THE NEXT EARTH- Channeled 10/19/99

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2015 Archives

Archivist Notes: This month's podcast is named from a innocuous comment from Karra while discussing our race's ascension to our next evolutionary achievement. A higher dimensional existence or taking on the challenge of an earth not yet populated but waiting those ready to start life on a higher dimensional version of our planet existing in the same space as the one around us. While the subject of a sixth dimensional earth had been discussed with more detail in previous sessions, this was the first podcast where it had come up in a discussion.

   Omal gets the session started with a recap of world events hitting the news and how the photon cloud may have played some part. That gets expanded into the growing isolationist movement within the United States at at that time and how it hadn't worked out so well for the countries that had embraced that stance. It is the disrupting of the information flow that is the problem to be avoided and spoken out against should that happen as it would be counterproductive to the topic of the session. More on the photon cloud is covered as well as the ozone layer and how civilizations flourished or faded based on the cycles of weather or external factors that have have brought about their collapse. Kiri gets her part of the session going with a correlation between the age of the pyramids and Sphinx and when civilization began some 10,000 years ago in Egypt. It is the second half of her talk where she goes in-depth on how guides work with the person they are guiding, including bringing in another guide to shake things up if needed. The lifespan difference between humans and Sirians brings to light one obstacle they face in progressing to the 7th dimension. An enlightening end to the first half of the session.  

    Kiri continues on side two discussing the time we spend on the planet and looking at from the perspective of being really long lived yet without the benefit of being able to look back on all our lives as those on the sixth dimension can. Her son Leonedies, a super operant, answers questions about the upcoming conferences between the races with contact with humanity. One of the main points brought up was regarding the selection of a representative from Sirius and those who would represent the earth. His visits were always designed to keep the conference on track and the loss of the planned site for the talks needed a replacement venue. Karra gives us a look at our future while going over the qualifications of an earth representative for the conferences. While those ready to progress to the sixth dimension may choose to incarnate on a sixth dimensional world, there will come a time were enough will be ready to initiate the next earth. She brings up as well the challenges we'll face but how worth it it will be for the benefits to come.

KIRI Ring Mistress MARK (Channel)
OMAL RUSS (Archivist)



2.)(7:27)- Leonedies gets into the conference preparations as the site where they had been planned to take place was no longer available.

3.)(18:11)- Karra reminds us of a higher dimensional earth waiting for the time when there are enough individuals ready for the transition to a world waiting to receive them.

Part 1 Listen to this episode (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 43:04 min. - File type: mp3

Part 2 Listen to this episode (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 38:48 min. - File type: mp3



(Omal comes on as the first speaker)

Omal: greetings and felicitations.

Russ: greetings Omal.

Omal: greetings Russ, greetings Skip.

Skip: good evening Omal.

Omal: okay, how is everything?

Russ: spectacular.

Omal: and how are you doing Skip?

Skip: great but I’m getting better.

Omal: that is good. Okay, let us get down to business and start discussing upcoming events and occurrences and also past events. We will start in the past and proceed into the present and then finally, hopefully into the future. Okay, first of all let’s go over the past three weeks and the occurrences that have happened within those last three weeks. Let us travel back a little bit further to approximately a year ago when a similar spate of communiqués were released with the various situations going on in other parts of the world and some also being similar parts of the world. It appears to be a cycle that takes place in early September and goes right through getting progressively worse until it gets the point where it becomes necessary to monitor. As we have seen this year compared to last year, this is far worse. In previous years it appears to be a continual trend on an upward level of aggressive actions, political unrest, social and economic unrest and also planetary unrest. The reasons why the planetary crusts and shifts occur more frequently in the later part of your year is as you approach closer to the Sun on the cycle which during your winter you’re actually closer to the Sun than you are during the summer. The pull seems to be more intense at this time. The photon cloud certainly has played a part in this and it seems to me that the increased gravitational effects have been more pronounced recently. This is also part of, if you study closely, you will notice that this plays very much into sunspot cycles. Also the effect of these earthquakes do have a social and economic nature attached to them making the struggle even harder. You will notice in manufacturing parts of your world an increase in prices. If you look at various events going on right now in the present, you’ll notice that there has been a lot of precipitation activity in North Carolina, first of all from hurricane Floyd and now from hurricane or tropical storm Irene has dumped a lot of water on these producing areas which in turn has an economic effect which would be?

Russ: higher prices.

Omal: that is correct which in turn puts a burden on the production and the retail side. So you see the problem. Now moving a little bit into the future, we see as the winter gets more closer in the northern hemisphere, that there will be more concentration on survival as opposed to unrest. For example, this time of year, Chechnya is becoming cool, the nights are definitely getting longer, the temperatures are getting colder. It’s a very mountainous terrain and therefore as winter gets near the fighting will taper off however, before that arrives there will be some big pushes. It seems to me that Tia’s analyzing what occurred and saying that she was incorrect in that it was the rebels that had caused the problem…..that it was the Russians that caused the problem and she corrected herself by saying that that was incorrect and it was a small minority that was causing problems for a large majority. What appears to be happening now is unfortunately Russia is attacking a small minority in trying to stabilize the area and in doing so unfortunately the majority is being harmed by both sides. Now there is a situation occurring in Belarus at this time where a more of a shall we say a old-style Soviet dictator is jockeying for position and power and could actually present some serious problems. He is trying to reunify with Russia into a greater Russia so that it would give him more influence and power and the dictator is a little I hesitate to say dangerous but certainly somebody that is worth watching and it’s very reminiscent of the early Soviet Union under such people as Lenin and Stalin. That is something that is worth watching. Last week there was also a comment made by Mme. ambassador (Karra) in regards to a possible isolationist movement occurring within the United States. That is a possibility but one at this time that needs to be downplayed but watched carefully for that movement. At the moment we do not see anybody strongly suggesting an isolationist movement but if that was to occur, and that is a possibility, it would be something that would be a benefit in a very, very short run and in the long run would be very detrimental to the United States even possibly leading up to a breakup of the United States which again would be very unuseful for a global society and economy. However, we do not see that as a strong potential, just something very minor and worth looking out for and maybe if necessary becoming very vocal in your capacities against this and not leading a charge but certainly getting the word out there against a isolationist movement. In the past any country that has isolated itself in the short term it has benefited it but in the long term it has been very harmful. To give a few examples, the Peoples Republic of China is one example, another example is Japan and finally the Soviet Union. The isolationists tend to end up being more backward in the long run. Okay, having covered the past, the present and the future, let us open up for discussion.

Russ: okay, the situation happening in Chechnya…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: how does that differ from the situation that happened between Indonesia and Timor?

Omal: it differs in the fact that it is a totally A, different setup, you have a area where a lot of damage has been done by a very small minority of individuals to an external power. I have not seen a small group of individuals attacking Indonesia from East Timor. Conversely it has been the opposite in East Timor that it has been the larger area attacking a small minority……or majority in that area but a minority overall. So they are two totally opposites.

