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January, 2025 Edition


Current Editorial

Reception Hall

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Cente For

        Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.


   Welcome to The Hades Base News, a connecting point between the higher dimensional members of Ashtar Command and those of us here on third dimensional Earth. The recordings within represent nine years of channeling sessions with beings we came to know and love between 1992 and 2001. Our purpose is to assist in the ascension of humanity by offering one more path among many for those seeking a growth of consciousness.

Formally channeled by Mark Crocker and currently transcribed by Russ Hatfield, they present an undiluted source of information about our planet's past, present and future with a inside look at how we interact with the many races of beings who share our galaxy with us. While there are no more sessions or news from the base, the archives still have much to teach going forward. If you are new to the site, please visit the reception hall to get caught up.  


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(To be posted on 02/01 at 1:30 AM Pacific)


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Latest podcast added to the current archives: "Mental Frequencies and Intergalactic Convoy Duty"
Channeling Session Date:


We start off 2025 with one of the best sounding channeling sessions we have had the joy to adding to Ashtar Command archives. Our sound engineers got really good quality out of this recording from 1995 that brought six members of the command together for a very informative session. Our ring mistress Tia takes the opportunity to get things going by giving me an assignment where I will enlist the help of Karra and Alana in coaching a young lady who was just beginning to develop her psychic abilities. I would be traveling off the mountain each day to begin training her in mental shielding as Omal had started with us. The second assignment she was authorizing was for Mark to return to surveilling Groom Lake at Area 51 in his astral body for any new technology being developed. It was something Mark and I had started that the base had become interested in what we found. Assignments given, Tia turns the reins over to Omal for his turn speaking. What he helped me with is my questions on the differences between fifth and sixth dimensions. He explains that the base is sixth dimensional but enclosed in fifth dimensional work space. In later sessions would hear more about the room next to the gravity generators creating the effect. One topic that would come up here and also with Karra was the link between her and I being developed more strongly to where I could hear her on a more constant basis. Omal had some good tips for how to make that happen. We finish up on the world to come after humanity ascends to a higher dimensional Earth. He says what those humans will find guardians there who had been trained for the position that would teach them about their new world and new life. That leaves Kiri to get us to side two. Her training with me had been in coercion so we work on increasing the practice I was doing. To help in this, she provides four important tips in using the skill that make it sound pretty simple. What we do learn is that coercion acts within a frequency created by the user. Mind and voice combine to produce waves of a coercive frequency designed to overwhelm the normal frequency of a person who haven't yet developed mental shielding. She reminds me she had taken Champion coercer twice while in university so she knew the subject well. We end on how to create the coercive frequency which would be continued on side two.

My conversation with Kiri on side two is very short and ends with a bad joke before Wing Commander Taal pays us an infrequent visit and starts things off with a good joke. He was coming by to let me know that a pilot friend of mine had his first confirmed kill and thank Mark for his volunteering to be a guinea pig with the pilots deepwater rescue training. Taal reveals it wasn't a good experience for Mark due to a nosebleed acquired from the two and a half hours it took to get back up to the surface. That brings up the question of the reports of USO's being seen in the world's oceans. He tells his those are craft specially designed for undersea research and don't have the ability to fly in space. The bulk of our talk concerned his upcoming convoy duty he had planned. We learn that convoys can travel through hostile third dimensional space which is where they can get jumped and have to be defended. He then took off which brought Karra on to discuss the assignment given to me by Tia. The person in question had healing as a potential ability so we work on how best to help her develop that skill. We next cover the discussion from Omal about the new mindset we were to develop in which we could hear each other better. We had heard before that improving our telepathic connection was a step to doing that with people down here I had a connection with frequency wise. At the end of our talk we reminisce about my days when I used marijuana to create a better connection to her but had given it up as a dead-end. She explains that enough time had passed where we were able to start at getting back to improving the connection again as if I had never gotten high. Our last guest speaker of the night takes over from Karra to discuss some scheduled battle strategy. Unfortunately, Lyka found himself unable to do so because she needed pictures to properly demonstrate what she knew and that she was a bit tipsy from a flower she had eaten before the session. So the wargame training had to be put off but with a silver lining that I already had a board game down here which would serve our purposes perfectly. That left Tia to run the tape out so I asked her about whether or not she doodles. She reminded me of the potty humor of the question which came from being a mother of triplet daughters. So begins a discussion on a camping trip they had taken to the mountain above the base where they had hunted some rabbits. The four of them were descended from felines so mom was teaching her daughters skills from her home planet complete with individual hunting designs she had painted on each one's faces. We continue discussing the Cubs and how the one called Athena had gotten into an argument with her sister because she wanted to be the boss. It caused some friction which was finally resolved in the end. We finish up the channeling session with the revelation of Tia's real name before she took on a name she felt we would find easier. In her trying to get me to repeat it, it's easy to see why she decided on Tia. It's great to have such an excellent sound quality to work with and we are very happy everything was quite understandable for a change. An excellent entry into the Ashtar Command archives.

This month's editorial is called "From Shades of Gray".   

Nothing matters until we make it matter.