Archivist Notes: Quite a session came to be
recorded this night back in 1996. Topics both big
and small happened but none more so than the
revelations about the Giza Plateau and Cydonia on
Mars as related by Omal. Normally that
would be the main topic
but Tia gives us a lesson on politics that even
blows that
away as far as wow factor.
And so
it is we'll start with Tia
explaining in a
new way the reasons for the
two party
in the U.S. and why it
is so much a
part of how
elections take
place. A very
timely topic as
the candidates
for the 2016
election announce
and things
get underway.
Not as much
will of the
people we find
out as the
will of who
is in charge.
comes on next
to review a
recent coercive
I had been
subjected to and
how I could
have done
He finishes up
side noting
meta-concert practice
would have
little chance
if one of the
people testing
the shields
had been a
part of the original
side two, Omal
finishes his
thought before
moving on to
regarding the
landings in
regards to
connection to
also helps
with questions
on the Great
Pyramid, the
Sphinx and
Cydonia beyond
what was asked
and reveals
some startling
information on
their roles
is picked and
expended on by
Tia during the
we don't
learn what she
which would
have been
world shaking
had it slipped
Karra goes
over the
results of a
mental merging
game between
her and myself
and Kiri and
Mark. More
practice was
the verdict.
More practice
was also the
verdict of a
healing I
did while she
through the
monitors on
the base.
Tia finishes
up the rest of
side two with
news of the
Ring Mistress |
MARK (Channel) |
Part 1 Listen
to this episode
45:53 min. - File type: mp3
Part 2 Listen to this episode
39:48 min. - File type: mp3

(Tia gets things
started in a most unusual way)
okay. Good evening, welcome to this channeling
session, the last one of the month of October on
October the 29th, 1996. I’m here tonight with Russ,
Russ, do you have some questions for me?
Russ: yeah, I do.
Tia: he does. Okay, what
questions do you have for me this evening?
Russ: can you wait a second while I
get my shoes off?
Tia: certainly, as Russ undoes
his shoelaces one by one at a time and the
look of disgust is on his face and he takes a deep
breath and goes *sighs* in irritation and
frustration the fact that Durondedunns and females
are much more intelligent and smarter. Okay.
Russ: careful there.
her before she moved Mark's body towards something
in the room)
Tia: plenty of room there, plenty of
room. Okay, now we’re going to have to talk fairly
loudly for it to come out clear.
Russ: actually I think with the dials
all the way up, it will be catching it anyway.
Tia: okay.
Russ: yeah so…
I’ll hold it.
Russ: okay, fair enough. All right,
meanwhile back on Sirius.
Tia: Sirius? No this is coming live
from Hades Base dear, fifth dimensional Mars being
held in a sixth dimensional space, as if he didn’t
Russ: no, a sixth dimensional held in
a fifth dimensional space.
Tia: it works either way. Come on,
let’s get to the questions.
Russ: no it doesn’t, it only works one
way, you can’t reverse the two.
Tia: let’s get on with the questions,
time is a wasting.
Russ: all right, time
capsules and the hall of records. Now……….
(Ed. note: I lose my place at this point on the
Tia: well any communicator would just
go like this and would have carried on talking as if
there’s nothing wrong instead of going……"what is
Russ: this is concerning the Sphinx
and the new chamber that they found about 25 feet
below the right…..excuse me, left paw that they’re
looking at opening up. At currently, there is hints
of metal being found within it and I’ll give you the
exact descriptions here. Okay…..
Tia: that noise was Russ hitting the
microphone with his hand.
Russ: okay……1991, a team led by Boston
University’s Robert Schoch using
remote sensing equipment, detected a large
rectangular chamber concealed in the bedrock 20 feet
below the paws of the Sphinx. Now, we
are......last month using radar, they detected the
presence of metallic substances or metallic
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now, we also note that Edgar
Casey said that....
Tia: yes with his predictions.
Russ: the hall of records from
Atlantis would be found between 1996 and 1998.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: so, in the first place, what
does this have to do with your future prolepsis of
the event and our future?
Tia: it’s not taken into consideration
but it is one of those facts that I see will
not have a major outcome on the upcoming
events. Now, referring back to the upcoming events,
there is something that needs to be said to clear up
things to get the matter as clear as possible.
Russ: okay.
Tia: okay one is, if the current
president is reelected right? Then the two years is
definitely very near.
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: okay, if there is a Democratic
House elected at the same time, then oh
dear because the liberals like Kennedy
and that crowd, the elitist crowd that is superior
than everybody else and intellectually knows what
everybody wants will have free reign. Then when that
happens you go to Defcon two.
Russ: okay. Now we are looking at that
possibility of now happening, Democratic House being
nominated along with a Democratic president again.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: so with Defcon two, do we just
lock the doors and hide away or....?
Tia: no, you carry on as normal but
you just speed up your preparations.
Russ: okay.
Tia: and wait for the winter as it
Russ: this winter or the next winter?
Tia: it’s a figure of speech.
Russ: oh, I get it. Okay we have
basically then just another week or so before the
elections happen.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and we’ll know by then.
Tia: okay now, if it is just Clinton
and a majority stays Republican right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: what you do is a Defcon 3½ or 2½
rather right? It’s kind of hmmm and see what happens
right? Now, if he’s impeached right? You go to
Defcon two.
Russ: because Gore will be in charge.
Tia: that’s right.
Russ: okay. Now, one thing that I want
to get to real quick on that was you mentioned
earlier that Gore and Hillary had a thing about
wishing to control the government.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: well if Clinton gets impeached,
that means Hillary will no longer have a role in
this matter.
Tia: are you really that naïve?
Russ: well no, it just stands to
reason though that the president’s wife won’t be
anywhere near government if the president's no
longer in office.
(Ed: okay, I really was that naïve)
Tia: there is such a thing as pardon
and going to visit and I don’t think they would go
to jail.
Russ: they would go to Georgia.
Tia: uh-huh, well Arkansas.
Russ: Arkansas, right.
Tia: uh-huh. So, they won’t be in
prison, they’ll still be able to access and they will
still.......or she will
still have a lot of power.
Russ: but that’s only if he gets
Tia: that’s correct.
Russ: which…..what do they call him,
Mr. Teflon? Might not happen. Okay, now what do you
want to talk about tonight? Do you want to discuss
stuff about the great pyramid and the Sphinx?
Tia: okay, we will…..well that’s
Russ: or save that for
Tia: we’ll save that for Omal. I mean
I could just sit here and go uh-huh, uh-huh and not
be any the wiser, it’s
not my field, I’m a political analyst aren’t I?
Political analyst, mother, astral traveler and PK.
Russ: all right then,
I’ll save that for Omal then.
Tia: okay.
Russ: all right so, then
coming up on our future then let’s go ahead and work
on that.
Tia: okay.
Russ: okay. With the President Clinton
and the Democratic Congress being elected
let’s say.......
Tia: yeah.
Russ: then that would give us a
two-year period from theoretically then their
Tia: uh-huh. You’ve got to watch the
stock market very, very closely, very
closely. At the moment it is doing some
pretty odd things, don’t you agree?
Russ: well, technology’s down.
Tia: uh-huh but yet it keeps on
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: right? Now why is it
Russ: growth and prosperity?
Tia: yes but the growth and prosperity
and the confidence is not that high. It is a slow
gradual thing which in this case with
supposedly everything going great right? It’s
not, there’s something very fishy going on,
I can’t really say what is going on.