Russ: but prior to that before this current problem back when Russia was trying to quell Chechnya’s bid for independence where there weren’t anything like movements into Russia to actually to use terrorist actions there, Chechnya was just a smaller power that was basically a former part of Russia but still considered a protectorate and then they wished to be completely independent of all kind of rule from Russia and set out to make a stance about that.

Omal: unfortunately Chechnya is one of these areas where I hate to use the term backward but they are certainly not in an ideal position to be able to be independent from an area which is very beneficial for it. It is a shortsightedness that is national pride which is certainly a good thing to have but to be aware that for a better and greater area, they certainly should be protected and looked after and trade, not necessarily in commodities but trade in all sorts of possibilities with someone such as the Soviet Union.

Russ: hmmm, and Timor of course is now I guess the world’s newest nation.

Omal: and one that is unfortunately not very capable of supporting itself independently from Indonesia.

Russ: correct which brings me to that point I had just brought up.

Skip: it doesn't have the economic power.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: yeah.

Skip: hmm.

Russ: going to be propped up by world governments until it can actually get itself on its own feet which might never happen.

Omal: exactly.

Skip: that’s what I was looking at, yeah it may never happen.

Russ: so I’m wondering how much of a wise move it was for anybody to really rock the boat, especially Indonesia and its efforts. I think could have been done a little more diplomatically to maintain Timor’s dependence on Indonesia.

Omal: unfortunately it is something that when somebody sees the opportunity to be independent, "we can be our own country", national pride is something very powerful and has caused many problems in the past. If you look at some of these nations that have had great national pride within themselves, they have normally ended up in deep trouble. If you look at your history, you can see many instances of that and people do not learn from those historical instances. A lot of people do not even know the history of those.

Russ: well I’m sure it’s not restricted to just this planet.

Omal: no unfortunately, it seems to be a condition of the third dimensional life form.

Russ: unfortunately I have to assume that would be correct. Until we get to that higher dimension where we can understand that all is all, we're still stuck with independence and I am me and you are you. Okay, oh oh Skip, let me go and pass the ball over to you for a few.

Skip: do what?

Russ: do you have any questions?

Skip: no, no, no. I’m just listening.

Russ: okay. Now in the isolationist movement Karra talked about America and staying out of things, isn't the question more or less though even if there was an isolationist movement that due to the Internet and the greater communications available to people that you can’t really maintain an isolationist movement due to the fact of the amount of information coming in from the world would pretty much incense enough people to stifle any movement that might be started?

Omal: no, it is very easy to cut Internet access from the outside the world to an area. You saw that very recently what happens when a important communication center is made inactive.

Russ: what, Faxdave. (?)

Omal: no I’m talking about yesterday’s incident.

Russ: oh, where Microsoft went down.

Omal: now imagine if it was deliberately set up that telephone communications could not get into your country. Would you have an Internet external after that?

Russ: I don't know, isn’t there also a satellite system that's set up?

Omal: certainly and satellite transmissions can be very easily blocked.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: they could jam that.

Omal: very easily.

Skip: that can be jammed okay?

Omal: so therefore it is something that would be very easy and if people were being monitored or major leaders were being monitored, they could be manipulated in a way that they would receive erroneous information that would be altered as it were, it is very easy to do.

Russ: hmm okay.

Skip: in other words you could coerce a nation.

Omal: very easily, it is the Internet on that side is more dangerous than if you were having information coming in through the Internet, all's you have to do is alter it slightly and it serves your purpose.

Skip: changes its whole meaning.

Omal: correct, a few choice words here, a few choice words there and things would change as Skip pointed out their meanings totally.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: just like, can I make a personal example?

Omal: but certainly.

Skip: have you ever been in class when they have what they call 'pass a whisper'?

Russ: huh-huh.

Skip: when the teacher whispers something to the front student and it’s passed all through the class and by the time it gets back, it ain’t nothing near what was said to begin with?

Omal: I believe a good example would be an incident in the First World War where I believe it was a US Marine force was about to attack Belleau Woods and the order was whispered down the line, “send for reinforcements, we’re about to advance.” By the time it got halfway down the line, it was, “send two and four pence, we’re going to a dance.”

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: so it is very easy to do.

Skip: people do not repeat what they hear, they repeat what they think they heard.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: okay, let us progress, let us answer more questions please.

Russ: okay, you mentioned the photon cloud and that's something that we haven’t really dealt with in a long time but it’s something since you brought it up, worthy to explore just a little bit.

Omal: okay.

Russ: at that time when we last discussed it we were on the fringes of it and it’s been approximately about a year since then that we discussed it….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and I’m curious as to how much of that cloud are we starting to really fully get into now?

Omal: you’re starting to see more denser patches, you’re still certainly very much on the fringe of it but it is certainly more further in than you were last year and therefore like a cloud where you first get into the fringes and it is very light and wispy and you can still see around you, you’re now into patches where it is more dense and you cannot see out of but a few moments pass and you're into a more wispy area progressing into a more denser area.

Russ: okay, as such, the results and changes that might occur because of this?

Omal: I believe we covered them pretty extensively when we were discussing it about a year ago when we initially started discussing it.

Russ: I was going to use it on the website, I can’t remember what I wrote down now.

Omal: ahh, you do not have shall I say long-term memory?

Russ: I only have short-term memory.

(Skip chuckles)

Omal: ahh, I see humor going backwards and forwards. Okay, more questions please?

Skip: yeah, yeah, yeah I have one. We have destroyed or punched a hole in our own ionosphere…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: I've heard reports from different sources within the last six, eight months that it’s slowly closing itself back up, is this true?

Omal: that is correct.

Skip: okay, then that means that the Freon isn’t being discharged like it was years ago?

Omal: that is correct.

Skip: okay, all right, I just wanted to verify that.

Omal: now something that I may add to that is that the ozone does regenerate itself. Ozone at a lower level is a health problem, high up it is a protectorate. So the ozone that you generate that adds into such things as smog is actual fact something that is being generated and repaired. However there is a natural cycle involving the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica, it will decrease and increase. For your species to be concerned about it is very wise to be concerned about it however the knowledge that you have of the natural cycle of the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica only covers maybe 30 years, 40 years at most. So you really don’t know the cycle and the long-term effects that are being attributed to the ozone layer. Now too much ozone in your atmosphere is again a problem. Do you know what happens if you have too much ozone in your upper atmosphere?

Skip: it probably replaces the oxygen.

Omal: up at that altitude that is not a problem.

Skip: oh okay.

Omal: you do not go that high.

Skip: okay.

Russ: start to block solar radiation more?

Omal: it does the opposite, it traps it.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: oh, that’s why we’re getting the UV rays heavier, heavier.

Omal: because it is again part of the natural cycle.

Skip: uh-hmm.

