(Tia is already on
the phone with Carrie who is laughing)
Russ: I don't believe this, oh my God.
Carrie: I'm sorry.
Russ: I guess.
Carrie: I did, I was laying in bed and
I hear the phone ring and went, "oh
Russ: no kidding.
Carrie: Mike said, "what?" And I said,
"they were calling for a session tonight," I totally
Tia: well you would have been up in
about an hour and a half anyway.
Carrie: hour and a half?
Tia: uh-huh.
Carrie: why, To go to the
Tia: uh-huh.
Carrie: but see I've learned to do
that with my eyes closed.
Tia: ohhhhh.
Carrie: I can do that with my eyes
closed now.
Tia: well you have a clear pathway
right way through to the bathroom now huh?
Carrie: oh yeah. "Here honey, I'll
shut the door." Yeah I have a bad cramp
in my hip that I can’t get rid of
and it hurts so bad.
in your head?
Carrie: in my hip.
oh in your hip?
Carrie: that’s why it
took me so long to get to the
Carrie: not walking
very well.
well hobbling around, what should
we call you,
Hopalong Cassidy?
Carrie: oh funny.
(blows a raspberry) so how’s my
sister mind doing with her dreams?
Carrie: oh God,
they’re weird.
I’m sorry.
Carrie: they tell me
that it’s because I’m pregnant but
you know.
well that’s part of it.
Carrie: I’ll make
some tea while I’m up, I guess I’m
you’re going to be going to the
bathroom in a few.
Carrie: huh?
you’ll be going to the bathroom in
a few, backwards and forwards,
backwards and forwards.
Carrie: well it
doesn’t help that I drink water
and tea all night and all day but you’re
supposed to.
uh-huh, gotta keep those fluids up
young lady.
Carrie: I drink all
my milk that I’m supposed to and I drink
all of my juices and......
Carrie: God that’s
all I do all day long is like I
drink all day long.
well we’re going to have a water
baby huh?
Carrie: probably,
either that or it’s going to hate
I think it will take after its
mother and love tea.
Carrie: yeah but I
can only drink a couple types of
tea, I can only drink
decaffeinated tea and raspberry
tea. I can't drink green tea and I
can’t drink chamomile.
uh-hmm, how
Carrie: because it’s
a sedative-like…….
oh yeah.
Carrie: and it slows
down my body functions.
which slows down the baby’s body
Carrie: yeah so it
slows down the liver enzymes in
the baby.
Carrie: and so the
baby won’t produce the way it's
supposed to.
so you can’t drink regular teas.
Carrie: no, no not
with caffeine either.
Carrie: I don’t drink
any caffeine. Once in a great
while I’ll have a pop or something
yeah because you’ll have a hyper
baby that will keep you awake all
Carrie: huh?
you’ll have a hyper baby that will
keep you awake all night.
Carrie: yeah.
doing somersaults.
Carrie: shown
a lot of
studies that
that like caffeine can cause a lot
of neurological problems in babies….
Carrie: and stuff and
they say that like when you drink
a lot of caffeine but still….
Carrie: I just keep
it to my basic food groups and my
fruits and vegetables and my tea
Carrie: and all the
good stuff for me so….
so how are you feeling now?
Carrie: good.
that’s great.
Carrie: very fat but
really good.
of course, of course you're blooming. I
came by the other night and you were
sound asleep…he he he he.
Carrie: that’s very
uh-huh. Well
it involved some really
interesting flying dreams and
other dreams.
Carrie: I have some
weird dreams and I dream all night
well that’s good.
Carrie: and still, I
don’t know if the guys told you
about the dream that I had……
I was listening intently.
Carrie: oh and I
can’t…….I still for the life of me
just trying to figure out who that
person is. Because it was one of
those……because you can dream about
other people.
oh yeah.
Carrie: but it just
wasn’t, it was different.
uh-huh, very lucid, very touch,
feel, smell, taste sensitive.
Carrie: yeah and I
knew the person, it was like there
was a connection of some sort.
Carrie: and I just
had a feeling that Russ and Mark
knew him.
they probably do, they probably do
but can’t place him. You know how
these guys are like.
Carrie: oh yeah.
uh-huh. They couldn't
even find their own socks if they
didn’t know where they put them.