Russ: well would you call it being
manipulated by a president trying to get reelected
and it’s artificially being enhanced?
Tia: yes and no, yes and no, it’s a
little bit tricky in how to word it. What is
actually going on in my perception is that they are
fudging the figures. For example, have you heard the
latest comment that the deficit has been reduced
four years in a row and it’s all Clinton’s doing?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: okay count back four years for me
from ‘96 back.
Russ: we’d be back at ‘92.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: about this time before the
Tia: who was in office?
Russ: Bush.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now I mentioned this way back
like a month ago these numbers were being
Tia: uh-huh. Isn’t it odd that it's
now election time that all these figures of positive
and everything is coming out whereas four years ago
right? When the deficit first started being reduced,
it was the worst economy in 40 years or 30 years.
Russ: well that’s because they wanted
Clinton in office.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: so basically Bush was being
pushed out of the office.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: now Bush basically got…..was
basically being paid back and he got tired of the
job right?
Tia: uh-huh, pretty much so.
Russ: he didn’t want to do it anymore
Tia: yeah.
Russ: I mean that was recalled as one
of the worst campaigns next to Bob Dole’s….
Tia: no, Bob Dole has done a very good
campaign. it’s just that for example right? Bob Dole
ripped into…..last week into Clinton right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: and what was the headlines? He
also approached
Perot right? And what was the headlines.
Russ: Perot.
Tia: uh-huh, and what was Perot’s
Russ: he didn’t understand why Dole
would even bother saying such a thing.
Tia: well he said that it was weird
right? But yet, Dole had attacked Clinton right?
Russ: Dole’s always attacking Clinton,
he attacked Clinton last night.
Tia: yes but why would they
suddenly turn around and say that Bob Dole’s request
to Perot was weird?
Russ: well because it beats having to
say the same thing about Dole attacking Clinton.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: I mean that’s common nightly
news, I mean that’s just something
Tia: yeah, but the fact is that half
of this stuff that Dole does or 80% of the stuff
that you see on your communication devices right?
Are all negative.
Russ: that’s the liberal media.
Tia: thank you.
Russ: that’s already established.
Tia: so who is electing the president?
Russ: the secret government.
Tia: no, well yes but who is
being......doing the footwork?
Russ: yeah but who controls the media?
That’s the question to be asked.
Tia: uh-huh. Well the media is one of
these entities that controls itself and does what it
feels it wants to. But the thing is that the people
are being manipulated by the popular press. They’re
the ones….
Russ: yeah but you just said they're
Tia: yeah they’re independent, they
are electing the president. Not you the people, not
the secret government……well the secret government
is, it’s just that they happen to have two very
close agendas. The secret government and the press
have a very close agenda. Okay now…….
Russ: well let’s look at this real
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay if you’re in the media.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay let’s say you’re Robert
Murdoch okay or better yet……
Tia: Rupert Murdoch.
Russ: Rupert, better yet, let’s take Turner.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay?
Tia: Frankie Turner.
Russ: now, he owns CNN.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: one of the world’s most looked
to sources for news okay?
Tia: uh-huh and the most liberalist.
Russ: all right, well let’s say okay,
now you’re assuming then that Turner is independent.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now if that’s the case and
you’re the secret government, then how do you
influence someone like Turner to report news you
want him to report?
Tia: you don’t have to, he is like
Kennedy an elitist right?
Russ: right.
Tia: and it just so happens that the
elite establishment is what secret government wants
Russ: right.
Tia: so, you feed them information,
they go on their sweet way right? They don’t realize
that they’re being manipulated, they’re not that
Russ: well then how come the
Republicans got elected then, what
was the agenda there? You know Reagan, Bush years?
Tia: Reagan, Bush years?
Russ: yeah, that wasn’t an elitist
government by a long shot, it
was a conservative government for 12 years.
Tia: yes, when it comes to Republicans
right? They like a nice strong army right? They like
a lot of free enterprise which also helps the secret
government because they get more money for their
budgets and stuff.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: you see?
Russ: so why change to a Democratic
Tia: because with a Democrat society
right? With a Democrat leader, you can get away with
more. With one you get the money right? Let’s say
next time, next election they need more money right?
Russ: right.
Tia: because the Democrats have cut
their budget right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: so what you do? You need more
money? You need to get it from the government, what
you do?
Russ: be a Republican.
Tia: that’s right.
Russ: but, what I have to worry about
though is if we have a two-year window here before
everything starts happening, then why is the secret
government getting ready to start that? Doesn’t it
seem like that would be going against their aims or
are they even in control of that?
Tia: I think it’s something that has
got beyond their control or it is possible that it
is exactly what they are planning for, chaos and
Russ: well that’s two separate
Tia: yeah but chaos and mayhem right?
Russ: uh-huh.
would benefit them tremendously correct?
Russ: hmmm, it seems they would lose
their power base.
Tia: no, they would gain more power
because they would be able to manipulate various
groups and individuals against each other right?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: and infiltrate into those groups
so therefore they would have much more of a
controlling opportunity. Now if you go the other way
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: where
they are free to do their own thing, again they get
more control. You see they’re on a win-win situation
except if you come with a third possibility. Right
is that the people get pissed off right? And just
destroy the government.
Russ: right.
Tia: therefore they’re out of business
but the people won’t do that. You see the people
like the Democrats at the moment because it’s got to
the point where it is no longer ask
what you can do for your…… longer ask your
country what it can do for you but you can do for
your country. It’s now become ask what your country
can do for you.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: do you know that if I lived down
there right? With my children, my
children would pay 80% of their money into taxes by
the time that they retire. 80% of the money that
they earn will be taken away in taxes.
Russ: but those taxes are returned to
them in various ways though.
Tia: name one.
Russ: police force.
Tia: name another.
Russ: fire department.
Tia: name another, don’t think
Russ: okay, Medicaid, Medicare.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: Social Security.
Tia: no, no. Do you know that 60% of
your current money that you pay in taxes
to Social Security is not going into your retirement
fund? It’s paying those people that are already
retired. You’re only going to get 40% back if that.
Russ: well we’re not be around to see
that anyway.
Tia: that’s beside the point, what
about those people that will be?
Russ: they won’t be,
getting it now and after that it’s not going to
matter one way or another.
Tia: because there won’t be any
Russ: right.
Tia: okay now, why is it that your
press reports the Republican plan on the welfare
reform as cuts when nothing was cut?
Russ: it makes it easier for the
person to understand.
Tia: but that’s a total lie,
is a total lie, nothing was cut.
Russ: right, we've discussed this.
Tia: yeah but I’m saying that I’m
having a hard time understanding your society. I
think the felines need to go out, I’ll pause the
Russ: just hit that red button again.
Tia: this one?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: okay.
Russ: okay, now let me ask you a
question Tia.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: all right, what does it do to
discuss what will happen and why is it happening
and putting stuff down when in fact we know that
what is to happen is to help us make the next
evolutionary advancement? Therefore
anything that is happening good or bad is all good,
perfect for the future.
Tia: okay, you know what’s going on,
I know what’s going on.
Russ: correct.
Tia: Mark knows what’s going on and a
few individuals know what’s going on right?
Russ: right.
Tia: what about those that don’t? Say
for example let me think……somebody
from the chat room right?
Russ: okay.
Tia: they go to your page right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: and they find out what’s going
on. How does it relate to them in their third
dimensional mindset?