Omal: it gets thicker and denser and then it thins out and moves around and there are quite a few different things that go on with the ozone layer that you’re not fully aware of. As I stated, you have at most 40 years worth of knowledge on what the ozone actually does.

Skip: in other words, it acts like a magnifier……excuse me, I didn’t mean to…..

Omal: oh certainly.

Skip: it acts like a magnifier.

Omal: in one way yes.

Skip: huh, okay that makes sense.

Omal: just as you start to name phenomena using Latin names, I don’t mean you personally but I mean your local scienity. Such things as El Niño and La Niña are pretty new terms in your vocabulary that until recently weren’t understood or even named so you had four dry years of extremely dry weather where you had a drought. Conversely you had a number of years where you had a wet period and high precipitation. These are not new phenomena, they’re just old names being revised to replace phenomena that was, “okay it was a bad winter, it was a good winter, it was a dry winter, it was a wet winter.” Now it is looked upon as new terminology and something worth studying.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: inventing new words for old terms.

Omal: more old terms, the El Niño and La Niña are terms that were introduced by the Hispanics when they came from Spain into the new....what you call the New World.

Skip: uh-huh, we are the New World yeah.

Omal: so it is something that if you were...if the indigenous aboriginals of your area had kept written records of climate, temperature, precipitation and so on, you would see a very distinct and definite pattern after all. A lot of the civilizations that have been around, if their records had survived, you would have two, 3,000 years worth of records which would give you a very interesting pattern that would be worth studying and analyzing and seeing the regular cycles. Those cycles are not clockwork regular but they are within five years of a cycle which over two to three thousand years, is fairly regular. Okay, any more questions?

Russ: uh-huh. Since we’re on cycles, one quick question on that is, are we at the point of a cycle where had we better records we can keep more track of this but through the civilizations since the dawn of man where social phenomenon, I mean natural phenomena set off social pressures that have either increased or decreased the population’s ability to deal with it where you see civilizations go under or build up due to natural phenomenon and the pressures held back by that. Are we like unconsciously or subconsciously feeling those pressures again as the cycle reaches its point?

Omal: certainly, certainly. If you had extensive records for the last let us say 5,000 years of natural events, space events, solar events, you would see that there is a definite cycle and civilizations either flourish or become extinct on how they handle those events. If you were to take something like the events of Atlantis, you would see that there are certainly very interesting cycles that a civilization if it survives becomes much, much stronger. Conversely, if the civilization is hit by it and is weakened, eventually the civilization fades away and becomes extinct. They’re not just natural phenomenon. If you take for example the Incan Empire, as soon as they had contact with the Western world, they had serious problems and eventually it became an extinct civilization.

Russ: couldn’t handle the pressure. Then what about with Rome with like say Pompeii? Pompeii happened just about the last part of Rome.

Omal: yes that certainly had an interesting factor in it. It happened in I believe 75 A.D. which definitely wasn’t the end of Rome.

Russ: right.

Omal: Rome flourished for another couple hundred years. The rot that was causing the problem for Rome had already started at that point, this was just a factor that occurred and caused problems later on. Certainly there were a number of very prominent and well-to-do individuals that were caught in both the catastrophe at Pompeii and Herculaneum which did play a part in the more widespread corruption that developed later on.

Russ: hmm, okay. Well done, thank you. Thanks Omal.

Omal: not a problem. No more questions?

Skip: no.......

Russ: no.

Skip: not for me, thank you.

Omal: okay, live long, prosper and, I will be back.

(Kiri takes over as ring mistress.)

Russ: definitely worth studying, phenomena what we do know of from records that have been discovered and civilizations beginning or ending shortly thereafter.

Skip: well from what I understand is astrologers that are studying these stars and what’s going on in the universe are coming up with a lot more history than they have before.

Russ: hmmm, you mean like what place where the stars were at when a civilization was rising or falling?

Skip: yes, yes, yes. See because some of the lights from the stars are still there even though the star is gone because it’s millions and millions of light-years away so the light is still there but the star could possibly be gone.

Russ: hmm, interesting.

Skip: okay? So they're.......with the new computers and new telescopes that are being satellited, they’re coming up with more and more and more’s amazing how much information they're coming up with. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Kiri: oh that’s quite all right, quite all right. Actually you brought up a very good point that I happen to have a little bit of an interest in……you’re going to love this one Russ. There is a theory on your planet that the pyramids are obviously older than they actually are and so is the Sphinx.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: this is because a theory is going around from a tomb that was discovered a little bit earlier than the pyramids that has a landscape picture of the River Nile and overhead is in alignment is the Magellan cloud.

Russ: hmmm.

Kiri: and within the picture of the landscape is a construction, a very early construction of a great pyramid.

Russ: great pyramid?

Kiri: and……

Russ: thought it looked almost like a swampy area too.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: which is definitely not holding up with when the pyramids were said to have been built which would be a dry, deserty area.

Kiri: uh-huh and, if you do the maths and run the computer simulations which has been done, you would find that to have that exact alignment of the Magellan cloud and Orion....or what’s the......Osiris are lined up in the configuration that they have it would be much, much earlier than previously thought, considerably earlier.

Russ: well that would explain the water runoff onto the Sphinx which definitely points to a much wetter climate then when it was built.

Kiri: which puts it at current….

Russ: or survived.

Kiri: wait for the number……..puts it current 12,000 years for that particular alignment to have occurred.

Russ: 12,000 years BC?

Kiri: no, from now.

Russ: from now.

Kiri: well from the eclipse.

Russ: year 10,000.

Kiri: 10,000 BC.

Russ: BC, 10,000 BC was before any known civilization was upon this planet.

Skip: not anymore.

Kiri: uh-uh, Skip’s quite correct.

Skip: not anymore.

Kiri: they now have proof that there was a civilization in Egypt that was developed, very developed 10,000 years ago.

Russ: I hadn’t heard of that yet.

Skip: didn’t they just find…..oh mercy…..I got to stop and think, didn’t they just find a petrified person that is 50,000 years old at right at the present and this was just discovered less than a month ago?

Kiri: it is very possible that they have discovered another one. There was the famous gentlemen discovered in the Alps that was estimated to be 8,000 and had a very extensive herbal knowledge.

Russ: hmmm.

Skip: hmmm.

Kiri: but that was quite a few years ago.

Russ: 50,000, that puts it……

Skip: that puts it way back there.

Russ: so that puts it back at Atlantis.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: pretty close to it, yeah.

Russ: which would be…..that wouldn't be an Atlantian, that would be an indigenous species of the planet at that point.

Skip: yeah because that wasn’t discovered on the coast, any of the coasts, it was discovered inland and I think if I’m not mistaken, it was discovered in North America in Canada.

Russ: well 50,000 years ago, North America was much different than it is now.

Skip: well yeah.

Kiri: there was a land bridge.

Skip: there was no Atlantic.

