Archivist Notes: With
the release of the sequel to the
movie " Guardians Of the
Galaxy", this month's podcast just happens to
have a lot of information for
those interested
in the true
story of who guards
galaxy in
actual fact.
We learn
more about
the Galactic
and the
role Sirius
plays from
both Omal and
in not just
this world's advancement
but how many
worlds just
like ours
are also being
helped along
the path
throughout the
galaxy. Most
of all, we get
to hear Ashtar
Command's plan
for evacuation
of the
earth in the
event we
destroy the
planet or all
life is
by natural
means. This
session has to
rate as one of
examples of an
wise that
goes off the
rails at the end
all the men
and children
have left the
To get the important
stuff started,
Tia assumes
her normal
role as ring
mistress to go
over current 3rd
We start with
a Wall Street
drop on this
New Year's eve
comparisons between
times prior to
market crashes
the past.
We get a
possible prediction
when the
market opened
again just
Omal comes on
to give us an
talk of
having to do
with non-earth
example, he
starts right away
question on
who the Galactic
is and how
they help
throughout the
galaxy. In
regards to
earth, he
enlightens us
on the types
of landings
made by alien
craft for
by races who
have earth's
best interests
at heart as
opposed to
races like the
are of the
while at the
same time
dispelling the
idea that a
mass landing could
take place.
He does
gives us the
plan Ashtar
would use were
earth to be destroyed
natural forces
or by actions
of the
on it. In the
aftermath of
such an event,
we find out
the contingency
plan in place
and that
earth is strategically
We next
explore the ritual for planetary Ascension
and it's goal of a group of people to bring about
mass Ascension. He clarifies how it actually works
and what it will do in the future if continued.
That gets us to the end of his time where he
connects the efforts of Ascension to are ability
to change parallel universes to get to that goal
but not before answering a question that clarifies
if the Hale-Bopp comet
has a companion. Karra uses up the rest of side
one to discuss energy of a physical nature due to
a lack of it I had been going through lately. Our
discussion centers on dealing with spurts of
energy followed by an equal amount of rest which
she can relate to as this was still at a time when
she was working as a healer with Kornas and prior
to her promotion to ambassador.
On side two the topic
changes to photonic energy and its ability to be
used to heal faster than regular energy. She
demonstrates this fact on one of the cats who had
injured its eye by directing photonic energy into
the eye from a knowledge gained through the recall
of her past lives granted by her sixth dimensional
status. We are treated to the effects a real-life
healing taking place far quicker than when just
normal earth energy is involved. After Karra wraps
up, Tia transitions between speakers by explaining
that due to her feline ancestry, her ability to jump
from standing straight up was about twelve feet.
Following that fun fact we hear from a real guardian
of the galaxy in the form of Lyka who is part of an
elite force of soldiers who get called upon by the
Galactic Federation to assist 3rd dimensional sister
worlds and worlds where the progression of
consciousness is under threat of regression. From
Lyka we get one of the best descriptions of the life
of an oath keeper in the Sirian defense force. It's
a fascinating life lived with the possibility of
death always in the cards but hear about the perks
as well she can look forward to at the end of her
service in some 300 to 600 years. We switch gears
from there to her downhill skiing
she had been practicing for the upcoming Tri-Base
Ski races. We hear about the ski
suit being planned to wear or lack thereof
and about the PK field she's incorporating into her training and the fascination
she had developed over Picabo
Street. Kiri
is the last speaker
of the night
and as she is Lyka's ski
suit designer, that is the
first item of
business. Going
over how to make
Lyka go faster
helped Kiri
to reminisce
about a passionate
time on Sirius
where she and
another girl
managed to cut
a holo of the
experience in
what can only
be called some
sci-fi skin
suits to
allow the
video disks to
be touch
Getting back
to the
future, we go
over the
planned for
ski races and
that have been
made to accommodate
the expected
12,000 visitors
from the other
two bases
involved. I
then get
reminded to
pick up my Christmas
present, a
life-sized Energizer
that because
of her
sister's existence.
tape ends as
we hear about
the commands
into this toy
that would
make Silicon
Valley very jealous
and a lot
of money as
Part 1 Listen to this
Duration: 44:22 min. - File type: mp3
Part 2 Listen
to this episode
36:06 min. - File type:

(Tia gets a very
informative session underway)
Tia: the last channeling session of the
year 1996. Tonight we have present Russ and myself
and the Hades Base gang. As Russ practices his
jiggery-pokery and does his technical
Russ: I’m on monitoring.