Russ: it makes them prepare.
Tia: that’s right. So by going over
it and explaining it again and again right? Of
what is possibly going to happen, then they are
prepared but they cannot prepare
themselves in a spiritual way so we have to nudge
them into doing things that will prepare them in a
different way. By looking at it and saying, “okay,
Bob Dole did this, Bill Clinton did this, Bob Dole
did this, Bill Clinton did that."
You see, it gives them the options and the facts
of what is really going on. Not
what the press and the secret government wants
them to think, but what really is.
(Tia says something
to a cat in the room in
Russ: but now we’re not going at this
from a spiritual point of view either.
Tia: uh-hmm.
Russ: why not?
Tia: for the simple reason that you
have to look at different spiritual organizations
right? And you have to come up with a neutral
ground. A neutral ground is very important.
Russ: okay, now back to my original
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: even those people who don’t
have the preparedness, let’s say they’ve never
seen our webpage, they don’t have any clue of
what’s going on which is a vast majority of the
people on the planet, don’t
they at some point become aware and learn the same
things we’re going to learn?
Tia: yes eventually, eventually but
in the meantime you have to explain it to them in
a different way where they will understand it. You
see it’s not just a thousand
people that have been to your webpage right?
Russ: right.
Tia: it is a thousand people
that have been there plus the people they have
told. They may have told two, three
people so it’s no longer a thousand, you’re
talking 4,000 and maybe that
4,000 has talked to another thousand so that’s
5,000 people that do not have access but are
aware. So you have to lay it out in such a way
that it is plain, no reference of spirituality
Russ: right.
Tia: so that they can understand it
and process it and go, “huh”. You see what I’m
Russ: right and all
I can see is that everything that is going to
happen is supposed to happen.
Tia: yeah, we’ve covered that
and we've explained that but
we’re helping them to look at the options, to give
them a.....…they're at a junction
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: which road do they take? Let’s
say the palm of Mark’s hand here is the main road
Russ: right.
Tia: and these are all the alternate
roads right?
Russ: five fingers.
Tia: yeah. Okay, only one of these
roads leads in the right way, we’ve
got to point them without interfering to the one
that leads down the right road.
Russ: correct.
Tia: so we have to word it so they’ll
understand it and make them think and increase
their chances of picking the right road. If they
don’t pick the right road, it’s going to be longer
for them. You see, we’re caught in a very unique
position that we have to choose whether or not we
interfere totally by saying, “no, you’re going in
the wrong direction, this is what you have to do.”
Or by staying out and supplying information but
having the information pointing in the direction
that they need to go.
Russ: but at the same time a person
out of those five fingers let’s say is shown the
right path.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: saying, "these other four
aren’t going to work." Okay? “This
middle path here that you pick or that is there
open to you is the right path.”
Tia: yeah.
Russ: which would be in your case the
interference you’re talking about.
Tia: that’s right.
Russ: okay, now the person has a
choice at that point to follow that path......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: or not. They also have a choice
on whether following that path, they stay on the
path or whether they diverge off of it.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: odds of them actually going
along with your suggestion and following that path
to its very end without divergence is small in the
first place.
Tia: but it’s a chance we have to
Russ: correct so the interference
that you talk about is actually really only
guidance and a person has the free will to decide
whether they wish to choose to be guided or
whether they want to do it on their own.
Tia: yes and no, yes and no. The yes
part is, yes they do have free will but if you
stack the information in such a way right? It
takes away that free will. For example, getting
back to your newspapers and your communication
devices right?
Russ: right.
Tia: they want Bill Clinton.
Russ: correct.
Tia: they report only 25% of what Mr.
Dole actually says and of that 25% that they
report they take all the negative.
Russ: okay.
Tia: okay, which does what?
Russ: well it puts a distinctly
negative slant on things.
Tia: exactly. Anything possibly
negative they report and set up in a way that
would point people in a direction to vote for
Russ: okay but at the same
time……..all right, I’ve watched C-SPAN where there
is no bias involved, it’s merely a camera set up
for a Dole speech.......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and I’ve watched numerous Dole
speeches and my
impression as is the impression of everyone who’s
not just getting soundbites but who is actually
watching his speeches and the debates.......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: see Dole as not very secure,
not a very good speaker, not a very good
politician as far as campaigning wise. He looks
like he’s nervous, he looks like he can’t complete
sentence without stuttering at some point in it
and he just doesn’t look as sharp as Mr. Clinton
Tia: he’s not polished on your
communication devices.
Russ: correct.
Tia: but that means absolutely
nothing when it comes to actual politics.
Russ: well the same thing
that happened to the debate is happening with
the voters, they don’t see a positive image
being impressed out by the Republicans.
Tia: yeah but the thing is that
Dole has a lot more political experience than
Clinton will ever have. He knows how to make
things happen, he has around him some very good
individuals right? That have been painted
absolutely horribly by the press. They are
running in fear that these people will be
elected because if they are elected, their good
times are over.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: with this current
administration, your government has actually
stepped backwards, it’s
not going forward, it’s not preparing for the
next century. There's all this Internet access
for every school child, condoms for everybody
but the morals are going. The morals are what
would keep the country on its path to
prosperity and be able to handle the upcoming
events. With the lack of morals right? The
fact that it’s become immoral for a
six-year-old child to kiss another
six-year-old child or for a teenager to bring
headache tablets to school, drug policy you
see or to bring a steak knife to cut up
chicken or one of many things. No longer can
the children read the books that they learn
from, the books have to be politically
correct, the books have to be censored, the
books have to be……all these things you haven’t
looked into right, what's going on in the
Russ: uh-hmm.
Tia: because you don’t
have children. I have, I’ve looked into them.
I wouldn’t want my children going to any of
your schools. They’ve taken away the
punishment methods to stop wrongdoing. You
know a child gets into more trouble for
bringing aspirin to school than a child
bringing a firearm to school.
Russ: that’s a little
bit extreme, no they don’t.
Tia: oh yes they do.
Russ: she’s got
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: you bring a
firearm to school, you get arrested.
Tia: no, a child
actually did do that, brought the firearm to
school, they had a search right? The child was
suspended. It was repealed by the courts
because it was an illegal search. That child
got nothing, suspended for a day that brought
the firearm to their school because it was an
illegal search.
Russ: yeah but look at
the reputation the kid’s going to get from
this point on. I mean he’s got to live with
that for the rest of his school term but
that’s irrelevant to what were actually
talking about.
Tia: no, it is what is
happening to the rest of your society.
Russ: yes but it’s
only temporary due to the fact that the
changes we’re talking about will take place in
two years whether or not……
Tia: Russ, the changes
that are going to happen, are going to be real
nasty and these things that are happening now
are a prime example of what is going to
happen. The sheer idiotic differences in a
child bringing aspirin and a child bringing a
handgun, one get
suspended, the other one gets no trouble
Russ: but Tia, we talk
about this every week okay? But the point of
fact is that we are……there is nothing that’s
going to change from what is going to happen
now than what is different from what you are
talking about. In two weeks the same president
is going to be reelected.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay? Everything
that we’re talking about doesn’t matter due to
the fact that……
Tia: it does matter,
it does matter. That is the reason why things
are going the way that they are, the words
that you just said explain a lot. It doesn’t
matter, it does matter.
Russ: why? Because we
can change it?
Tia: yes.
Russ: how?
Tia: by getting people
motivated, getting people prepared. That’s
what we’re trying to do with the webpage is to
get them prepared.
