly editorials. It comes from
myself and my twin soul on the base Karra and so we
speak from the heart about our views over this world
and the people out there keeping it free. Many
centuries ago, the people of Sirius made a
commitment to Earth to protect it and guide it on
it’s journey to higher consciousness. Since Sirius
worked with Ashtar Command, it became their
commitment also. That commitment also included a
clause on non-interference in that growth, much like
Star Trek’s prime directive. Other races not worried
about such things as non-interference would mold
this planet in their image of perfection without
regards to our right to exist without being
subjected to their implants and probes.
Hades Base opposes such interference
and wages what amounts to a daily war, both hot and
cold, where people die and risk their lives for us
as a planet, not just single nations. They’ll tell
you it’s just part of the job, but it’s a thankless
job with little recognition for it and more often
than not, disbelief in their very existence.
Hopefully, this webpage can enlighten a world
already burdened by it’s own struggles both
nationally and individually, that we are not alone
in growing consciously despite efforts of
governments with their own agendas to prove
otherwise. Someday we will join them as one of many
enlightened planets which can assist in the guiding
and growth of planets who would be in similar
situations we were in. For now, each of us as
individuals can do our part for Ashtar Command to
thank them for all the work they’ve done for us.
Tell a friend the truth that you find in your hearts
to believe, that each of us can make a difference in
the future of this planet. The communication of the
truth will grow until the hard work done by a small
handful of beings on our behalf becomes easier and
they can tell us in person…….
Thank you