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February, 2025 Edition


Current Editorial

Reception Hall

Library Pre 2001


Cente For

        Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.


   Welcome to The Hades Base News, a connecting point between the higher dimensional members of Ashtar Command and those of us here on third dimensional Earth. The recordings within represent nine years of channeling sessions with beings we came to know and love between 1992 and 2001. Our purpose is to assist in the ascension of humanity by offering one more path among many for those seeking a growth of consciousness.

Formally channeled by Mark Crocker and currently transcribed by Russ Hatfield, they present an undiluted source of information about our planet's past, present and future with a inside look at how we interact with the many races of beings who share our galaxy with us. While there are no more sessions or news from the base, the archives still have much to teach going forward. If you are new to the site, please visit the reception hall to get caught up.  


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(To be posted on 03/01 at 1:30 AM Pacific)


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Latest podcast added to the current archives: "Proper Nutrition and the Meta-Concert Conductor"
Channeling Session Date:


It is February of 2025 but we are going back to 1993 for this channeling session with the members of Ashtar Command. We only have time for three of those members though as they take up the bulk of the tape helping us with some important things. This information from nearly thirty-two years ago is as timely now as it was then as we deal with astral travel, nutritional needs, and focusing on a key part of a meta-concert, the role of the conductor. We'll start with a side note which is Tia getting the session going with a debate on the merits of meat eaten raw and whether it is as healthy as opposed to other options. Her feline ancestry explains her dietary desires to like meat raw. We wrap up the debate and move on to farsighting questions such as learning that traveling through the base in our astral bodies has no effect on the physical things in our way. We compare astral travel techniques and she explains that everyone's technique is like a fingerprint that is unique to them. We end with discussing Mark's incredible talent of being able to go solid when traveling to the base. She steps aside after that to allow Karra to take her place in the channeling field. Karra starts off with news she had received about a blood test done on Luna that revealed that either her body was becoming pregnant or a menstrual cycle was beginning. She brought me the good news because it was possible the baby was mine. They had been trying to get Mark and myself to spread our third dimensional genes among our sixth dimensional female friends. Thus, Karra, Kiri, and Tia were all fine with the program. We then get into the training I was looking to begin with her of healing physical trauma through touch and mind. That led to a discussion on proper nutrition achieved through paying attention to the food eaten and fluids taken in throughout the day. A funny side note she brings up is that for eighteen dollars, one could go to the pharmacy and by all the ingredients that make up a human being. We finish up the side with looking at ways we could use to help the fact that Mark's body isn't self-healing when he is on the base in his solid form. It was causing health issues because his astral and physical bodies weren't matching due to his astral body was healing while he was on the base. We would take up the subject again on the second side.

In our efforts to get Mark's body to start healing during his sleep cycle while he was away or channeling, Karra reveals that when they are channeling through him, his body is running at just the bare minimums for survival. She applies the analogy of a submarine crew waiting out a depth charge run with all systems running at the barest minimum. We move on to the subject of what environmental factors are required for life. The one we focus on is atmosphere and how the pressure of it keeps the body's cells in place. Even with oxygen being provided, the human body in the vacuum of space has the fluids sucked out of it and they freeze or even possibly boil. Either way, a person has about thirty seconds of exposure before dying. That's how we cap things off and Tia takes her place so that Omal can begin channeling. The topic I bring up immediately with him is to discuss is meta-concerts and the role of the conductor that I was looking to get more information to pass on to Mark when he got back. It was something Omal and I had started in a previous session but had to be put off until now. The conductor is possibly the most important participant in a meta-concert because they determine the start, they take in and regulate the energy to be passed on to the primary, and they take in any flashback of energy to keep the rest of the participants from any harm. He stresses practice and training in the conductor role by learning the abilities of each of the participants to handle energies depending on their mood. That puts a big responsibility on the conductor to read each of the people in the meta-concert. He switches to a related topic of taking in energy with the hands-on training part of the channeling session. He has me stand up and feel all the energy sources in the room. We had cats, we had crystals, we also had the pyramid surrounding Mark's body. He had me suck the energy and then release it at a particular tempo. He next has me draw in energy using both my physical and astral bodies and then release it. I note the vast difference between the two attempts and thus learned a new way to approach the entire meta-concert process going forward. It was a key bit of knowledge we didn't have before. We finish things with his suggestion to always have a couple cats around when practicing gathering in energy. Tia returns to bring on Kiri who has only seconds to speak before the tape runs out. Before that, Tia confirms that the energy gathering method Omal showed me would be helpful for meditation and astral travel. A great session we're happy to add to the archives and only wish the sound had been comparable to last months channeling session. We suggest following along with the transcript below.

This month's editorial is called "Handbook for the Immortal Being".   

Nothing matters until we make it matter.