Russ: which is what
we’re doing.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: well we’re not
going to change the fact that a kid going to
school with aspirin is going to get less than
a person going to school with a firearm.
Tia: you have to put
the morals in.
Russ: in two years?
Tia: in two years you
could build the building blocks.
Russ: with the
Tia: well, with a
small nucleus, maybe that small nucleus will
help. A little crack in the dam or a little
drop of rain fills that lake out there, a
little drop at a time. (Lake Tahoe) That’s
what you’re trying to do is you have a big
open hole the ground and you want to fill it
with water, you have to do it a drop at a
Russ: right.
Tia: okay so you’ve
had your webpage how long? Six months?
Russ: not quite.
Tia: okay, let us say
six months.
Russ: all right, let's
say six months.
Tia: okay, how many
people have visited that in that time?
Russ: about a 1,000.
Tia: okay now, how
long do we have left?
Russ: two years.
Tia: two years which
is 24 months okay. Now, that thousand that has
visited your webpage in the past six months
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: has told 4,000
people in total right? So that’s 5,000 people
right? Multiply that by four, how many’s that?
Russ: 20,000.
Tia: no, yeah 20,000.
That’s 20,000 people and how’s he getting in?
(talking about one of the
house cats)
Tia: is there a door open downstairs?
Russ: no I closed it.
Tia: well he’s got
rain on him and he’s wet.
Russ: you got me.
Coming in from the garage maybe?
(Tia speaks to the cat
in Durondedunn)
Tia: okay.
Russ: all right now
we’re assuming that this 20,000 is actually
taking place.
Tia: uh-huh, assuming.
Russ: assuming. Okay,
now with what we’re doing here, okay we are
preparing people for the future correct?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: all right. So
what we’re doing is in essence preparing them
for after-the-fact, there’s not a lot that can
be done to change the fact.
Tia: no, what’s going
to happen is going to happen.
Russ: right, we've
discussed that.
Tia: but, yes we’ve
discussed it many times but you can minimize
what is going on by setting up various plans.
I’m not saying you tell them how things are
going to be, this is how they do it, blah,
blah, blah, blah. What I’m saying is that you
plan to push them in a particular way. These
individuals that check out your page have
morals right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: but they're so
fed up with people battering down their morals
right? That they’re almost giving up. Your
page is basically patting them on the back and
saying that they’re doing a good job and their
morals are worth keeping. Don’t give up.
Basically what the webpage is, is a bright
light in a dark gloom.
Russ: I agree.
Tia: okay....
something to the cat in the room in Durondedunn)
Tia: now I’ve
got to put on the next person.
Russ: okay.
(Omal changes places with Tia on the
channeling couch on the base)
Omal: greetings and
felicitations Russ.
Russ: greetings Omal.
Omal: and let us get
down to business.
Russ: got it.
Omal: okay, let us
Russ: okay, real
quickly, I want to go back a little bit on
what Tia and I were talking about.
Omal: okay.
Russ: okay and that is
that with what’s coming up, we’re providing
the chance for people to see a glimpse of
what’s going to happen and how to deal with it
Omal: you are the
beacon at the end of the dark tunnel.
Russ: correct and
basically what we’re giving them is a look at
how to make preparations for the future.
Omal: no, you are
building a framework for them.
Russ: okay and
Hades Base and Ashtar Command is part of that
framework correct?
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Now how is
what Tia and I are working with and Ashtar
Command all going to be part of that
Omal: in various ways.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, the floor
that you stand on is the framework of the
ground. Your bones are a framework, you do not
see them but they are there. Hades Base is the
framework of the bones. You put the meat on
it, you teach the sixth dimensional thinking
which is the muscle tissue and the person is
the skin over the muscle tissue. Ashtar
Command is the framework that supports the
feet, the ground that they walk upon. You
Russ: uh-huh and
then the last part, the world on which the
framework sits upon would be Sananda and the
religion of………..goes beyond Sananda.
Omal: correct.
Russ: hmm, leap of
faith. Okay…..chill, (speaking to one of the
cats) All right, well that’s dealt with. Let’s
get on, we got lots of stuff to do tonight.
Omal: okay.
Russ: all right, first
off, let’s go to abilities.
Omal: okay.
Russ: shielding and
coercion in conjunction.
Omal: yes.
Russ: and with using
shielding……or coercion and shielding together.
Omal: yes.
Russ: we discussed how
to fire a coercive shot through your
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay which is
essentially you make a hole.
Omal: correct.
Russ: and then send it
Omal: correct but you
have to be quick, if
somebody has a coercive ability that is strong
and senses that hole, they will use your
coercive ability against you
and use it to augment their coercive ability
as was demonstrated.
(during a test)
Russ: correct. Now how
do we go about getting around that?
Omal: by being fast.
Russ: so the faster
the better?
Omal: correct.
Russ: so kind of like
a six shooter kind of thing, whoever gets the
coercive bead on the other person first wins?
Omal: correct, pause.
Russ: oh.
(a phone that is ringing
gets answered)
Russ: okay, now let’s say you’re a little bit
slow and you get nailed.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, how do you
go around fixing the problem or can you?
Omal: you bring your
shields back up. You close the hole, you
realize that you are being
manipulated. That is the first
that you have to remember, you
have to realize you are being manipulated.
Russ: okay as I did.
Omal: what are you
going to do about it? Slam up your shields,
back off.
Russ: correct.
Omal: don’t launch
your attack again because the individual will
pick up on it. Don’t forget, you have to fight
somebody that may be is a little bit better
than you or the same strength or worse than
you. Don’t pick somebody that is above you.
Russ: well you don’t
always have that choice unfortunately.
Omal: what you do in
that situation, you do not put yourself in
that position where you open your shields to
fire a shot.
Russ: you just put up
your shields and batten down and……
Omal: and wait and
watch until the coercive stream starts to
Russ: okay, now
shielding is an ability that is related to
Omal: yes and no.
Russ: okay, we’ve
never really discussed that part before.
Omal: it is certainly
linked to manifestation but it also linked to
energy flow.
Russ: okay.
Omal: you use the aura
to help augment your shields,
toughen the outer layer
of the aura.
Russ: okay.
Omal: I think your
biggest failing was the fact that you did not
put on a suit of armor.
Russ: well I’ve never
gotten that part down really good yet.
Omal: you might have
done better if you had.
Russ: well it’s not my
kind of country where suits of armor are
really a workable idea in this century whereas
with Mark it’s a bit more anachronistic.
Omal: Mark is as Tia
pointed out an anachronism.
Russ: true. Okay…..
Omal: someone that I
find that fits in very well.
Russ: quite. Now, to
increase shielding ability up to Grand Master
or masterly status, one would need daily
practice against imaginary attacks?
Omal: yes,
also you would need
practice against the real McCoy.
Russ: try to piss off
Mark once in a while?
Omal: now there is a
two-edged sword to this.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay certainly
that is a good idea but, what are you doing for him in
Russ: helping him with
Omal: you’re also
doing what? Think.
Russ: ahhh.
Omal: by making him
use what? What is occurring?
Russ: oh by making him
use his shields?
Omal: no.
Russ: oh his coercion.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: he’s increasing
his coercive ability.
Omal: correct.
Russ: good but
for some reason I see that as being sort of
counterproductive way of approaching this.
Omal: it is your
choice, I cannot say whether or
not it is good or bad.