Tia: oh he’s a monitor now.
Russ: one of the technicians.
Tia: oh, for a minute I thought you
were some kind of cold-blooded reptile.
Russ: huh?
Tia: monitor lizard?
Russ: I don’t think so.
Tia: okay, well as this is the last
one and it’s kind of a free session tonight we have
present Omal, we have also present Commanding
Officer Taal and his charming and delightful Russian
speaking bond mate….
Russ: dos vadanya.
Tia: she says dos vadanya also. We
have present Treen and Teene, Kiri, Karra and Lyka.
Russ: Treen and Teene are
going to be channeling?
Tia: I don’t know if they’re going to
be channeling but they are present.
Russ: ahh, I would say that would be
quite a session.
Tia: well she has channeled before
(Tia starts saying something to the
cats in Durondedunn)
Russ: (speaking to one of the cats)
……..want to say something into the
mic there?
(wWe hear a cat purring)
Tia: okay.
Russ: guest purr.
Tia: okay present down there is Russ
monitor and special attendance by Edmund Blackadder.
cat heard purring before)
Russ: alright well let’s start off
with the, as usual.....
Tia: okay.
Russ: the Wall Street and the current
market standings.
Tia: down 101 today.
Russ: a hundred and one?
Tia: a hundred and one.
Russ: (whistles)…drop and a half.
Tia: biggest drop since July.
Russ: all right so it’s down a 101
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now we discussed in what
I’m transcribing from Omal that we had channeled on
a day that it had dropped 70 points.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now this is just after you had
declared Defcon two.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now he said one of two things
could happen, number one, the market could rebound,
come back 100%.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: or the market could keep going
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: in which case people would get a
lot more worried and things would get worse.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now obviously the market
Tia: correct.
Russ: otherwise we would see a lot
more problems than we already have.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now what does this hundred and
one points stand for as far as those scenarios that
are involved.
Tia: okay, the situations remain the
same, it could on Thursday recover…..
Russ: market closed tomorrow?
Tia: yeah or the market in this
country is. Pretty much closed the world over. I
believe it’s a bank holiday in many countries of the
world so it will be closed tomorrow. Now on Thursday
what could happen is people after the New Year’s
holiday will be feeling happy and prosperous and so
on and it will climb back up, that is the most
likely scenario.
(says something else
to the cat in the room in Durondedunn)
Tia: but conversely they could be
feeling a little bit nervous and insecure and being
nervous and insecure could cause it to drop even
Russ: okay now how does the fact that
it’s New Year’s Eve correspond with the fact that it
dropped a hundred and one points?
Tia: well it doesn’t bode well.
Russ: well I mean what does New Year’s
Eve got to do with it? It’s not just the fact that
it would’ve dropped anyway….
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: I think it was something to do
with New Year’s Eve correct?
Tia: normally on New Year’s eve it
actually either stays very stable right? And does
not drop 101 points. It may drop five or ten
points but on a general thing it normally on New
Year’s Eve stops on a positive note. The fact that
it didn’t is a little bit unusual but it bodes into
my calculations. If you remember the calculations
and everything that I explained in detail concerning
the fluctuations in the market and the fact that at
the time when I made the predictions we had
approximately two years right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: that was almost a year and a half
ago correct?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: everything is going pretty much
as I predicted, will you corroborate that?
Russ: correct.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: well now what kind of stocks are
dropping that are making it go that far down?