Carrie: I’m hobbling
to get my tea now.
Carrie: so how is
everything up there?
everything’s great up here, we’re
very busy.
Carrie: yeah?
uh-huh. We’re doing lots of work and things
which I can’t really talk about
but the Cubs are doing great.
Carrie: are they?
Carrie: I’ll bet
they’re big.
oh they’re getting big, they just
had their third birthday back in
Carrie: oh geez,
uh-huh and they're
full of mischief and play.
Carrie: yeah I’ll
can’t stop playing half the time.
Carrie: well that’s
what they’re supposed to do.
and I’m having somebody throw
socks me at the moment.
Carrie: so who’s in
the room?
well there’s Mark’s body of
course, myself, Russ and up here
we have Kiri and Karra.
Carrie: tell
everybody hi for me.
oh you’re going to talk to Karra
in a few seconds.
Carrie: okay.
she’s getting ready to channel.
Okay, I’m going to put Karra on.
Carrie: huh?
I’m going to put Karra on, she’s
trying to look sensible and
serious but she’s being tickled by
a feather at the moment.
(Karra gets up-to-date
with Carrie)
Karra: hello.
Carrie: hi.
Karra: how’s it going
young one?
Carrie: oh fantastic.
Karra: and we are
growing well I note?
Carrie: growing very big.
Karra: uh-huh, oh you’ve got
more to go yet.
Carrie: I know,
that’s the scary thing, I still
got three months.
Karra: uh-huh and
your aura is radiating
Carrie: oh well I
hope so, it sure feels like it.
Karra: uh-huh and
your stomach area, your belly is
radiating its own private little
Carrie: (laughs)
Karra: that’s quite
bright at the moment.
Carrie: yeah, well
this one I'll tell you, he’s going to
be a wild one.
Karra: uh-huh. Have you had
a test to see what it’s going to
Carrie: no, they
won’t do it unless…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: there's
Karra: or if you’re
over a certain age I believe.
Carrie: yeah, yeah.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: well see they
did one when
I was three weeks to make
sure that the baby was where he was
supposed to be.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: but I kind of
feel like it’s a he.
Karra: yeah well
we’ll see.
I could be wrong but.......I
don’t know why…I just more…I don’t
know…I'm just directed more
towards he.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: can you talk to
it yet?
Carrie: oh I talk to
it all the time.
Karra: uh-huh.
does it talk back?
Karra: yes I
understand the feeling very well
that you experience
on a
third dimensional level
because that is like the first two
trimesters for us.
Carrie: oh really?
Karra: uh-huh and
then it develops after that into
the mind that it has.
Carrie: hmm. I feel
it, I feel it emotionally…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: and I feel
the bonding and
the connection that this child and
I have.
Karra: that’s quite
normal at your
Carrie: I don’t hear
it but I know that the feelings
that the baby has.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: you know
like, I tell its temperament……
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: like when I’m
upset, I can feel the difference
in the way the baby kicks or….
Karra: yes.
Carrie: I almost feel
Karra: well that’s
perfectly natural for it to be uneasy when
you’re upset is that it’s feeling
your muscles get tense and
Carrie: yeah, well
that’s why I try not to get upset
too often like that anymore.
Karra: uh-huh and
you’re doing very well from what I
Carrie: you know
what? Indirectly you know people
don’t believe that indirectly that
you’re affected in the womb.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: you know? But
they’ve even taking people back
through past life regressions into
the womb.
Karra: yes.
Carrie: for the
traumatizing of the childbirth. I
wanted to have…oh God, what is it
Karra: yeah I know
what you mean, one of your last
sessions here, you wanted a…...
Carrie: water baby.
Karra: yes.
Carrie: yeah but they
don’t do that here in the United
States and I wanted to have a
water baby because they say it’s
less traumatizing for the mother
and the baby.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: and I even
watched one on the Discovery
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: and this
woman in Russia, she had her first
two children in the ocean and then
her third child, it was too cold
to have him in the ocean…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: so her
husband filled up a pool in their
front living room and he laid in
the water with her while she gave
birth and they showed it on TV.
Karra: hmm.
