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November, 2024 Edition

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Cente For

        Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.


   Welcome to The Hades Base News, a connecting point between the higher dimensional members of Ashtar Command and those of us here on third dimensional Earth. The recordings within represent nine years of channeling sessions with beings we came to know and love between 1992 and 2001. Our purpose is to assist in the ascension of humanity by offering one more path among many for those seeking a growth of consciousness.

Formally channeled by Mark Crocker and currently transcribed by Russ Hatfield, they present an undiluted source of information about our planet's past, present and future with a inside look at how we interact with the many races of beings who share our galaxy with us. While there are no more sessions or news from the base, the archives still have much to teach going forward. If you are new to the site, please visit the reception hall to get caught up.  


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(To be posted on 12/01 at 1:30 AM Pacific)


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Latest podcast added to the current archives: "Space Corridors and the Earth Dolphin's New Home"
Channeling Session Date:


Recorded in January 1994, the channeling session for November is another information filled time with the members of Ashtar Command that our sound engineers did a great job with but we always suggest following the audio along with the transcription to not miss anything. What was missing from this session was Karra who was too tired to make it. Tia begin things with a how-to on astral projection and getting out of the body. One thing we do learn is that once you get out of your body, the farther you go and more oftentimes you do it the easier it becomes. Her adrenaline levels were getting the better of her due to a dinner she had planned and so we cut our conversation short to allow Kiri the rest of the side to answer questions. The first subject I wanted to go over with her was my participation as a helper in a search and rescue craft piloted by Karra's son Nazreal. I would get solid enough to help evaluate things and train with the crew. This was sort of my debriefing with her on my experiences with some new equipment we were testing. Her interest was the couch we sat on and that's where things got technical because she was helping with its design. For example, we find out the couches were made of an organic material that not only nourishes the pilot and eliminates any fluids that get built up. It also had sensors to provide relief to those areas it sensed were having discomfort. That then was hooked up the cable to the helmet and each of us got the information we needed. I gave her my recommendation for more padding in the straps to alleviate some tension and a better way to position the feet. The helmets we would be transitioning to penetrated the brain but not the skull so that transmitted directly to the ship would quicken the pilot's responses. We finish things up with finding out that Hades Base would be hosting for the first time the ski races held between Sirius and Alpha Centauri base to create the tri-base ski races. She was looking for participants and I was happy to help as she described the three courses Mark and herself were designing and would also set the qualifying times. One of the highlights that would be talked about the most afterwards was the snowboarding displays put on by Wookie engineers on the base.

On side two, Omal takes the reins right away and we get into a request from him for me to manifest from the base a miniature swan he replicated that we have been working on earlier. It turned out to be a very funny exchange. It does bring up though when we had last tried a similar demonstration back in Sedona when he was being channeled through a channel named Roger Pinion. We always enjoyed reminiscing about old times. Manifestation is so much easier on a higher dimension which leads me to my updating him on my work with Mark and Kiri's son Alex as we both created boxes around each other when I was up there. That brings us to a revelation I discovered during a trip where our ship was transporting technicians to Alpha Centauri. We made an evaluation of a new piece of navigational gear on our way there which mapped out the space corridors that each ship had to use in approaching the base. Those same corridors would be also at Sirius and Hades Base for ships approaching them as well. We cover a lot more but, jumping ahead to the next speaker we move on to Alana who only gets to talk for a little bit before Nazreal enters the channeling room and asks to speak for a little bit. He had just earned his pilot's nickname of Jester and we were in a celebratory mood. He's only on for a couple minutes before Alana returns and we discuss the new dolphin pool being built. She explains how they will be getting four more dolphins from Sirius when it is done and four willing dolphins from Earth which I would have a hand in helping make happen. Those Earth Dolphins would be in quarantine in the old pool before being able to join the pods from Sirius. She finishes up up and Tia comes on to get us to the end of the side by checking to see if Karra would be making it by asking the computer what her brain waves were reading. We find out she is somewhere in dreamland so we go over discussing the dinner she had planned for the two of us later that evening. As the tape gets close to ending, she gives a quick explanation in the moral differences between dimensions when it comes to personal relationships except for apparently Wing Commander Taal who has even more moral taboos than we do. Who knew?
This month's editorial is called "The Secret Society of Light Workers".   

Nothing matters until we make it matter.