Russ: right,
it’s just an option.
Omal: it is an option
and something that you have to think about. Do
you want this monster coercer kicking around
your house.
Russ: I already got it
kicking around my house. I think it’s good for
him to practice up on his coercion anyway.
Omal: you think he is
a monster coercer now?
Russ: well not like
Kiri or nothing of course.
Omal: okay put it this
way, 20 years down the road, do you want Kiri
in essence kicking around your house.
Russ: hell yes.
Omal: with the
coercive level of Kiri?
Russ: absolutely.
Omal: then proceed as
you are.
Russ: I mean looking
at the positive coming back outweighs the
Omal: you are a
different feline.
(speaking to one of the
house cats)
Russ: yeah, that’s
Omal: ahh, I was about
to say, you have grown dramatically in the
last few moments, who
has been practicing manifestation? Lie
Russ: now, with….
Omal: lie down.
Russ: okay now, the
merging of two minds, for example myself and
Karra or Mark and Kiri and Tia.
Omal: oh what a nasty
combination. (joking)
Russ: where the minds
are very closely linked as far as energy
patterns go okay? Now, could you then go ahead
and link then with a form of a correlated
image, for example like a mandala?
So that you’re all in synchronicity and you
can merge?
Omal: yes, you can do
Russ: and then once
you have that, can you flow together……
Omal: can we do
something about this feline please? Be nice to
Russ: I am. Now once
you have that, can you flow together in
meta-concert using the technique you gave us
where for like two or three.....?
Omal: yes you can
Russ: but.
Omal: but, when it
comes to going up against one of your group,
not necessarily your mind
and Karra’s mind, it can be counterproductive
due to the fact that subconsciously the
individual does know the weak points of the
group meta-concert because he has been
involved in that meta-concert.
Russ: oh I don’t mean
going against Mark, I mean just
to strengthen myself up against people that I
come up against.
Omal: if you use the
same shielding that you have used in a
meta-concert, then that should work but it
will not work against Kiri, Tia or Mark
because they know how to insert themselves
into the meta-concert.
Russ: right.
Omal: but against
other people, it does work.
Russ: good, that is
what I wanted to look at then.
Omal: but, you have to
realize that……….

(Omal picks up
from where he left off)
such as Skip, Judy, Johnny.......
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: you cannot go against them. If
they come at you in
aggressive mode and you have to go into a
meta-concert, forget it because they know how to
accept or to be inserted into your meta-concert.
They have a key to unlock and damage your
meta-concert. Now they can create their own
meta-concert with other people and that in turn is a
totally different meta-concert. They can link their
meta-concert to your meta-concert and vice a versa.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: but, members of their
meta-concert cannot come in and learn or be inserted
into your meta-concert, they
have to learn how to act in your meta-concert.
Russ: oh okay which the
subtleties of this escape me due to the fact that in
an opposite situation, I have trouble understanding
how being a part of our meta-concert here……
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: that I would
be able get through on somebody else’s that’s
been in it. I'm going to save that for later and
just work on that...
Omal: okay.
see what I come up with. All right, now three areas
of work I’d like to work with on tonight, great
pyramid, moon landings and the Sphinx.
Omal: okay, two are linked together,
let us deal first of all with the lunar landings.
Russ: okay. All right, first off from
the show I heard from Art
Bell’s program on the radio, concerning the
lunar landing sites. A gentleman by the name of Farouk
El-Baz whose father was an archaeologist, came
to NASA from AT&T where they set up
communications with the spaceships.
As a result, he ended up being one of the persons
who ended up picking out the landing sites.
Omal: the father of Farouk El-Baz was
kind of an archaeologist.
Russ: yeah, that was kind of not
Omal: he in actual fact would have
been a head excavationer. He was the gentleman
appointed by the archaeologist to do the excavating.
Russ: ahh, okay. Now he apparently
chose the sites to form a hyper dimensional doorway
Stargate and the sites were picked
to due to their relationships to Sirius and Orion
upon the horizon at the time of the landings.
Wondering if this was successful and why did they
try to do it that way?
Omal: first of all, no,
were not successful due to the fact that by landing
them in a formation on a planet's surface
does not work. You cannot make a Stargate through
solid rock which answers the next question.
Russ: why?
Omal: why? Because the physics of a
astral object is more complex. You are trying to
create a hole through solid matter. That can be done
however, with the equipment that they have used no,
is very improbable and dangerous to even attempt
something. The mathematics that they use is flawed,
do not realize the fact that these objects have to
be in their own gravitational field. They cannot be
in another gravitational field, most
Stargate’s are outside of gravitational wells.
Russ: but within space itself.
Omal: correct.
Russ: so in another words, they
would’ve had to come up to a point in space to which
the ships would have to travel through?
Omal: correct.
Russ: to align the various points of
the gate.
Omal: correct.
Russ: that’s pretty tough to do in
Omal: correct.
Russ: well you could do it I suppose,
is not a moving object.
Omal: correct, think.
Russ: the planets are moving so to be
able to do so, you’d have to basically just go to
that same point in space from your starting point no
matter where your starting point had moved to.
Omal: correct.
Russ: not that tough after all
actually really.
Omal: no it is not. You create a
Stargate, let us say it is a five pointed Stargate.
Russ: okay.
Omar okay to get there, you would use
a teleport system, a
short range teleport system.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: you’d have to put it outside of
your solar system so you’d have to use
a hop method to teleport from one place to another.
Teleports on your dimension are very clumsy and
Russ: here on third dimension?
Omal: correct. On higher dimensions,
they become less dangerous. On the sixth dimension
they are still dangerous, they still malfunction is
the best way to describe them.
Russ: but actually, when you go to the
higher dimensions like that with all but sixth, you
don’t need teleports anyway since you can….
Omal: that is correct.
Russ: travel by thought so what’s the
Omal: it is the eighth where
you travel by thought. The seventh, is the last time
that you have this, flesh and blood, calcium,
Russ: well we mentioned
the sixth being called understanding which takes
place after you know what the fourth and fifth is.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: what would be called the seventh
and eighth then?
Omal: spirituality and awareness.
Russ: hmm, it’s quite a ways, it’s
going to be a while before I get there.
Omal: uh-huh, but let us get back to
the teleport.
Russ: right.
Omal: short range teleports work fine
and when I say short range, I mean at most 5 miles.
The stunt that they did with Kiri, Tia and Mark of
putting them down in a hangar was a joke. That is
the safe range.
(Ed: they had tried an astral travel
meta-concert test to the local airport)
Russ: uh-huh, okay.
Omal: any further and it becomes
Russ: all right. Okay, next section.
Okay we know that didn’t work. Also, in a couple
notes I noticed here was number one, Voyager's
headed for Sirius after it leaves our solar system
here or it already has.
Omal: uh-huh. It has one more piece of
shocking information to reveal.
Russ: oh what’s that?
Omal: I cannot tell you.
Russ: ah okay, we’ll find out,
hopefully. And then the date of July 20th keeps
popping up. Date of the moon landing, the date the
Mars Observer just before it was set to photograph
Cydonia got lost conveniently July
20th and then Vince
was killed on July 20th.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: what’s with July 20th? I’m sure
I’m only touching the iceberg here with July 20th.
Omal: what is with July the 20th?
Russ: I don’t know.
Omal: okay, let us look at it with a
mathematical formula.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, take all the major
occurrences that have occurred on that day.
Russ: all right.