Tia: all sorts of stocks, technical
stocks, all sorts of things. That is partly due to
the fact of the development of the technical nature,
the fact that stuff is now starting to become
obsolete and they're coming out with the
new generation of stuff. But the new generation of
stuff people are a little bit nervous of due to the
fact that it has many bugs with the new technologies
that they’re using.
Russ: hmm okay. So it doesn’t matter
what stocks are going to drop.
Tia: that’s correct.
Russ: it’s a fact that at one point if
any one of these larger drops that happen or it
could just keep sliding.
Tia: yeah, it could trigger an
avalanche. That’s the wrong phrase to use around
this area isn’t it, avalanche? But yes, in essence
that’s what it could cause. The understanding that I
have on this is the fact that it will most likely
recover, not as much as it has dropped but you
remember my predictions about day after day after
day of records?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: and then the fact that at the end
of it there would be some serious drops.
Russ: and we're holding out with the
drop part?
Tia: well when there was the day after
day after day of records then it was followed by
quite a few significant drops and that was back in
Russ: right.
Tia: culminating in a 70 point
Russ: yeah but we got a 101 point
plummet today.
Tia: uh-huh correct.
Russ: okay.
TA: uh-huh.
Russ: so defcon one would be if it
kept going down?
Tia: or if it plummeted and it looked
like 1929 all over again or if 1929 happened again
which is quite possible.
Russ: now what’s the difference with
what’s going on now than what happened in 1987?
Tia: the fact because of what happened
in ‘87, things are much more cautious. People
remember that and they don’t go charging in like
some dessert general.
Russ: desert general?
Tia: no dessert, can’t think of
yellow, milky type substance that the British are
famous for.
Russ: custard?
Tia: yeah. (George
Armstrong Custer.)
Russ: okay.
Tia: uh-huh, so people are being a
little bit more cautious in selling and people as I
stated in the past, when they see a drop off like
this tend to go, “hmmm, maybe I can make some profit
here. If I buy now first thing in the morning.....”,
let’s say this happened yesterday right? “If I buy
after a 101 drop right? I can turn around and make a
quick profit.”
Russ: that’s if it goes up again.
Tia: that’s right and the fact that
people do that make it go back up.
Russ: hmmm, predictions for Thursday?
Tia: Thursday, it’s going to recover
or I hope it recovers because I don’t like seeing
these negative drops but unfortunately that’s in my
predictions, it’s something that is there. It’s
going to recover, not much but it’s going to recover
a bit. People are going to be feeling prosperous for
the new year and so on.
Russ: okay. Now gossip from the base
to add on to the webpage.
Tia: you want me to type that in later
Russ: type it in?
Tia: yeah, type it and e-mail it to
Russ: okay.
Tia: save you a lot of work won't it?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: and we did a good job on the last
one, team effort. Mark didn’t channel, we told him
what we wanted. You can tell what Kiri told Mark to
write and what I told Mark to write and then you can
tell what Mark wrote, three very distinct different
styles. Okay, I will put on, I’ll put on the next
Russ: all right.
Tia okay.
(Omal is
his usual mind-blowing self)
Omal: greetings and felicitations
Russ: greetings Omal, let me know if
the little mind over there is going to be a problem.
Omal: no he is not interfering within
the field besides, the little mind can be dominated.
Russ: and how are you this afternoon?
Omal: this evening I am functioning
within specified parameters and yourself?
Russ: happy New Year’s Omal.
Omal: I believe as Mark’s race or part
of Mark's ancestry would say,
happy Hogmanay.
Russ: that’s right, absolutely. I’ve
got some stuff on the photon belt I want to work
with you.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: this is an e-mail that was sent
to me by a gentleman that I need to respond back to
but I wanted to get some input from you first before
I did so.
Omal: okay.
Russ: this is concerning once more the
Galactic Federation…..
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: that we discussed before. First
off, what is the Galactic Federation, do we have a
good definition for that yet?
Omal: it is a group of planets that
are loosely aligned in a cooperative, nonaggression
type pact, mutual aid as you might put it.
Russ: similar to Sirius and Earth.