Russ: oh yeah there was.

Skip: no there wasn’t.

Russ: 10,000 years ago? Sure there was.

Skip: it was part of Europe.

Russ: no it wasn’t Pangaea, Pangaea broke up 50 million years ago.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: oh a lot longer ago than that.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: okay, let us see what mischief we can create. Okay, spirituality, where were we last time we talked? We were dealing with the spiritual side of guides and the development of the gentle prodding, the gentle directional control. The slow, gentle guiding hence the term guides, ability of a guide. Okay, now having talked to my grandmother and she again is very hesitant and reticent to give us any definite yes or no's because of the nature of her monastic life and the nature of the business that she’s in or as she put it, the nature of the beast, there are certain things that she obviously would not disclose to us.

(Kiri and Karra's grandmother is a nun high up in the mountains of Sirius and communicates with guides and those on the other side as needed)

Kiri: but guides seem to serve more than just coaxing and pointing and advising and prodding for action or a particular pathway, there is almost a symbiotic relationship between the host or the guidee from the guide. But yes, one does need the other, it is a mutual symbiotic relationship that both have. Certainly there are times where a guide will gain as much knowledge and experience from one individual and move on to another or where an individual no longer is cooperative or manipulative to the actions of a guide. There has to be a certain amount of similarity and personal behaviors between the guide and the guidee. This is because if you have two totally, radically, different personalities, they cannot work together for a mutual beneficial advancement. So that a guide that is temporally there as an antagonistic influence is there purely to push somebody in an opposite direction at the request of another guide so that the antagonistic nature forces the person to go in the direction that the guide that is more permanent wishes that individual to go by using the antagonistic attitude of a guide that has a more opposite attitude and persona than the person being guided. I can see that's opened up a can of worms.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: okay…..

Russ: is signs of guiding others in our physical world a sign that we’ll be a good guide or a guide in our afterlife?

Kiri: not necessarily, not necessarily. Sometimes guides are purely working with just the living, that is all they are interested in, that is all that they need to learn. There are guides that as you progress and become older are more both. So it really depends on the individual. There are incidences where guides will hand over at the point of departure from one group of guides to another group of guides but a majority of it is as you progress later into life you have guides that are there for the crossover, for the departure.

Russ: I don’t think I got that question right, maybe reword it maybe. If for example I like working with someone in like a school kid or something for example……

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I want to help them out to learn how to become a better adult and so on and so forth or I go to retirement homes and help out the elderly and maybe teach them various skills like computers or something like that, is this a sign that when I die, I would naturally progress toward being a guide for someone who is living?

Kiri: not necessarily, not necessarily. You could be setting yourself up for that certainly but there again you could also be equally be giving a gift of knowledge.

Russ: like the pilot part that we were discussing.

Kiri: uh-huh but actually doing it physically.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: whilst being able to do it more strongly than if you were in a guiding capacity.

Russ: I see.

Kiri: oh I got to watch both of those, the one about the World War II pilot and…..

('A Guy Named Joe')

Russ: oh, oh, oh, 'Always' and the whatever one Mark was talking about….

Kiri: yeah I got to watch both of them.

Russ: how did you like 'Always'?

Kiri: it was okay, I like the one a little better.

Russ: really?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: hmm, I haven’t seen of other one so I can't tell you.

Kiri: it has more meaning, it’s more out to save a life.

Russ: oh, I really like Richard Dreyfuss so....

Kiri: uh-huh, I thought he was funny but it’s a little bit confusing in spots how they portray the guide of a guide.

Russ: oh you mean....yeah what's that lady’s name where?....yeah right, I got it.

Kiri: uh-huh, the time, it gives a distortion of time.

Russ: right.

Russ: and as such we don’t really have much of that concept to look back on our history like when we talk about the pyramids being built at an earlier age and such....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: we have no way how to really grasp how many tens of thousands of years have passed since even the earliest known parts of Egypt.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: even the pharaohs, the pharaohs whole time period, incomprehensible for us to really even grasp much less you even try to shoot for the dinosaurs.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: well what do they figure, 5,000 years? For the Pharaohs?

Russ: yeah.

Skip: some 5,000 years?

Russ: right. For me, I can’t think that far back but yet here were talking about instances in civilizations rising up 10,000 years ago which is twice that.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I can’t grasp that kind of time span.

Kiri: well the thing is that when you don’t have the long life expectancy, yeah a hundred years is a long time, a 1,000 years is a hell of a long time. For us, that's like 10,000 years. To look back on a race that is 10,000 years old, that is a long time for us. A 1,000 years, the average life expectancy is somewhere between 850 to 900 years, that’s a long time for you, for us, it’s a lifetime.

Skip: yeah, for us it’s incomprehensible.

Russ: yeah, we can’t think that far.

Skip: we can’t think that far because we’re talking about our lifespan is one tenth of that amount.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: we're like candles burning brightly.

Skip: and they go out quicker.

Russ: and they go out quicker.

Kiri: which yeah brings us back to the Sirian problem of the dwelling, the thinking because we do have the time and to us time is a concept of, "well, we've got between 850 to 900 years, no hurry, why hurry?" And that takes that in itself is a problem whereas for you the other problem is that you don’t have enough time to achieve everything.

Skip: we're racing around to get it done.

Kiri: uh-huh, which is something that happens to us later in life when we realize that time is starting to run short. Yeah, by being a race that is known for its dwelling and contemplating, it’s certainly been a problem for us. It’s something that until I think we as a race address that problem, we won’t progress higher. That for us is our learning lesson in the sixth dimension whereas yours is learning to be spiritually active in a third dimension, the sixth dimension is definitely learning to realize that there is a time where you do have to hurry and a time where you don’t have to hurry or it is a matter of finding that equal balance whereas for you, you don’t have that 850, 900 years leeway time, you have at most maybe a 100, a 110 years.

Russ: that’s what I like about these channeling sessions, is that we're both helping each other grasp those concepts because we're in so much interaction we're working with here plus our twin soul mind linkup that we have of course helps us immensely.

Kiri: oh immensely yes but for us our guides are just as aware of the time difference and the dwelling difference. For us they are of a much higher frequency than are for you. So that the development is very different for our guides as opposed to your guides.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: now if you take somebody that lives in the now, in the moment, take for example Sarah. She lived very much once she was free and realized what was going on, she lived in the now. She knew there was the possibility of no tomorrow and the past had been so radically altered and changed for her, that it was very difficult for her to look to the future so she lived in the now. One of the problems that if you look at people of great age in our planet and on your planet, let me take a couple steps backwards here for a second. First of all, a new child or a child lives in the tomorrow, always in the tomorrow. There is no past for a child, everything that has happened in the past is hearsay for that child so it lives in the now and the tomorrow. As you get older, there is a past so you draw a little bit in the past of the good old days or, "remember when we were younger, remember this?" But you also live in the now and the future because tomorrow you have to get up and go to work and take care of the necessary needs for tomorrow. But as you get progressively older, it becomes more of the past than the future and the now until finally and especially if you have a life expectancy of a race such as ours, you dwell a lot in the past. If you take somebody such as our sleeping tree, (Treebeard) he lives a lot in the past but still has the one important thing that keeps him going of the quest for knowledge.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: I mean there is more of yesterday for him then there is of tomorrow.

