Letter From The Editors

For February of 2025

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We would like to welcome you to your pre-life orientation to prepare you for your next incarnation. Time not being linear, we can understand how it seems like you just got here but it's been quite a while since your death. Trust us though, you have been hard at work and we're here to fill you in on what you have prepared for yourself. You may not remember the many past lives you viewed while preparing for your next life because the waiting period operates outside of the fourth dimension. Let's look at some of the parameters you have set for yourself. Now your case is special because you are transitioning from a higher dimension to a lower dimension and there are a number of things we're here to inform you of even though you won't remember any of this after your birth. This orientation is merely to place into your the etheric being a preview of what to expect. Your spiritual evolution will be based on what choices are made and this preview will give you some clues on what to choose after your birth.

To begin, you've reviewed the timelines of the Akashic records and have seen intersections of family and friends from your past lives and chose your parents a long time ago. Here are the details of the place you are to be born, the economic status of your parents as well as your race and sex. As you can see, everything you need for the tasks you have set yourself will be available in the beginning. Let's take a look at the choices you made which will have a great deal of bearing in learning your required lessons for Ascension back to your previous dimension. As a female, you will have challenges and advantages due to your previous incarnation as a male. That is lesson one. Starting off at a lower-class than most in your country should provide the experiences of poverty lacking in your last life. That is lesson two. The last lesson is in your Caucasian heritage of your parents. Your strong drive to succeed will need to be tempered with patience. Also, you won't be alone.

While nothing during your time here in the waiting period will be remembered, what you do take away with you are the instincts that will return in certain situations to help in your decision-making. You will of course have your guides who you have gotten to know throughout your time here and you can expect some new ones also that will help out in the background of your mind. Joining them will be those guides you will see as invisible friends for the first years of your life. You can expect them to manifest in whatever ways you work out with them to be there as your best friends until you began to get real best friends. They will help greatly with the transition between dimensions as you reorient yourself back into a third dimensional body once again. Your guides will help with keeping you on track of you ascension goals. Now let's look at why you are returning.

We know you have reviewed your motivation a million times already but that is what this orientation is about, ensuring that motivation gets acted on. We show you want to be on the ground on the lower dimension with the planetary changes expected as opposed to a higher dimension where you can spend your time gaining more wisdom. We want to make sure you understand your choice may lead to more than one life on the third dimension. As an immortal being, it's an insignificant fact but one that we wish to point out before the incarnation takes place. The collective consciousness of the planet Earth has been rising spiritually for number of years as humans turn to Christ consciousness and learning from higher dimensional sources such as Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. It is an opening for you to make a difference which is where your path lies. Go now, conception is taking place
In love, light and wisdom as one,
Russ and Karra