Omal: okay, divide that by the number
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: that will give you a key number.
Take the number of events of a spatial phenomena
or phenomenon........
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: multiply that by that number.
You take both numbers, the one of the spatial
anomaly and the actual events. You multiply
them together and the answer will surprise you.
Russ: okay.
Omal: but it has to be all the events
of significance.
Russ: all the known events.
Omal: no, all of the events.
Russ: that could be tricky. So you
just throw in July 20th in your search program in
your computer and it comes up with everything you
can find on July 20th.
Omal: which wouldn’t be everything.
Russ: no, correct, a
lot of research would have to take place for that
Omal: correct.
Russ: all right well, we’ll go on to
the next phase which is great pyramid and the
Omal: ahh yes.
Russ: okay, now concerning
the great pyramid, as we know in September they
found the doorway.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now…..or excuse me, back in ‘93
they found the doorway in the great pyramid in
Omal: Queen’s chamber.
Russ: in the Queens chamber into a
section that led…..or a chute that led up to the
constellation of Sirius.
Omal: uh-huh.
now they’ve set this up theoretically for trying
this out on December 5th, 10,000 days after the moon
landing on Tranquility Base.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and theoretically, what will be
done is it will be secret because it will be
set up in conjunction with the working on the
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: opening up a chamber there so
kind of a bait and switch tactic they’re going to
try. So we’ll see what happens. Now
concerning the Sphinx, we have a chamber found 25
feet below the paw.......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: which theoretically is shown
metallic objects within it due to radar searching.
Now, what I’m wondering is, if they
do open this up and they do find let's say Cayce’s
Hall of records, is the information going to
be even viable or is that all working in conjunction
with the great pyramid? Are the two connected?
Omal: yes and no. The great pyramid,
if you think about it, is a conscious computer in
Russ: correct.
Omal: for it to be on its own would
make it a very lonely conscious computer. Anything
that has a glimmer of intelligence it is attracted
Russ: now Mark and I discussed the
fact that when he got sent over to the Sphinx, in
other words it turned into like a Stargate and fired
him off in a very short distance to the Sphinx.
an astral travel trip to the Queen’s Chamber)
Omal: no.
Russ: no.
Omal: it was the energy that booted
him out.
Russ: okay.
Omal: the energy exchange of
information, that is what it
fired him out of there. The
fact that he ended up sitting on top of a Sphinx is
just coincidental.
Russ: ahh okay, so
part's not going to......but
as a lonely intelligence gathering machine let’s
say, what has the Sphinx have to do with the great
pyramid then, to help
it give it company?
Omal: yes and no. It reminds it of its
goal. it is a companion as
it were.
Russ: okay when you speak of goal, you
know what its goal is then I take it?
Omal: we can neither confirm or deny
that at this time.
Russ: okay and the next
question then naturally we’re
going to get to is first off, tunnels and other
chambers beneath the Sphinx that have been found.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: have we got an idea of what is
under there currently with our science?
Omal: you or you or you as in us?
Russ: us.
Omal: us including myself?
Russ: no, as in Earth down here.
Omal: no idea whatsoever.
Russ: none whatsoever. Okay, now as
far as you, as an entity from Ashtar Command?
Omal: we can neither confirm or deny
that at this time.
Russ: well that figures. Okay, we will
wish for a map. Let’s go on the last part of this
which is the combination of the Giza Plateau and its
correlation with Cydonia on Mars........
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and the similarities between the
Omal: you have not worked that out
Russ: well we’re working on it which
is what I’m talking with you about right now.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, on Cydonia we have a face
that has a distinctive Sphinx-like
headdress. 1.6 miles long from the crown to chin.
One and a half miles wide and 2,000 feet high okay?
We have a D
& M pyramid which is a five sided pyramid
about 10 miles from the face on a north-south axis
of the spin of the planet and it’s 2½ miles high.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: so what we’re looking at is
something here very close and similar but on a
larger scale.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: not only that, but we have what
looks like to be a city that it is sited in such a
way that it happens to have enjoyed a perfect,
almost ceremonial view of the face.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now what I’ve worked out
personally and you probably can’t confirm or deny.
Omal: that is correct.
Russ: is that this was a base set up
prior to the arrival of the colonists from Sirius.
Omal: I can say one thing.
Russ: okay.
Omal: you are way off mark.
Russ: I am? Okay and can you mention
whether or not it has to do with the ages that were
talking about?
Omal: no I cannot.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, thank you.
Russ: thank you Omal.
Omal: live long, prosper and, I’ll be
Russ: fair enough.
(Tia is back as ring mistress)
Russ: hi Tia.
(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)
Tia: must be getting close to the end.
Russ: oh no, we got lot's of tape,
just turned it over a few minutes ago.
Tia: time is going rather fast.
Russ: not that fast, no we got plenty of
got about a good 20 or 30 minutes left.
Tia: okay, would you care for a cup of tea?
Russ: sure, I’ll go start some up. All
right when we discussed a couple years ago the
correlation between Cydonia and the Giza Plateau, we
did mention that the pyramid we did establish was not
a Stargate between the two pyramids but instead was a
communication device.
Tia: correct.
Russ: but due to the fact that the age of
Cydonia and its evacuation or lack of population dates
back millions of years instead of just thousands of
years as is in the case of the Giza Plateau that it
must be that the two computers are talking to each
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: but for what reason is the next phase
of our question that we’ve got to go to.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and why would the Cydonia pyramid be
collecting data from a pyramid here on earth?
I mean check it out.........
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: the five sided pyramid on Cydonia,
it's located on Mars at the same latitude as the one
here at Giza.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: no coincidence
is involved here okay? This is dead set reckoning and
put there for a purpose.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: to make use of the planetary’s
energy to power it.........what?
Tia: oh.
Russ: oh what?
Tia: I can neither confirm nor
Russ: oh come on, oh please Tia, your
eyes lit up like a pair of saucer plates darling.
I’ve seen dinner plates that weren’t that big. What
do you mean oh?
Tia: something just hit me and I
thought it.
Russ: well obviously.
Tia: Omal picked up on it and
he goes, “we can neither confirm nor deny that
at this time. ” And I go on the intimate mode, “so
I’m right?” And he goes, “The answer that you give
is, we can neither confirm nor deny that at this
Russ: okay, obviously we have hit upon
something that…...
Tia: no, you triggered me to think on
Russ: which means I have to trigger
the same thing in myself.
Tia: uh-huh and I cannot tell you what
it is.
Russ: of course not but we’ve got the
trigger, the trigger is half
the battle.
Tia: before I go back to the apartment
right? I’ve got to go with Omal, we’ll go out the
back door and I will go down and I will have it
blocked off so that Mark can’t get in there.
Russ: what blocked off?
Tia: what I just reasoned out.
Russ: (laughs)
Tia: so by the time he hears this
tape, it will be blocked off. Otherwise he’ll
pick up on it. Mark is a lot smarter than you think
he is.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: Mark is a lot smarter than he
lets people think.
Russ: but can you….? Nevermind, no you
Tia: what? No I can’t be cryptic about
Russ: no you can’t, you can only block
off the physical access to it, you
can't block off the astral aspect to it.
Tia: no, they will build in a program
that will stop me. I will know that I know the
answer but I won’t be able to access it. It’s only a
Russ: you mean block it off in you?
Tia: yes.
Russ: oh, I thought you meant the
pyramid there on Mars.