Omal: pretty much so yes, Sirius is
one of the keystones as it were, one of the
Russ: ahh, okay.
Omal: but they have many, many
obligations as there are many as Kiri puts it sister
worlds that have called upon Sirius in the past to
help, the home world, and have in turn
helped the home world.
Russ: hmm, okay well that make
sense. Now according to the transcription I have,
there is a hologram that was placed around the solar
system to nullify the effects of the photon belt
coming through three days of the null field or the
null zone that is supposed to arrive…….
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: okay? And
according to this e-mail I got, it was then removed
and mass landings were supposed to happen to prepare
and awaken and educate……
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: for the of course three days of
disaster area.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now according to him, the null
zone is here today, today was first day of it….
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: so it’s three days that started
Now I don’t feel too different myself.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: if this is a null zone, it’s going
to have to hurry up and get here pretty
soon because I don’t anticipate any landings.
Omal: no, I doubt that there will be
any landings or mass landings. There are landings
going on all the time from anthropological groups,
groups interested in your planet’s structure, how
the crust is made, geological surveys, natural
history surveys, all sorts of landings occur all the
time. Most of them are done in very secluded areas
where there is no chance of them being spotted.
Others are done by individuals that have a playful
sense of humor. I believe in one of your popular
paper entertainments there was a reference to aliens
landing, putting antennas on the head and marching
backwards and forwards in front of unsuspecting
individuals making bleep
bleep noises to which
the comment was, "rather childish".
Russ: yes.
Omal: but I think you are
aware of where that comes from (The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy).
Russ: that's correct.
Omal: these landings do occur. As for
a mass landing, no. Okay let us look at this null
field, what does null mean?
Russ: null would be a absence of
Omal: correct. So to say that it is
going to cause problems is odd to give it such a
name as a null field. Certainly there are
environmental factors going on at present that
are being generated by the photon belt. The majority
of the factors that are going on are affecting
people in their psychological and spiritual
behaviors but there are environmental
factors that are actually occurring. “Our unusual
weather patterns" as was stated, I’m
surprised that nobody has picked up
on that comment.
Russ: good point, good point.
Omal: look around, tell me what you
see out there.
Russ: a lot of storms.
Omal: uh-huh, it is not us this time,
that was our mistake. This time it is natural
Russ: record snows........
Omal: created by interference by
another natural phenomenon. You might call the
photon cloud the El Niño of space.
Russ: ahh, now it’s not
going to get worse is it?
Omal: possibly yes.
Russ: okay. Now he mentions that
a lot of the reasons why there are no landings is
due to God’s plan or that of the spiritual
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: but he doesn’t go on to explain
spiritual hierarchy, is that like a larger council
the Council of 12?
Omal: you have to be aware that there
are other organizations other than Ashtar Command.
Russ: correct.
Omal: and these loose non-intervention
pacts, there is discussion of the development of
your planet and other planets and it is deemed that
when necessary, the situation will be reevaluated
and looked at again. It depends on how a species
evolves and advance and what it learns and what harm
it does. If a species is very self-destructive and
ends up destroying its planet before it develops
practical space faring capabilities, then we do not
concern ourselves due to the fact if we try to help
every planet, then we would help nobody. We
have to select those with the potential.
Russ: now if Earth was to
self-destruct let’s say prior to its space faring
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: would Hades Base then be a write
off and just have to move it?
Omal: we would try to rescue what we
can of those individuals that are promising.
Russ: oh.
Omal: then we would monitor the dead
planet and hope and pray that life would start to
evolve again. We would have to recalibrate our
schedule and the base would be scaled-back
tremendously from the current number of individuals
to maybe just a few hundred.
Russ: just for monitoring purposes
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: but in a strategy or strategic
point of view, Earth is in a position where it is
necessary to maintain a base. Even if the planet is
Russ: just because it could be taken
and used by other races?
Omal: correct.
Russ: hmm okay. Now would this mean
to say that Hades Base has gone through quite a few
changes since man has taken up a higher place on its
planetary surface?
Omal: most certainly it has.