Skip: I think that same thing holds true with our 3-D existence.

Kiri: oh yes, very much so, I……




(Kiri starts side two by picking up from side one where she left off)

Skip: ........just, I hit what we call a stagnant point.

Kiri: uh-huh, it is something that is very common in any species that has a mortality factor that when you reach the point of that you no longer desire to learn, you no longer desire to proceed with tomorrow, then it is certainly the start of the time to depart. As long as you keep looking to tomorrow and the now, certainly dwelling in the past is good because from the past, what do you learn?

Skip: the experience…..

Kiri: keeps you alive.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: you know that if you go outside after showering on a cold winter's day, you’re going to get sick, you may even die on a really cold day.

Skip: I have a question darling.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: a person that has passed their halfway point in their particular existence….

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: if they continue to teach, they're also learning correct?

Kiri: that’s correct.

Skip: and by doing that, they're prolonging their own existence.

Kiri: uh-huh. Now Skip, here’s a question, do you think you’ve passed your halfway point?

Skip: yeah I'd say so.

Kiri: maybe you haven’t, maybe you're going to live to be a 130.

Skip: well it’s not likely but it’s possible.

Kiri: it’s possible, it’s possible, you don’t know.

Skip: no I don't.

Kiri: you could defy all the odds and live to be a 130.

Skip: oh yeah.

Russ: medical science comes around and gives you a new cure to extend your lifetime.

Skip: rejuvenate me. (laughs)

Kiri: exactly, exactly. You honestly can’t say that you've have passed the halfway point.

Skip: well in our current existence and current beliefs and current scientific revelations, yes I have passed my halfway point.

Kiri: no, you may have, you may have. You may actually live to be 130.

Skip: well like I say, it’s possible

Kiri: it’s possible so you don’t really know.

Skip: no I don’t know, there’s no way of me knowing.

Kiri: exactly.

Skip: but I consider myself past halfway okay?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: that doesn’t mean I’m going to kick off tomorrow, I don’t mean it that way.

Kiri: no but you can always keep on telling yourself, “maybe I am going to live to be 130.

Skip: well I figure about 130.

Kiri: think of the wonderful things that you could see, think of the wonderful things that you could teach, think of the experiences.

Skip: well darling, actually I never thought I'd make it to 30 let alone 130.

Kiri: well there you go, you see? Okay but what I’m…..

Skip: yeah I understand.

Kiri: is that we really don’t know. I mean you could honestly live to be 130 or 140 so therefore you cannot say that you’ve passed your halfway point.

Skip: well even at 130, I’ve got to the halfway point.

Kiri: uh-huh, not quite.

Skip: well right…..

Kiri: yeah just over.

Skip: yeah, just...

Kiri: okay, 140. You don't know, you don't know.

Skip: you keep stretching it out there baby.

Kiri: you really don’t know.

Skip: no I don’t know, no nobody does.

Kiri: maybe you have enough Sirian blood to make it to 850? Wouldn't that be a shock?

(from a life with Kiri prior to this one)

Russ: well now here’s a concept, the fact that we do die and reborn and die and reborn, we really are immortal so time difference as far as that goes is something we have to take into the fact that well this is merely our current period of awareness but we’ve got more current periods of awareness ahead of us forever and ever and ever.

Kiri: yes exactly but the thing is that the condition of the third dimension is you don’t remember the past.

Skip: that’s it exactly, see we have no concept of what happened in our past.

Kiri: occasionally you see glimpses in dreams or emotions and thoughts and so on.

Skip: right but we can’t continue.

Kiri: no.

Skip: in other words, when we lay aside this body or existence or whatever, this lifetime and go to the next one, we can’t continue experience wise into the next life.

Kiri: no you can’t.

Skip: we can’t take it with us.

Kiri: no unfortunately.

Skip: our knowledge, our experience, our education. We do take parts of it, don’t misunderstand me.....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: it’s just like we talked about this before a couple years ago I believe.....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: where did I get my mechanical ability?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: my dad couldn’t…didn't know one end of a screwdriver or hammer from the other. My mother was not a mechanic, she was a farmer.

Kiri: uh-huh, no short term memory loss there is there?

Skip: yeah, where did I get my mechanical ability to walk into any situation, take it apart, repair it, put it back together and make it work?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: well the point is our memories are locked inside of us.

Skip: well true but you still can’t call them up.

Russ: but I wonder if somehow, someday we'll be able to figure out a way to do so to where you’re born, you get to a certain age and suddenly they put you in a machine, the machine reawakens all your memories from your past and suddenly you’ve got all this experience and you go on to the next part like the Dalai Lama.

Skip: the only way that I could foresee that becoming into an existence would be to record your memories from your particular body before you schuck it off.

Russ: yeah but how do you get them back once you come forward?

Skip: well they’d have to be recorded and this has been science fiction for many years about recording a person’s memories and experiences and replacing them in that person when they come into existence again but you would have to know where that person is going to go in their next existence.

Russ: right that’s the trick.

Kiri: uh-huh, that's the trick.

Skip: that’s their trick.

Russ: thus the Dalai Lama like I mentioning, that’s how they do it.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: they find, they have all these tests to find where that person…

Skip: has gone to.

Russ: incarnates into in his next life and then that person is given a certain amount of or given certain rituals that he goes through to reawaken those memories and then he remembers all those other past lives as Dalai Lamas to aid him in this life now.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: okay.

Skip: thank you sweetheart.

Kiri: no problem, I’ll be back. Don’t forget, I’ve got the tight shorts on and the waistcoat and the whip and the tall hat.

Russ: good.

(Leonedies follows his mom as the next speaker)

Leonedies: greetings and felicitations and welcome. Okay, we’re getting down to business and we’re starting discussions and looking at personnel possibly happening soon for the upcoming discussions leading to the conferences. I am making myself available at this time again to be able to answer questions in a way that will facilitate a beginning to the discussions necessary for the lead up to the conferences. Okay, let me answer questions.

Russ: okay, the gentleman who will be coming and representing Sirius for these conferences has been narrowed down to I believe it's three candidates?

Leonedies: four.

Russ: four candidates.

Leonedies: first of all, may I correct you in saying gentleman is an incorrect assumption.

Russ: oh correct.

Leonedies: it could be either.

Russ: my mistake. And the parameters that you are currently looking for is someone who could have an unbiased view of our planet and its history and the people upon it correct?

Leonedies: correct.

Russ: okay.