Tia: no, that is for you guys to
figure out. They will block it off in me right?
Which means that I cannot tell Mark even though I
know what the answer is right? He won’t be able to
probe because he will just get the confusion that I
will get if I try to say it.
Russ: now what I picked up there on
the instant that I said it was it’s a relay on
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: to the pyramid on Sirius.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: which would make you click off
because you’ve been in the pyramid on Sirius.
Tia: uh-huh, but it’s
not, that I can tell you is that it’s not a relay or
that is not its primary function.
Russ: oh. Now we mentioned the fact
that they were on the same latitudal line.
Tia: what you said had nothing to do
with what was triggered. It was just the way that
you said it triggered it in me.
Russ: hmm, doesn't matter.
Okay well let’s get on, we’re wasting tape.
Tia: yeah, now?
Russ: ask what? Aren't we going to get
to the next person?
Tia: oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I see, you
don't want to talk to me.
Russ: well no, we were
talking about........I mean if I go in on
this, I’m just didn’t get confirm or denies for the
rest of the night.
Tia: true, true. But you don’t want to
talk to me, you only want to talk to
your woman.
Russ: darling you’ll be back, I have
faith in that.
(Karra reviews a recent healing)
Karra: hello.
Russ: hi Karra.
Karra: and how is it functioning?
Russ: well we’re having a hell of a
night, I'll tell you that much.
Karra: yes, I have noticed.
Russ: trying to figure out this…..
Karra: I will speak up.
Russ: okay yeah, we’re just trying to
figure out what’s being triggered, what’s being
worked on and how everything all correlates and fits
together like this giant jigsaw puzzle that we're
working on.
Karra: you ought to have seen her
Russ: I did see her eyes.
Karra: no those were Mark’s eyes you
Russ: oh.
Karra: her eyes, her pupils went from
yea big to yea big, pure,
dark with just a hint of blue.
Russ: hmm, well her mind did work a
little bit faster than mine does, it
could take me a lot longer to figure this out I
Karra: I don’t know what was
triggered. She just suddenly, her mouth dropped wide
open and her pupils went shoosh.
Russ: hmm, okay darling, we’re
working on mind merging.
Karra: uh-huh, yes we were.
Apparently according to Omal we did very poorly.
Russ: oh today?
Karra: yes.
Russ: oh well, we've
got to just work on it is all, practice,
practice, practice. We can't get it
overnight, we have to expend energy to get this
stuff done.
Karra: oh yes I do know, it
just surprises me that little sis did not tell me.
Russ: about what?
Karra: about his ability being
that good.
Russ: hmm, well it’s a lesson
to be learned obviously.
Karra: yes for both of us.
Russ: uh-hmm.
Karra: I’m quite impressed.
Russ: well we came back I
thought, we rallied in the second quarter pretty
Karra: yes after he got
distracted sadly to say.
Russ: well still, good for us.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: point for our side
Karra: very sloppy on his part
to get distracted but very fortunate for us.
Russ: well that’s just the old
Maxxus and Naxxus coming back and forth.
our time as brothers in Atlantis)
Karra: if it was Maxxus and
Naxxus, it would’ve been an even match I’m sorry to
Russ: oh that’s fine,
I agree. Now then, the next
thing is the healing we did.
Karra: yes, yes.
Russ: now, is the pain I got
in my neck a flashback or is that just an
overdraw of energy? In other words,
did I take too much in and not ground enough out or
is a flashback of….
Karra: yes and a flashback
from her.
Russ: flashback from her?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so you were there, you
saw the whole nine yards my neck's
better now but what happened how do we avoid that in
the future?
Karra: well, you took her
Russ: correct and grounded it
Karra: correct. You took her
mental pain as well.
Russ: right.
Karra: and something that is
flashing in her mind flashed back.
Russ: which is what?
Karra: think it, come on.
I know people have been doing this a lot to you
tonight in fact.
Russ: I know, I know. It’s
good for me though eh?
Karra: yes.
Russ: yes well, okay so she
was flashing on something, I would probably
have to say me.
Karra: no.
Russ: no.
Karra: some recent event.
Russ: oh recent event. Her
being beaten up?
a relationship she had been in)
Karra: yes.
Russ: oh, so I took that from
Karra: no, you shared it.
Russ: shared it. Well, she had
a lot of stress.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay so how do……..what’s
a better way to do this in the future? I mean I
thought it was a good work that we did and when we
linked up on that to work with that, it
was a very sound plan.
Karra: yes.
Russ: did we follow, the
follow-through wasn’t good?
Karra: well the
prepping up wasn’t good either. What did you forget
to do that I always tell people to do?
Russ: rub my hands first?
Karra: well, running water
works better.
Russ: well it was afterwards
that I ran the water.
Karra: yes but the fact that
they weren’t clean to start off with.
Russ: oh yeah, hey that’s
Karra: how many times do I
have to tell you, you’re not only when you go into
surgery you have to scrub up?
Russ: hmm, good point. I
forgot about that. Well part of the spur
of the moment kind of thing. I’ll have to
work on that from now on. Okay, where else did we go
Karra: okay, grounding.
Russ: all right well we set
the……okay I had it on her head.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and had it send
it through the back of her head through my thumbs to
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: which took it to about
my chest level, about my heart chakra more or less at
which point I sent it down into the earth.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now what was wrong
with that?
Karra: well first of all, it
was too slow and secondly the pathway. Come on Russ,
it has to be bigger than that, make
it big and comfortable.
Russ: okay so we bring it in.
Now, what was wrong with the grounding part,
anything? I know there was something wrong there.
Karra: yeah, I just said,
had a tiny little hole grounding right? It’s like
when you pour water out of your sink,
have a small hole, what happens?
Russ: I get too much pressure.
Karra: and it takes a long time for it
to drain.
Russ: right, right.
Karra: you have a bigger one, what
Russ: it flows right out.
Karra: okay so, you’re holding in the
energy right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: and it’s going through such a
tiny little hole, it takes time to drain out. Now if
you don’t finish the draining process right and you
stop the healing, what happens?
Russ: it backs up.
Karra: exactly.
Russ: ahh. Well I took in all I could
get, I mean I was hurting at that point.
Karra: uh-huh and you didn’t listen to
me did you?
Russ: I did too, I set up
with the hands and everything the way you wanted it.
Karra: yes but I said, “let the opening
be big.”
Russ: I didn’t hear that part.
Karra: okay, you understand now.
Russ: yes I do, I’ll work
on that the next time. Besides, I mean the problem
she was having was a building problem,
I don't think anything could of
been done would have fixed the problem for dealing
with her tooth. That was way out of control and it’s
been getting worse.
Karra: well you know why tooth is the
Russ: yeah, it's all infected.
Karra: why?
Russ: the
root blew out because
somebody bothered to cap it without
bothering to do a root canal first.
Karra: uh-huh. And what
aggravated it was the fact that somebody went
"phoot". This would’ve happened but it wouldn't have
been as bad if it hadn’t been damaged. The
thing that brought the infection in was the fact
that after she had been hit, you notice that her
upper lip was slightly swollen?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: that is not from the infection,
that is going down. Yeah her upper lip, this area
directly under her nose is swollen from the
infection. This part down here and along here was
swollen for a different reason. If you watch, you’ll
see that this one here will get smaller and this one
up here will get bigger.
Russ: odds are it’s not a good idea to
bring it up though.
