The following series of five
editorials focuses on the next dimension and
offers a realistic look at just some of the
elements helpful for those who want to know more
about what it involves. We call the series the
ascension journals because it has been the desire
from Karra and I to be on the same dimension at
some point in our future. While she has spent my
whole life doing her best to guide me in the right
direction, I have only had an active role in the
process since the age of eighteen. Funny enough,
it was crystals that started our journey so it is
only appropriate that they be the focus of this
first journal. Before we begin, there is a
question of perception that must be addressed.
Paging down through my Facebook news feed will
inevitably bring along a post about someone
predicting a change of dimensions any day without
a clear idea of what that will achieve. To bring
some clarity to the discussion, the entire eight
years of channeling sessions we have posted online
in the Hades Base News is all based on that
concept of meeting those who have actually
ascended. What it is like on a higher dimension?
What is expected of oneself once it is reached?
What are the best ways of leaving the third
dimension? We will answer the last question first
since it’s the easiest of the three. Simply put,
there is no best way and it is only through
learning enough lessons from living and dying
multiple times that ascension takes place in some
next life. Now getting there isn’t as hard as
people think and staying there isn’t as easy as
people think either. That last part, staying
there, and the two remaining questions above of
how to get there and what it's like are the focus
of these journals. Ascending to the next dimension
is only half of the goal with a lot more
information needed for those ready to change
dimensions. Now, onto crystals.
My foray into the
world of natural energies began during a class on
the Kabbalah I had taken which we have written
about in a previous editorial. The teacher of the
class explored various theories about the
Kabbalah, one of which was that it was so old it
was handed down from Atlantean teachers. From
there, she introduced us to the great crystals of
Atlantis and the various roles they played in the
continent’s mysterious history. Especially
fascinating to me were the tales of the healing
crystals that could perform miracles in treating
the ailments of the people when needed. That was
enough to spark my interest and I began to read up
on what the crystals of today could still do, if
only on a smaller scale. Efforts to attain
crystals of my own were not as easy in the
seventies since rock and gem stores were not yet a
thing except in personal collections and Amazon
was just the name of a river in Brazil. That is
what led me into taking a trip out to Santa Monica
where a lady there had a number of crystals that
she advertised for sale. Indeed she did and I was
amazed at the variety and amount of rocks and
crystals she had scattered about the main room as
you entered. She could tell my interest was great
so she devoted several hours to giving me a lesson
in what was obviously a topic she could spend
several days discussing. We went over record
keepers, phantom quartz, healing crystals, energy
crystals as well as some other types lying around
like amethyst and rose quartz. For me, this was
all I had been reading about and it was clear this
was important information I felt a pull to learn.
I bought a couple of energy crystals and an
amethyst cluster to get started though she wasn’t
quite done with me. She had a rule when selling
crystals to make sure they went to a good home and
would be cared for after they arrived. She taught
her customers how to clean and energize their
crystals which is what she did with me plus adding
a free lesson in crystal awareness so that I could
bond with my crystals. It has been a lesson that I
continue to exercise whenever the spirit (or
Karra) moves me to keep up the skill.
She explained about
natural energies, the aura, and how crystals were
built around a six-sided quartz matrix which was
how they were able to store the various forms of
energy. She then ran her hand just above my arm
and said it was so she could demonstrate being
able to feel the energy of a person’s aura. She
next instructed me to do the same over her arm and
she was right, I could feel an invisible force
inches above her arm. Next, she laid out a crystal
she said she had charged while explaining that
energy could be felt from the crystal if one tuned
out all distractions except the crystal. To
demonstrate, she had me close my eyes while she
changed the position of the crystal. Keeping my
eyes closed, I swept my hand over the space above
the crystal and could feel heat in one spot I
passed over with a coldness on both sides. Sure
enough, the crystal was directly below my hand.
She did it again with a different crystal and I
found that the reverse was true, there was a chill
as my hand passed over that particular spot. That
trip to Santa Monica sparked a love affair with
crystals that has stayed strong throughout the
decades. I still practice the technique she showed
me to maintain that sensitivity and to those still
yet to learn about the family of crystals and
their energies I would suggest trying your own
experiment. Find any quartz crystal laying around,
charged or uncharged, and set it in front of you.
Putting your hand over your crystal, close your
eyes and see if you feel an energy an inch or two
from where it sits. Still can’t feel the energy?
Run your hand a few inches above your arm to
become familiar with the natural energy of your
aura. Now return to the crystal and try again to
feel its energy. Once you do, continue to leave
your eyes closed and move your hand to find the
crystal again just from that energy it radiates.
The last section of this and the next
four editorials is to explain higher dimensional
life experienced by those on the base and Sirius
to how it relates to the subject at hand. For this
first look, we will focus on life on Hades Base, a
place far from Sirius. That is the homeworld for
most of those who have volunteered to help in the
ascension of those of us on Earth looking beyond
the third dimension. As if in anticipation of this
editorial, my life partner and bond-mate Karra,
gives an excellent description of home life on the
base in the latest channeling session for August.
Learning about dust, stains, and dirt being sucked
out of the furniture to be recycled would be
something out of our science fiction but for them,
it is just how things get clean. Some choose not
to take advantage of the technology in favor of
cleaning their apartments by themselves while
others choose the automation. In all things, the
responsibility is on those making the choice on
which option to use. Such systems would not be out
of reach on this planet, nor would the ability to
solve many of mankind’s problems if there was a
unified goal. In a previous channeling session,
Karra related one way in which crystals are used
in the healing techniques on the base. When they
have a broken arm or leg, they will incorporate
crystals into the cast to speed up the healing.
The original colonists in Atlantis were from
Sirius and again we come back to where we started.
Many people incarnating now on this planet
possibly spent one life or more at some point
breathing its air. So it may be that the
memory of crystals is calling to us through the
ages, wishing to share again in the exchange of
energies that would only be to the benefit of all.
So many kinds of energy, so many kinds of
crystals. When sharing energies with a crystal,
you begin to know and understand it better.
Conversely, the more a crystal shares with you, it
begins to get to know and understand you better so
that a friendship is born.