Carrie: and it was so
beautiful. I mean it was just so
back to nature.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: back to the
way, the way it was........
Karra: yes.
Carrie: I mean…..
Karra: it takes a lot
of stress off of the muscles and
the baby and it’s very relaxing
and soothing.
Carrie: well the baby
comes out of the water into the
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: you know?
Like whereas here it comes into screaming,
doctors and nurses and lights and…
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: you know? And
cold, cold
Karra: yes.
Carrie: that’s why
we’re going to have........I
mean it’s not the same but we’re
going to have like the lights
dimmed low and……
Karra: nice music
Carrie: and we’re
going to have Enya playing.
Karra: of course.
Carrie: and they say
that you have that option….
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: because that
makes it a little bit less
stressful on the baby and mother
Karra: now remember,
you can’t have any drugs, if you do,
you must play 'Purple Haze'.
Carrie: 'Purple
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: why?
Karra: well it would be
fitting with the drugs and the
Carrie: (laughs) that
would suck. I don’t know if I want
drugs or not. I’ve been doing
research on them.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: but I don’t
know if I’ll have a choice or not.
Karra: well Russ saw
a movie a while back about a baby
being born and the mother had some
drugs and she did her
impersonation of the movie 'Exorcist'?
Carrie: uh-huh.
Karra: while
she was getting ready to give
birth and
then she had the drugs and it was
a very mellow experience for her.
Carrie: oh yeah.
Karra: but it took
away the learning is my opinion.
Carrie: yeah but
sometimes if they don’t give you
the drugs you can actually go into
Karra: oh yes.
Carrie: you know? I
mean I don’t know, I really don’t
know. Okay they showed five
different births, I’ve heard many,
many stories….
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: I’ve heard
lots of women
go in and say they want natural
childbirth and then once they
started into the labor pains they
went for an epidural.
Karra: yes but at
that point it’s really too late.
Carrie: well not
really actually now because we
talked about that in my last
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: and not
really because of……there’s like......they do
have to do it at a certain
Karra: yes I think
it’s about 7 cm.
Carrie: yeah but they
say if you’re anywhere in between
seven to ten it's only going to be
like another hour.
Karra: pretty much
so, yes.
Carrie: but see I
don’t know, I mean if they could
schedule a C-section for me
because my cervix might not be
able to handle it.
Karra: uh-huh yeah.
Now could you do me a favor? Turn
your head slightly, put one hand
under your belly and stick out
your tongue and go.....(blows a
Carrie: why?
Karra: so that we can
take a hologram of you.
Carrie: (laughs) why
am I sticking out my tongue?
Karra: Kiri’s
Carrie: oh. (laughs
some more)
Karra: that’s better,
with your head slightly tilted
back laughing, that’s better yet.
Okay we’ve got it.
Carrie: okay. Oh I
forgot what I was going to say.
Oh, I quit smoking.
Karra: that’s good,
yes we notice that the aura around
your lung is looking better.
Carrie: I quit
smoking on Halloween.
Karra: oh perfect
Carrie: yeah actually
it’s been that long, it feels
really good.
Karra: uh-huh, I’ll
bet it feels wonderful.
Carrie: it does, it’s
nice because then I don’t have to
worry about hurting the baby.
Karra: and shortness
of breath as well.
Carrie: well I do
worry about that because I do have
it. My lungs are crammed up into
my boobs.
Karra: uh-huh but
you're doing your breathing
Carrie: my lungs, my
stomach, my bladder, everything
else. Actually my bladder
the kid steps on quite a bit
Karra: yes but I do
Carrie: so I do, I do
actually have quite a bit of
shortness of breath. My doctor put
me back on an asthma inhaler because
my asthma got worse too.
Karra: well that is
normal and arthritis is also
Carrie: oh well, yeah
I have that too.
Karra: yeah but
the thing to remember is that not
to do any jumping up and down.
Carrie: oh I don’t.
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: Mike makes
sure of that, he’s my food
and my activity police.
Karra: yes.
Carrie: he is, he’s
so cute.
Karra: I remember
getting called to one of my
patients when she was expecting
and she was jumping up and down on
the bed shouting, “will you knock
it off?” She had three little
minds that
were trying to override
her mind and fight at the same
(Tia during her pregnancy with the
Carrie: that’s not
the way to tell them.