Karra: no it’s not but
the fact is that the tooth was damaged
and when she checked the damage
herself with her fingers running it up and inside
and everything and the fact that there was blood
meant that there was no (?) which did what?
Russ: it got infected.
Hmm, I need to get better at my far
sight where I can look into somebody’s problems like
Karra: that’s not far sighting.
Russ: what is that?
Karra: that is…..
Russ: near sighting?
Karra: no. That is linking
with them.
Russ: okay how do I get better at
that? Because as a healer, I mean that could be a
crucial part.
Karra: it’s practice, it’s practice.
Making people at ease and make somebody at ease.
do I heal?
Russ: you just smile at them, say a
few kind words and they’re just instantly better.
Karra: it takes more than that.
Russ: not much more. I know, you use
energy and you….
Karra: I use kindness.
Russ: I’ve seen it.
Karra: nice, soothing words. I make
them relax, I make them laugh, I make them smile.
Russ: see, that’s what I said.
Karra: I do all these things before I
even start to heal them.
Russ: right.
Karra: because by doing all these
things, that opens them up to the healing process.
Russ: hmm, well.
Karra: please...okay, any
more questions?
Russ: no darling, you got me enough
stuff to work on for days.
Karra: okay.
Russ: of course
thanks again for your help with the editorial.
Karra: oh thank you.
Russ: I thought it came out really
Karra: yes I think Mark’s idea was a
good one though.
Russ: what, putting the whole
Shakespeare thing in?
Karra: yes, not
how I would’ve worded it but looking back on it
retrospectively, it is more useful and it sounds
Russ: yeah, I agree.
(Tia comes back to wrap up
the session)
Russ: hey Tia.
(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)
Russ: okay, who else is on tonight?
Tia: you’re looking at her.
Russ: that’s it?
Tia: that’s it, I tried to
get Korton but Korton is busy, I tried to
get Lyka, she’s busy organizing gate duties. I tried
to get Taal, Taal is busy in combat training.
Russ: all right darling, let’s go over
the news sweetheart.
Tia: I tried to get Nazreal, Nazreal’s
Russ: that would’ve been nice.
Tia: I tried to get Teene but Teene
has lost her voice.
Russ: poor girl.
Tia: I tried to get Treene, Treene is
having a night of passion that she’s planned
for quite a while.
Russ: all right, well let’s go over
the news.
Tia: okay, what
do you want to know?
Russ: well the stuff you’ve gathered
up and saved for me here.
Tia: okay we’ve had the crèche parents
of the super operant’s miscarry.
Russ: I don’t want to put that in,
iffy news.
Tia: we have a track meet.
Russ: oh that’s good news.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: another one?
Tia: no, just a friendly track meet.
Russ: oh.
Tia: inter-section
right? And we went and watched and our defense force
with Lyka, Lyka’s team won. I’m not quite sure who
won, I don’t think they had
anybody actually win, it’s just that they clinched.
I think it was like first…..second through sixth
which meant that they were overall
Russ: who were they up against?
Tia: they were up against pilots and
some technicians and some service personnel.
Russ: against the defense force?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: that would be a walk away.
Tia: well a pilot picked up first
place, he is from C
squadron. I think the best way to call him,
his nickname would be something like flower man.
Okay, we’ve had a massive dump in the Wookie
snowy mountain side of the base)
Russ: hmm.
Tia: also what’s going on? There is a
birthday party going to be in the Cubs crèche.
Russ: wait a minute.....Wookie
compound.....okay and then a big
birthday party?
Tia: uh-huh, not for the Cubs.
Russ: not for the Cubs?
Tia: not for the Cubs,
a birthday party for one of the crèche girls,
is going be three years old.
Russ: got a name for her?
Tia: oh, Teena.
Russ: Teenah.
Tia: no not Teenah, Teena. Tee-Na.
Russ: so T.E.E.N.A?
Tia: something like that. Okay, one of
my technicians is…..not one of my technicians one of
my analysts is out of work at the moment due to the
fact that he broke his arm.
Russ: bummer.
Tia: yeah fell whilst rock climbing.
Russ: what was he doing rock
Tia: well why not? Because it’s there.
Russ: major storm going on and he’s
rock climbing.
Tia: different place.
Russ: oh.
Tia: we also have coming up a big Salmon
Festival. It’s an excuse for lots of people to get
together, get drunk and…..
Russ: deplete
the salmon population a little bit.
Tia: or attempt to.
Russ: attempt to.
Tia: uh-huh. Ahh what else? Teela is
dying her hair again.
Russ: what color?
Tia: well she wants it green.
Russ: well that will make for a
striking color.
Tia: uh-huh, pale green.
Russ: when is the Salmon Festival?
Tia: Salmon Festival? It’s this.......
would be your weekend.
Russ: this weekend?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and when’s the birthday party?
Tia: I believe that is Friday.
Russ: Friday okay.
Tia: uh-huh. Also what’s happening? Oh
Treene beat her mother in straight sets in
racquetball. 6-0, 6-0, 6-0.
Russ: someone’s in better shape than
someone else.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: Treene beat Teene.
Tia: yes, Treene beat Teene okay. We
have new cadets training for our ground
Russ: oh yeah, let’s work on that.
Tia: I don’t know what they're
up, all's I know is there’s a new class.
Russ: no, no. I mean the
new ships coming in.
Tia: oh the new ships?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: uh-huh, well
we have 24 of the older craft coming in right? But
we only have 12 of the newer models.
Russ: so 36 altogether?
Tia: well 36 of the level that we have
and then 12 of the older class.
Russ: huh? You said 24
of the older version and 12 of the newer class.
Tia: yes but the 12 that are coming
into the newer class are going to replace
12 of the older class.
Russ: oh I see.
Tia: how about a cup of tea?
We’ll save it for Mark when he gets back.
Russ: okay, what else you got?
Tia: that’s about it.
Russ: that’s all the news?
That’s a lot anyway.
Tia: yeah that’s a lot apart
from Pegasus is a dad
again, we're going to snip
him soon.
cat at Tia, Kiri’s and Mark's apartment on the base)
Russ: should’ve snipped him a while
back man.
Tia: well he’s had about
eight litters.
Russ: well I know that, that’s what I
mean, he’s a little due
isn’t he?
Tia: yeah, I should say he’s more than
a little due but I can’t do that.
Russ: who’s the expectant
Tia: oh one of the cats from the other
end of the base.
Russ: little guy gets around huh?
Tia: uh-huh, oh boy does he get
around. Uh-huh, I mean he’s
all over the place. I mean, I think he
can smell.....
Russ: he used to be a kitten when I
first got up there. When I first went up there, he
was a kitten, he didn’t even have balls yet. What
happened to him man? He turned into King
Kong of stud city or something?
Tia: no, he’s learned how to be
Russ: I guess, he was a timid
little thing at first.
Tia: he’s grown.
Russ: (yawns) that's true.
Tia: anyway tape’s almost over.
Russ: yeah, couple of
minutes. So you going to get that
block eh?
Tia: yeah.
Russ: well that's good,
why we should know it prematurely. Is it
going to help you in your research or anything or in
your calculations?
Tia: I can’t confirm or deny that at
this time.
Russ: all right, just wanted to know
if I've managed to assist you in any
Tia: I can’t confirm or deny that at
this time.
Russ: whatever.
Tia: I would answer differently but I
do have somebody hovering over me.
Russ: just doing something to help you
out, it's all right.
Tia: hey it’s not…
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