Russ: so when was the last major
change that happened on Hades Base?
Omal: we are
going through one at the moment.
Russ: you mean with the arrival of the
new squadrons?
Omal: well with the new squadrons, the
enlargement of capacity, yes that would be the best
way to put it.
Russ: okay and this is because I would
assume, now this is just an assumption that Earth is
arriving at a critical point in its future.
Omal: saying critical is inaccurate,
its development is progressing on a higher level but
critical no. Critical would suggest that it’s a make
or break.
Russ: well as we just discussed, I
mean Earth still has the capacity to destroy itself.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: though I don’t see that
happening…’s still hard to tell with the photon
cloud going through, various instabilities
in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union….
Omal: this is all part of what is
being planned and predicted. These are not critical
stages, critical is when evolution
starts to have a hand and to polarize
groups of individuals of those that do and those who
do not if you understand my meaning.
Russ: I see.
Omal: but those that do not, they
become concerned and are feared of those that do.
Russ: okay. So basically we’re at a
regular point that you guys had planned
Omal: correct.
Russ: and were ready to make the
changes necessary on the base to accompany those
changes here on earth.
Omal: correct.
Russ: I see, okay. Now a little
sidetrack on the ski race coming up…..
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: is that part of that change?
Omal: no, that is something that is a
nice interlude for the base personnel. It is as you
might call it a holiday for them.
Russ: oh okay. I thought we might be
thinking of…..that way you could have people from
other bases taking a look at the possibilities
available there on…..
Omal: no we are not recruiting, we are
not on a recruitment drive.
Russ: okay, I wasn’t sure.
Omal: and no there is not vacancies
for a fourth team from your planet.
(Russ starts laughing)
Russ: oh well.
Omal: besides, I think that most of
the individuals that would be willing to participate
would not be of the high standards that have been
set by the teams that are participating.
Russ: that's true, very true. All
right, now back to what we’re working on here which
is another email that I got and this concerns the
ritual for planetary Ascension.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: that being the ritual being the
mechanics of actual Ascension.
Omal: yes.
Russ: and this is something that
happens apparently every six weeks and it links
earth energy and the chakra system….
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and activates the living light
body or Merkabah.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and to different planetary
vortex portals.
Omal: yes on a six weekly cycle
throughout your planet.
Russ: correct. I assume one of the
vortex portals would be Sedona.
Omal: yes.
Russ: and then there’s the others
around the world. First off I’ll get into the second
part of this, I want to work on what exactly are we
talking about here? Is this something that’s
actually happening and can happen?
Omal: it is a way of bringing the
higher consciousness of individuals to a higher
level, it is a kind of mass meditation scattered
over many places by using an electronical system.
Russ: the Internet.
Omal: correct
Russ: ahhh.
Omal: it is a way of getting
information out and individuals pulling together
from various points throughout your global network.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: it is a way of bringing new
people and new energies into it, it is something
that is necessary, it is something that is working
but not as people really understand. They believe
that they’re pulling themselves towards a higher
mental level which is yes, true. They are pulling
themselves towards Ascension, yes this is true but
not as they think, they’re not physically going to
wake up one morning on the sixth dimension. They are
one day going to find that they are more spiritually
alive, more spiritually developed, more spiritually
sound, more spiritually in tune, more
spiritually capable.......
Russ: hmmm.
Omal: and then one day they will pass
and then the changes will occur.
Russ: ahh, okay. Is this sort of like
an unfocused meta-concert let’s say?
Omal: very unfocused yes but in the
essence yes. Any time a group of individuals get
together for a common purpose, then in essence what
you have is a meta-concert. When you go to your
recreational facilities and pray to a single entity,
you are having a meta-concert. When you focus on one
matter and one matter alone and have a group of
individuals, then you are having a meta-concert,
unfocused most certainly.
Russ: correct. Okay, it describes the
portals as multidimensional doorways leading to
astral planes, parallel universes, various other
places and you never know where you’re going to go.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: which as they say is the fun of
it, not knowing where the portal will take you to.
