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July, 2024 Edition

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Cente For

        Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.


   Welcome to The Hades Base News, a connecting point between the higher dimensional members of Ashtar Command and those of us here on third dimensional Earth. The recordings within represent nine years of channeling sessions with beings we came to know and love between 1992 and 2001. Our purpose is to assist in the ascension of humanity by offering one more path among many for those seeking a growth of consciousness.

Formally channeled by Mark Crocker and currently transcribed by Russ Hatfield, they present an undiluted source of information about our planet's past, present and future with a inside look at how we interact with the many races of beings who share our galaxy with us. While there are no more sessions or news from the base, the archives still have much to teach going forward. If you are new to the site, please visit the reception hall to get caught up.  


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(To be posted on 08/01 at 1:30 AM Pacific)


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Channeling Session Date:


The channeling session from the members of Ashtar Command for the month of July is notable for the clarity of the sound achieved by our engineers. With lots of teachings and revelations ahead, let's get started. Getting everything off to a start is Tia and she gets a question asked by me from Carrie who had a curious dream. It seems Tia visited her as a cat to work with her on some stuff in her dreams but is unable to tell us what it was, only to Carrie. Her, Kiri and Kiri's baby Alex, had just come from the pool and were still dripping wet apparently. One part of the conversation that might be confusing is the discussion about a white buffalo. That was a spirit animal that traveled with a visiting Deva. It turns out it and the Deva were confused with Mark channeling someone not of this world r even dimension. Karra takes over from that point we begin talking about the healing of our friend Carrie as she gives us suggestions to pass on such as using sunscreen and drink more fluids. Something she wants to try is the crystal elixirs I used to make to change her energies from down here. That brings up the subject of her being able to see the bones and organs through the flesh in a kind of astral travel sort of means. My only problem learning that was my issues with spooky skeletons. One sad part of our discussion is a reminder that we can't visit the base in person, only in our astral bodies due to the germs carried by the human body. We end with advancing the idea of using reflexology as a painkilling option for self-healing. Our last and main speaker of this side is the head of communications for Ashtar Command, Korton. We start off right away discussing the ascension process and he uses the analogy of golf to explain how each life, like each game, is learning what you take into the next game. With humanity and its ascension, he reminds me that there is a higher dimensional Earth waiting for the human race to ascend. What about the Earth though? What he confirms is that the earth has a consciousness and may want to die one day or at least take a rest. He also confirms that the reason I'm not feeling like an old soul is that a transition is possibly coming and my spirit is excited. Admittedly at sixty-four I feel like someone more like thirty-four. Some neighbors have been blasting music earlier and so we end this side on the lesson I will learn by teaching them a lesson about disturbing the neighborhood.

Without missing a beat, Korton picks up right where he left off by reminding me that someday the neighbors and myself may interact again as good friends. Maybe not in this life but one or two after this one. Our next subject we cover is how the ascension path includes lessons we don't have to experience personally. We thus avoiding the possible trauma if we examine the lesson in our minds from all different ways. What we discussed after that needs little bit of explaining. I had picked up the book "We the Arcturians" for some research. Coincidentally or not, an acquaintance of both Mark and myself stopped by and it just so happened and he knew about the Arcturians. Korton confirms that the brain is a communication device that sends and receives which may explain the sudden timing. He next gives us a demonstration on static electricity and even a method of how to store it for when it's needed. The last thing we discuss is how our reality is always splitting off into new realities without our noticing. Kiri is up next and from her we get an update on the work she had been doing on the neural scanner that connected the brains of the pilots to the ships through their helmets. She needed brains of various sizes so I volunteered since I was already part of a flight crew, if only in astral form. In an effort to help me see auras, Kiri manages to get her aura to override Mark's and I was able to confirm that I was able to see the pink showing through. Meanwhile, Mark was waiting outside the channeling room with their and Tia's children and so she has to give up the seat to her niece Alana. What we hear as she settled herself into the channeling field is her speaking dolphin as she did in the last channeling session we posted. The subject we start with is our daughter Miranda who has been slipping into both of our minds and affecting our dreams. Turns out she's developing her mental skills and so it's something to be encouraged. It looks like she'll be a healer communicator one day just like her father. I had just learned Alana's girlfriend's name which wasn't actually her name but something easier to understand than her real Sirian name. I was looking forward to having a conversation and this helped a lot. We end there and Tia comes on to finish things off. There isn't much tape left but what we cover is that someone Mark and I worked with at a local ski resort. Tia was expressing her negative opinions about how he had upset Mark and thus Tia. I let her know my observations and that they would be coming to any channeling sessions. We end with a question on if her home planet has chanting. It turns out just the ladies do as part of the priestess class. A great session with most of it very understandable due to the clarity of the tape.

This month's editorial is called "From Their Perspective".   

Nothing matters until we make it matter.