Leonedies: or rather having the knowledge of your planet’s history would be detrimental for the individual that we're looking at.

Russ: okay.

Skip: can I ask a question?

Russ: sure.

Skip: have you came up with any candidates from this planet yet?

Leonedies: that is something that you would have to discuss amongst yourselves and search amongst yourselves. I believe you're looking for a group of individuals approximately anywhere from 4 to 8 individuals, is that correct?

Russ: correct.

Leah: okay, those individuals I believe will make themselves possible candidates or individuals will make themselves available as possible candidates that will be agreed upon by everybody else that is involved in the discussions being from your planet, not from other species.

Russ: right, the other channels for the species.

Skip: oh, oh, oh, I see what you’re saying okay. In other words, we have to get in contact with these other people......

Russ: that’s what we’re doing currently right.

Skip: and start fathoming this thing out.

Russ: but what he’s discussing now is the candidate from Sirius who will be representing Sirius in these discussions.

Leonedies: a person that might be beneficial for your planet that has a linguistic skill and capable of aiding in this may be was the young lady present last week.

Russ: hmm, I hadn’t thought of that.

Skip: hmmm.

Leonedies: there is one representative from your planet, now to find others.

Skip: oh yeah.

Russ: not an easy calling.

Skip: that’s not a……..

Russ: okay now, are there questions you’d like to ask us to assist in your choosing?

Leonedies: we have all the information that we have gathered necessary for our decision, the only question that I would have that would be worth asking is that a strong linguistic capability and not just one language would be beneficial correct? Or the ability to learn many languages would be beneficial?

Russ: correct but strong in English would be the best bet so primary English, secondary and trinary something else.

Leonedies: okay now what form of English would this be?

Russ: this would be standard, I would say American English due to the…..

Skip: I would say American slang English, yeah.

Russ: it’s been the most common throughout our planet right now as far as its use and availability to all the inhabitants of the planet and the Internet.

Leonedies: okay that is the only question that will serve any function that I would ask.

Russ: so really our questions wouldn't have any effect whatsoever upon your decision so….

Leonedies: not at this time.

Russ: I’m not really quite sure of what I would ask anyway.

Leah: I am available to answer questions in regards to the setup and upcoming discussions.

Russ: okay, excellent. We’re discussing currently a slight hitch we’ve run into as far as our medium for exchanging information among the inhabitants of our planet. The current mode of transfer of that information was an Internet site called Spirit Web.....

Leonedies: I am aware.

Russ: which has now changed their format to make it much more obnoxious and….

Leonedies: obnoxious is an incorrect use of…..

Skip: irritating, irritating.

Leonedies: irritating is acceptable. Obnoxious is a reference to a gaseous substance that smells.

Skip: it’s just irritating that’s all.

Russ: as such, a idea on how we could bring about a change in this would be of course voicing our opinion, anything on your end?

Leonedies: that is something I cannot get in involved with but it is something that needs to be rectified and remedied. Another option is something that my mother says QCI?

Russ: ICQ.

Leonedies: something like that.

Russ: yeah, instant message. Hmmm…well ICQ chat? That might work. It’s similar to Spirit Web except it’s in a chat frequency allowing only certain numbers of people in that are allowed in. So therefore all channels could be brought in and chat among ICQ chat, the conversations could then be distributed from that point because all that text would be saved to archive.

Leonedies: that is correct.

Russ: that’s a possibility I hadn’t thought of.

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: you can put lovely letters in there too and nice colors and everything. Okay thank you, that’s a good…

Leonedies: I believe a different color for each species but each species will select its own different color and particular time once conversations start commencing for the preparation for the conferences.

Skip: one question Daniel….

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Skip: have you selected a site where these conferences are going to be taking place?

Leonedies: we were hoping a discussion through your Internet forum.

Russ: we're hoping Spirit Web.

Skip: okay.

Russ: okay and so in the meantime.......but here’s the other point is that’s one idea and the ICQ chat and then distribute it on Spirit Web is another.

Skip: is this eventually going to come down to face-to-face people in a conference area or is this always going to continue by.....

Leonedies: the Internet medium or a communication, electronic medium?

Skip: yeah.

Leonedies: eventually it would be ideal if all species were face-to-face but that is something that, using the Sirian problem, is not a immediate problem. It is something that will take place at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is an indeterminate time at this point. When all races feel equally comfortable and do not have a problem with the appearances of other races. There are certain races that have a problem where the other race appears repulsive to another race, then that would be the time to meet face-to-face but in the meantime we have to use a faceless communication method through your medium of the Internet. Ideally it would be suitable and ideal to speed up the process would be to have it face-to-face but unfortunately because of certain natures and personalities and functions and appearances and beliefs, that cannot happen at the moment. There are a few races that do have problems with the appearance of other races so that in itself is a problem that will be eventually addressed and remedied.

Skip: in other words what you don’t understand you fear.

Leonedies: exactly.

Skip: I can't believe that.

Leonedies: it seems to be a problem of the third dimensional species overall, not just the human species but all species that has that same root cause.

Skip: yeah I can believe that, I can see that, I can understand.

Leonedies: uh-huh. Okay more questions?

Skip: no, not for me.

Russ: nor me.

Leonedies: okay thank you.

Skip: thank you.

Russ: thank you Daniel.

Leonedies: and oh, Leonedies or Daniel works either way. For your web reference, it is best to be Daniel.

Russ: right, that's what I figured we're using for the tape here.

Leonedies: okay.

Skip: yeah right, thank you.

(Kiri transitions from her son to her sister)

Skip: excuse me, I’m sorry.

Kiri: that’s quite alright.

Russ: hi.

Kiri: I give you away, ishue, it’s a Sirian word. It means the same thing basically, ishue. Actually it’s a highland word. I wish I could get him to slow down.

Skip: well he’s doing fine, he’ll slow down. Darling, he’s got to learn.

Kiri: uh-huh, he’s got to learn but…..

Russ: he’s not dwelling very hard.

Skip: just let him go he’s doing just fine. As long as we can understand him that’s all that’s necessary.

Kiri: that’s true but it’s actually funny to hear him talk in Sirian with other super operants, they do talk very, very fast.

Skip: well....

Kiri: very, very fast.

Skip: as long as we can understand him, that’s all that’s necessary.

Kiri: or occasionally they don’t even talk vocally and they will talk on the declam mode which is where everybody can hear and they will talk very fast and you will get what would take us on the declamatory mode five minutes to say, they will say it in one of two seconds.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: and if we’re talking let’s say that vocally, in the five minutes that we talk, that’s more like a 20 minute conversation.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: so that gives you an idea of the speed that they think and talk at. And they have their own communication and they will deliberately talk very fast so that we can’t pick it up on the declam mode.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: okay, I better put on the…

Russ: the illustrious and wonderful…..

Kiri: the pompous one and I can get away with saying that. Oh pompous one, oh ambassador one, oh gifted one.