Now for example, parallel universes, as we’ve
discussed before it’s rare to find the portal to a
parallel universe.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and so does this have some
possibilities of actually occurring?
Omal: no, it is wishful thinking on
that part.
Russ: ahh.
Omal: it gives you the options of
looking at the connections where events
will lead to a parallel universe. As
we have discussed in the past, the branches of a
parallel universe…..
Russ: correct.
Omal: and this is the points where you
can see if you proceed on this path you will
enter into this universe or if you proceed on this
path you will enter into this universe.
Russ: ahhh, I understand.
Omal: so it is more along the lines of
yes and no, yes you can perceive the possible
outcomes of your actions if you act in a particular
way and that way you will enter into parallel
universes but it will not appear to be any different
from the one that you were in originally.
Russ: so this would be sort of similar
to the times where I’ve actually like ingested some
and being able to get a glimpse in at the….
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: various parallel universes that
are forming.
Omal: yes.
Russ: I understand. It’s
just another perception of reality.......
Omal: correct.
Russ: and in any of those portals as
they’re called, you’re merely perceiving reality in
a new way.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Now according to this,
each of the portals are coordinated by shield
guides which are interdimensional beings who guard
the portals. Sounds similar possibly to devas
Omal: yes, I would not quite of worded
it as devas or interdimensional guides, it is more
of guides that are linked to other aspects of
themselves that can shepherd and coach.
Russ: give me an example please.
Omal: certainly, you
have an individual that is become a guide in one
parallel universe and in another parallel universe
he has also died and become a guide and standing at
the portal he can see himself and he can communicate
with himself because they think alike and he knows
what the other guide would do and that way they are
able to work together to shepherd and coach.
Russ: now in another parallel
universe, wouldn’t this same guide actually be one
of the people that are going to the portal?
Omal: no, the guide stands at the
portal and shepherds through.......
Russ: ahh.
Omal: passes onto himself. You get
passed from him to him but a different
aspect of himself.
Russ: okay. So basically this is
actually a very good thing to hook up into as far as
being able to gain more insight into for example
hooking up with the chakra system to the earth
Omal: correct.
Russ: some good clues there.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now along this same line of
thought, we’ve talked before about meditation and
how to ground yourself you have to hook up with the
earth’s energy anyway.
Omal: yes.
Russ: now this is speaking of using
the chakra system and doing the same thing, now
would this then be a linking up of each of the
chakras in line to the earth?
Omal: they are already linked, it is
just amplifying and reinforcing the connection.
Russ: oh okay. Where have we seen this
before relevant in our history as far as some of the
religions? Would this mean like Buddha or I mean
Hinduism like finding your what is it, kundalini?
Omal: kind of.
Russ: so not exactly but getting there, okay.
right, let's see. Oh
yes, Hale-Bopp comet.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now apparently there is a
companion along with that.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and there is some spiritual
implications about the companion, I wonder if I
could get some information or insight into this?
Omal: there is no companion.
Russ: oh there isn’t?
Omal: there is none.
Russ: okay, what is exactly happening
with the Hale-Bopp Comet?
Omal: it is a very large comet.
Russ: okay.
Omal: it is approximately a 25 miles
across, it is on a path that makes it appear to have
a companion. It is behaving a little unusual due to
the fact of its very size.
Russ: oh, so in other words it’s just
creating some strange gravimetric affects?
Omal: basically yes.
Russ: I see.
Omal: you have a very dense solid
object that is 25 miles across in space and what is
it going to do? It will generate its own gravity
Russ: hmmm.
Omal: very weak but it will generate
Russ: now it’s already passed by?
Omal: no.
Russ: not yet.
Omal: not yet.
Russ: and it has no shot at
ever getting close to the
earth except in a spatial sort of way.
Omal: in a spatial sort of way yes.
Russ: and will we cross through its tail
Omal: yes.
Russ: and what will happen at that
Omal: what normally happens?
Russ: not a lot?
Omal: meteors, lots of beautiful
Russ: hmmm, because of the breakup of
the comet.