Karra: well she was
having real problems at the time.
But you’re fortunate, you’ve got
plenty of room in there unlike my
Carrie: I can
Karra: uh-huh. Yes,
she’s only little, she’s I think
5’2” and having three little
babies inside her was a real
strain on the poor, young lady.
Carrie: I can imagine
Karra: but she’s fine
Carrie: Mike thinks
I’m moody now.
Karra: well you’re
fine, you’re fine. Everything's working
fine, you’re getting all your
appropriate mood
swings and mood
Carrie: yeah actually
they’re not too bad, actually it’s
been a real soul-searching event
for me.
mood swings
aren't too bad, if anything,
they’re better than they were
though for a while there they were
pretty bad.
Karra: well there is
one big one that you have to watch
out for afterwards.
Carrie: postpartum
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: I’ve heard of
Karra: yes and I
really can’t prepare you that well
for it. I would like to be able to
take it away from you but you need
to learn from it.
Carrie: yeah, well…….
Karra: uh-huh.
Carrie: they say that
most mothers go through it.
Karra: yeah uh-huh,
I’ve been through it. Been through
it quite a few times.
Russ: I’ve been
through it.
Karra: and I plan to
go through it again.
Carrie: uh-huh, I'm sure you have.
Karra: well Russ is
getting in touch with his feminine
Carrie: uh-huh,
damn time.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: kicking and
screaming all the way might I add.
Carrie: what?
Russ: kicking and
screaming all the way.
Carrie: uh-huh, well don’t
fight it Russ.
Karra: we’re going to
put on the next person…..
Carrie: okay.
Karra: and then all
three of us will come back at the
end together.
Carrie: okay.
Karra: see you later.
Carrie: bye.
(It's Kiri's
turn with Carrie now)
Kiri: yo.
Carrie: hello.
Kiri: dudette.
Carrie: how are you?
Kiri: I’m doing
wonderful, and you?
Carrie: good.
Kiri: uh-huh. So
how’s things going for you?
Carrie: really good.
Kiri: that’s
wonderful, wonderful.
Carrie: I’m fat
Kiri: no you’re not,
well you’re large but you're
Carrie: oh thank you.
Kiri: you're
absolutely radiant.
Carrie: oh you’re
Kiri: and remember
Carrie: I’m just glad
I’m having this kid in the spring
because I can lose the weight in
the summer.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: if not, I
would be a horrible, depressed
Kiri: well and also
the fact being pregnant in hot
weather is uncomfortable from what
I hear.
Carrie: yeah.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: that’s what
I've heard too and I’m pretty
miserable in
hot weather anyways, I can’t
imagine being pregnant in it.
Kiri: uh-huh. But
once you’ve had your baby, we’ll
get you up here and we’ll have
some fun together, you and I on
the astral level okay?
Carrie: haven’t we
been trying that for years and
it's still never happened?
Kiri: we’ll see what
we can do, we’ll see what we can
do. It will be like some of the
dreams that you’ve have recently.
Carrie: I’m getting
Kiri: uh-huh, uh-huh.
Carrie: I’m getting
Kiri: yeah, tell you
what Mark ought to do, he ought to
print up his how
to astral travel thingy and
mail that to you.
Carrie: oh yeah.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: I used to
have a
tape but I lost it.
Kiri: well we’ll send
it to you from the printer.
Carrie: okay.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: okay, send it
to the address that I just gave
you guys so..
Kiri: and Tia’s
jumping up and down mimicking what
she did about three years ago,
well just over three years ago.
Carrie: what?
Kiri: when she was
Carrie: oh was that
Kiri: uh-huh, that
was her.
Carrie: I kind of
figured that when I heard it was
three little Cubs and she was five
foot two.
Kiri: uh-huh, five foot
two, eyes of blue, strawberry
blonde, that’s Tia.
Carrie: tell her
don’t worry, I’m not going to jump
up and down.
Kiri: okay, that’s
good, that’s good.
Carrie: I don’t I can
get my fat body off the ground
that far though.
Kiri: well Tia’s very
agile and athletic anyway.
Carrie: no, sometimes
I catch myself like doing silly
things like I think I’m still the inevitable
and I can....….