Russ: oh special….

Skip: huh?

Russ: special.

Kiri: special my right tit.

(everyone laughs)

(Karra starts off with a sisterly compliment)

Karra: and a very pretty right tit that is too, hello.

Skip: hello.

Russ: hello my love.

Skip: how are you doing darling?

Karra: I’m doing pretty good.

Skip: good.

Russ: the cheering squad over here.

Karra: sisters rivalry, it is worse than you and Mark sometimes.

Russ: oh I can imagine. I can’t see it for being as worst than ours but I can imagine.

Karra: oh I don’t know. There are things that go on between my little sister and myself that you could not believe.

Russ: it’s kind of funny.

Karra: it is like our fiscal rivalry, I can’t touch her.

Russ: right and she makes a deal out of that I'm sure every once in a while.

Karra: not vocally but sometimes visually. For example, buying a brand new set of custom-made skis that even though I enjoy skiing tremendously, I would not consider paying the quantity of favors that my little sister paid. That would be exorbitant and she does not even flinch or bat an eyelid. Or how expensive her clothing is or how expensive her gifts are. To me that is something that makes me wince but she does not flinch and it doesn’t seem to affect her in her trade good capacity, she always ends up with more. However I do have more land and property…

Russ: and more charm, skill, beauty…..

Karra: careful, don't forget he will will hear this recording and he would beg to differ which is acceptable. Okay, let us get down to more serious nature and get away from the humorous, frivolous side. How much time do we have hon?

Russ: sweetheart, we have got currently 25 minutes.

Karra: okay. Okay let us start discussing things. The idea of bringing Leonedies in...Daniel in was that it is needed to keep the discussions going. Yes I was a little optimistic on the date for setting everything up, maybe other individuals that are receptive that do not have a sympathy one way or the other way but has the best interest of your species. It would be necessary to set up a kind of questionnaire but it would have to be one that would be acceptable to all species involved within the discussions. Let us get this out of the way first before we go into more joyous matters.

Skip: darling question.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: you're saying setting this up and picking and choosing or recommending whichever…who are you having in mind to form this particular committee to choose and pick the people or candidates for this?

Karra: we don’t have anybody in mind because we’re trying to minimize our influence with your species as much as possible so that you decide yourselves. We cannot tell you who the ideal people are.

Skip: okay that’s fine but I understand that you can’t infer your influence, I understand that but we're only two or three individuals in a whole planet.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: for some reason or another, the concept of doing this is getting away from me or it’s out of my comprehension.

Karra: I see the problem that you’re having is that you're trying to figure out how is it going to be set up with your species.

Skip: yeah, correct.

Karra: okay, what is being looked at and is hoped is that people that are at a spiritual point in their life that know that there is another level are the ones that are candidates for the discussions to be involved for the re-birthing of your species on a higher level, on the sixth dimension which is something that will happen naturally at the end of an individual's cycle when they're ready. The best way to describe it is that when an individual departs and they are being reborn and they are ready for the sixth dimensional life, they will be reborn on the sixth dimension or they will be held until there is enough individuals, this is up to them, I’m speculating I must add that....there will be enough individuals available to have a healthy community on the sixth dimensional earth.

Skip: okay but I understand where you’re coming from but to get back to this. What I see happening is probably more than a million candidates to come into this particular realm of being chosen, picked, qualified or whatever to be the spokesman for our planet. You understand where I’m coming from?

Karra: oh I understand and I understand the concerns that you’re having that such a small group, having so much power and influence…

Skip: no, no, no, I’m not worried about the group, what comes down to the....what did we figure, 4 to 8 people being chosen as representatives of our planet?

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip; what’s bothering me is who or how the peoples of our planet are going to sort out them 4 to 8 people to represent us.

Karra: I think it’s more of a matter of holding back those that aren't suited because I believe there’s going to be a lot of people that will want the job that have their own personal interests…..

Skip: yeah I understand that too.

Karra: and their own personal agendas. To use a quote and I don’t know where it comes from, "the person least, the person best suited for the position is somebody that actually doesn’t want it but will take it on upon themselves and do the best that they can." Those are the candidates that actually are more suited than those that want it. Those that want it are actually the least suited.

Skip: they’ve got ulterior motives.

Karra: correct.

Russ: well Skip, your number of a million is fairly optimistic. If we were to take and put the questionnaire here that Karra mentions into Spirit Web and to ask everybody who’s on Spirit Web and most of those folks are along the same lines we are to go ahead and put in the question, fill out the questionnaire and send it back to us so that all the races can review that person, at best you'll get a 100 questionnaires returned.

Skip: no that’s not what was bothering me Russ. We're only looking at one facet of this, just one facet and you’re looking at a 20 carat diamond that’s got so many facets it’s ridiculous.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: because you’re talking about a whole world, you're not talking about just one area.

Karra: you’re talking about the whole planet.

Russ: well we can’t really involve the whole planet because we can get that much information access to the whole planet.

Skip: yeah we do.

Russ: to everybody on the planet?

Skip: to the people that are spiritually aware, yes all over the world.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: even though we're connected with Spirit Web and the Internet, how many people are we connected with in the Spirit Web and I know that I would say probably 50% of them are not spiritually aware, they're just in there to bullshit, excuse my French.

Karra: oh…

Russ: excused, no problem.

Skip: okay, so they have no concept of what we're talking about, they’re just in there to rap their jaws at everybody else.

Karra: uh-huh and Skip is quite correct but I would say that the other 50% are the ones that go to other spiritual chat places, other spiritual chat rooms and maybe they contact 50% of the other chat rooms. And I would actually drop it down to 40% are spiritually aware and active but those 40% contact 40% elsewhere and 40% elsewhere, it’s like one person telling ten.

Skip: because you’re asking an awful lot of a person.

Karra: oh yes.

Skip: I mean this is a hell of a big challenge for anybody.

Karra: oh it is, it is a very much a very big challenge but the benefits that will come are so incredible. The best way to describe it is you're betting everything that you have on a horse to win.

Skip: yeah but it’s pretty hard to put your faith into one person to represent the whole planet when you can't even put your faith in a person to represent your country.

Karra: I know, I watched that with interest and Russ and myself had some interesting discussions.

Skip: you know that’s a tough one.

Karra: uh-huh, well that’s why we think that a committee or not a committee but a group of individuals between 4 and 8 is ideally suited because there would be enough conflicts between them to…

Skip: to keep each other honest.

Karra: correct which is very, very important.

Skip: yes they have to.

Karra: it is even better if they are antagonistic to each other because if they agree on one thing, that is good because that one thing is important then. If they fight and fight over different things and agree on one item, then that is the important item.

Skip: that’s scary, it’s scary.

Karra: oh it is. The way that it looks like it's setting up is that the conflict within the group representing your planet is very necessary to be able to form a united front and to have an interest of your species.

skip: rather than somebody's own personal interest.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: clarification please, now we have a 4 to 8 person committee that you are talking about and we have channels for the representatives for the various species correct? So we're talking about a total of perhaps 16 people?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: roughly 12 to 16 people?