Kiri: do anything.
Carrie: climb the ladder
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: do that stuff
and then I catch myself and go,
“oh no, no, no, not good.”
Kiri: no, no, no, not
good at
Carrie: risky
Kiri: uh-huh,
wouldn’t be prudent at this
Carrie: no.
Kiri: no.
Carrie: I'll be able
to do it in three months.
Kiri: uh-huh, well
you’ve got to relax and unwind and
be cool.
Carrie: it’s been
really challenging because of
depending on somebody else to do
things for you.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: like I really
depend on
Mike a lot to do things
for me and it’s been very challenging
and it was hard at first.
Kiri: yeah.
Carrie: it was really
I mean I would kick and scream and
cry and try to figure out ways of
how I could do it before I had to
ask him.
Kiri: well you’ve
always been independent ever since
we’ve known you.
Carrie: oh yeah well,
I’m learning……
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: better.
Kiri: now you’re
planning on moving to San Diego in
the next year or so?
Carrie: uh-huh, in the
next two years yeah.
Kiri: next two years.
Well that will give you an
opportunity to have some
Carrie: in San Diego?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: oh yeah.
Kiri: yeah.
Carrie: I’m looking
definitely forward to it.
Kiri: uh-huh, and
when the time is right and you
decide that the time is right, Tia
will help to coach and help to
bring me into your mind to help.
Carrie: okay.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: yeah, I can
trust that.
Kiri: yeah, well the
three of us will work together as
a team, make it the best
experience for you possible.
Carrie: I can’t wait,
I’m so looking forward to just
getting out
of this place.
Kiri: uh-huh, and the
sun and the beauty.
Carrie: it's going to be
a while but……
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: I have to
deal with what I got here and then
I can leave.
Kiri: did you ever
meet Russ and Mark’s friend Liana?
Carrie: no.
Kiri: oh, well she’s
a friend of Mark and Russ’ and she
actually lives down in San Diego
Carrie: oh really?
Kiri: uh-huh.
I heard about her.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: I heard about her.
Kiri: oh what did you hear?
Carrie: I think I remember……I
don’t know, I used to remember
hearing…..did you tell me about
her, Russ?
Russ: ahh
Carrie: okay.
Kiri: yeah.
Carrie: it was a really long
time ago but I remember…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: when you said that, it
kind of brought it back to my
Kiri: yes she's
the one that managed to break
down Mark's
barriers temporarily.
Carrie: well that’s not bad if
you can do that.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: my phone battery's
Kiri: oh it is?
Carrie: can you hear it?
Kiri: no
it sounds fine, it’s buzzing a
Carrie: it’s beeping.
Kiri: oh, how much longer does
that allow you?
Carrie: Hell I don’t know, I’ve
talked for hours on it.
Kiri: oh.
Carrie: and then it just
eventually cuts you off.
Kiri: uh-huh. well
that's good, that’s
good. Now, your instinctual
drives that you’re having at the
Carrie: uh-huh.
Kiri: let me rephrase that, your
Carrie: well
I’m kind of laying low on it.
Kiri: but it keeps on bugging
you every so often.
Carrie: yeah,
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: I think my marital vows
right now are overriding
my sexual vows.
Kiri: oh.
Carrie: it is just an emotional
thing I guess.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: that you go through.
Kiri: yeah.
Carrie: yeah, you and your
partner when you’re pregnant and
I’m respecting that right now
because I went through it the
first four months.
Kiri: oh yeah, yeah.
Carrie: you know?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: to
where you’re scared and
you don’t know and you’re
Kiri: uh-huh.
Carrie: and it just kind of
ruins the whole thing so……
Kiri: yeah.
Carrie: we're
just kind of laying low and....
Kiri: okay, we’re going to kick
Russ out now, send him
downstairs to do some reading.
Russ: what?
Kiri: bye Russ.
Carrie: I don’t know how much
longer we can talk though….
Kiri: well that’s why
we’re going to hustle up and
Russ is going…..he’s putting his
finger under his chin and going
Phhtt at me. What does that
Carrie: have
him tell you later.
Kiri: oh, okay. Well okay, now
we're going to deal with the
problem that you might be able
to help with.