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: that we're talking about. Now the channels themselves, we're not going to have a lot of leeway on who we can get since the species themselves really only channel through........well they could channel through anybody but unfortunately only a few people on the planet are actually channeling and….

Skip: have that talent yeah.

Russ: accessing themselves on the Internet and make the information available for people to track down like myself.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: so, my suggestion is we set up a separate webpage designed to attract those people who we can then work through, we explain the conference, like a whole conference webpage separate from the Hades Base News.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: that is based on what we're looking for or what is needed for the conference I should say and people to respond with their ideas, their applications let’s say, their resumes, spiritual resumes, I’m just making this up as I go and go looking for channels to represent the species.

Karra: let me say that we will be getting a visitation again from Monka and various other high officials in Ashtar Command that will make themselves available. They will not tell you anything, you will ask them and they will answer the questions in a way that well I'm not too sure what their way is but we're expecting them sometime in the first quarter of next year.

Russ: okay.

Karra: okay, any more questions for me?

Russ: no, I’m set.

Karra: I need to go and deal with.........

Russ: that’s got my head going now anyways so.

Skip: that’s why I was rapping as much as I was because it's just very.....

Karra: well any questions or comments that you have are greatly appreciated.

Russ: well it's a good little line we're going off on now that we really needed to go on that I hadn't really thought of until we brought it up so.

Karra: voice any concerns that you have Skip.

Russ: absolutely.

Karra: okay, I’m off, I need to go and deal with something.

Skip: okay.

Russ: okay, have fun dear.

Skip; thank you.

Karra: oh yeah.

Russ: who’s next?

Karra: I'm putting my little sister back on.

Russ: okay.

Skip: okay.

Russ: bye love.

(Kiri closes out the session with a few last details)

Kiri: you did a number on her there, didn’t you Russ?

Skip: what?

Russ: I didn’t mean to darling.

Kiri: her headlights came on and everything.

Russ: ahh well, a little fun and frivolity this evening.

Kiri: hey, she had a full blush going.

(everyone laughs)

Kiri: okay….

Russ: all right.

Kiri: now, questions, answers. Okay we’ve got what, five minutes left?

Russ: four minutes.

Kiri: four minutes left.

Russ: okay, well we worked on the separate webpage, got any ideas for me sweetheart?

Kiri: me? Hell no.

Russ: oh come on, yes you do and you're just hiding them.

Kiri: I’m just 'Miss Rich Bitch'.

Russ: oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on 'Miss Wonderful Ideas' you, what do we got that we can play with here on this webpages that will help this conference get off the ground?

Skip: yeah because we need to start putting it together.

Russ: we need to start getting putting it together fast.

Kiri: okay semicircular table with a selection of flags very much like your United Nations.

Russ: hmm, I like it.

Skip: what?

Russ: like the United Nations flags the table with flags around it and just make a different flag for each species.

Kiri: the flags are blank until the species submit their flags.

Skip: hey that works.

Russ: you guys got a flag you want to submit? Hey I already know one, what am I talking about, the Ashtar Command symbol. Does that work for Sirius?

Kiri: no.

Russ: oh, nevermind. Does Sirius have flag?

Kiri: yes, kind of, it’s the binary system on a… don’t even have that color.

(we laugh)

Russ: well that could be a little challenging.

Skip: yeah that is going to be a challenge darling.

Russ: Karra is not giving me nothing I can work with.

Kiri: no and I can’t because we don’t…… don’t have that color. I could come up with something that would work but again that would have to be dealt with with the representative from Sirius.

Russ: well yeah, there you go, let’s have him decide.

Kiri: him?

Russ: her, whatever.

Kiri: do what we do, the representative. Gender is not applicable.

Russ: okay. The rep.

Skip: how about Mrs. ambassador?

Kiri: Mrs. ambassador is unable to do that because she is the representative….

Skip: oh no, I was is talking about just the flag itself, nothing else.

Kiri: ask Mme. ambassador? At the moment I would say asking her any questions when she’s ohhhh.

Russ: I can’t help it.

Kiri: she can’t help it either and there goes my toy selection for the night.

Russ: oh well.

Kiri: anyway, where were we? Okay........

Russ: flags dear. 

Kiri: next week’s schedule we will have briefly, probably if she feels up to it, 'Miss Buff' that wants to fight everybody at the moment. (Lyka)

Russ: oh cool.

Kiri: hopefully we’ll have Tia back but maybe not but I wouldn’t count on that as if it remains quiet, Tia has been invited to numerous places on Sirius. All expenses will be taking care of, the Cubs are invited.

Skip: that’s neat.

Russ: wow, VIP treatment.

Skip: that’s neat.

Kiri: oh yeah, I have a feeling Omal set that up.

Skip: yeah, I’m sure he did.

Kiri: at the moment, Tia is camping on the beach with the Cubs and Mark's down there and if the back chat that I'm getting that's going on at the moment, they are feasting on fish, freshly caught fish.

Russ: excellent.

Skip: good, great.

Russ: sounds like an enjoyable time and I look forward to it. I’ll start working on webpage ideas and got a report for you dear, when do you want this dang thing?

Kiri: okay, next week.

Russ: okay.

Skip: Treebeard will be here next week.

Kiri: he’s here right now but he’s sound asleep. I sent Alex to put a blanket over him and get a cushion. He is out cold and there's a rabbit on his chest so he’s not going anywhere and then there’s Piglet thumping around in the bamboo with I think if I get it, his girlfriend.

Skip: all right darling.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: got a lot of information tonight I do think.

Russ: so we're going to have to....well wait a minute, what kind of information? Well we're going to have to put in the application.

Skip: we'll have to put together an application.

Russ: that’ll be a chore right there. Do we have to wait for the representative from Sirius or do we figure out one ourselves?

Kiri: start figuring out one yourselves.

Russ: yeah, that's what we're going to have to do.

Skip: well we'll have to figure out one for ourselves because we can’t use Sirius' input, we have to do it for ourselves.

Kiri: that's right.

Russ: oh yeah right.

Kiri: anything that I say and suggest you cannot use.

Skip: that’s correct.

Kiri: anything that Mme. ambassador, my horny sister suggests.

Skip: yeah I felt asking about was the flag that you want to use as your representation. To representing Sirius, that's the only thing I was asking about.

Russ: I thought Ashtar Command was being represented not Sirius? Or Ashtar Command and Sirius?

Kiri: that's correct.

Russ: so we can do a flag with the Ashtar Command's symbol.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I can do that, I've already got that ready to go.

Kiri: I cannot give you any information at this point because immediately I do that, I’m influencing things.

Skip: that’s right see, so each race will have to submit their own flag.

Kiri: uh-huh.


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