Omal: because of the dust particles
that are given off.
Russ: ahhh okay, so it's
going to be more of a light show than
Omal: yes.
Russ: good. All right, well that’s
about all I have for this evening.
Omal: okay, thank you.
Russ: thank you Omal.
Omal: live long, prosper, I’ll be back
and have a Merry Hogmanay.
Russ: well thank you, you too.
Omal: lie down feline.
(Tia returns with a
trivia question)
Russ: all right.
Tia: okay. Okay
I’ve got a tough trivia question.
Russ: okay.
Tia: okay? In what movie did David
Niven star in that was in both color and
Russ: Casino Royale.
Tia: no.
Russ: no? Was the same movie was in
black and white during the same show or is it two
different versions of the same movie?
Tia: no, it’s the same movie and it is
in both black and white.
Russ: black and white.
Tia: yes, there are scenes in it where
it is in black and white and scenes
in it where it's in color.
Russ: he stared in it?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: that’s a good question. I don’t
Tia: I think it’s called “Heaven Can
(Ed. Note: it was actually called “A
Matter of Life and Death” released
in 1946.)
Russ: it must have been the earlier
version of “Heaven Can Wait” then.
Tia: he plays a navigator or something
in an aircraft
that is crippled right? And his parachute is
destroyed and he jumps out and the angel misses him
and can’t find him and he wakes up in the morning on
the beach and there's a girl that he’s
talking to.......and Mark’s told me about
this story, it’s one of his favorites.........and
whilst he’s in the airplane, I think he’s a wireless
operator or a pilot right? There’s his dead
tailgunner or navigator that is next to him, he’s
dead and he’s talking to this girl telling her
basically his plane's crippled and everything, that
going to jump out and he doesn’t have a
parachute and he is going to
trust to luck and so on. And he jumps
out of the plane and angel misses him and he wakes
up in the morning on the beach. And the angel tries
to get him to come up to heaven and every time he
dozes off the angel finds him.
Russ: hmmm, interesting. No because
there’s another ‘Heaven Can Wait’ that came out
later with Warren Beatty…..
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: which is a completely different
story from what you’re describing. I knew there was
an earlier version, I just had never seen it before.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: I’ll have to go check it out.
Tia: yeah, I think it’s called “Heaven
Can Wait” or that’s what Mark’s…..
Russ: well Mark will certainly tell me
when he gets out.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: all right, with the New Year’s
coming on…..
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: how do you see the people
looking at 1997? Usually the odd years are a better
year financially than even years are.
Tia: yes but things recently haven’t
been going like that.
Russ: hmm, I wonder if it will
Tia: I think it will, we’ll see, we’ll
see. Anyway I’m going to put on the next person……
Russ: okay.
Tia: as it’s getting close to the tape
turning over, in fact it should do that very soon if
Russ: it has to click automatically.
Tia: yeah, if it hasn’t done it
Russ: yeah.
Tia: okay.
(Karra takes us to the
end of side one.)
Karra: hello.
Russ: hello Karra.
Karra: how’s it
going dear?
Russ: good, Kiri helping
you out here?
Karra: uh-huh, yes
she is.
Russ: excellent, I wasn’t sure if your
control of the body had gotten better all
of a sudden.
Karra: no, she’s
sitting very close to me and then we have the
control part down on my head so that she doesn’t
interfere and also the fact that Lyka has
got her head in my lap at the moment, I’m playing
with her hair.
Russ: hmm, sounds like a loving trio.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: how are you my dear?
Karra: I’m doing
Russ: good, so we’ve been working a
lot together here lately.
Karra: yes we have
haven’t we?
Russ: uh-huh, so let’s talk about
cycles shall we?
Karra: okay.
Russ: all right now, do you go through
the same cycles or….?
Karra: yes I do.
Russ: okay, and is this just a natural
occurrence everyone has to like go at high-speed on
one thing that has huge spiritual implications for
Karra: pretty much
so yes but some people are outside that factor and
they maintain that
high energy all the time. Take Kiri for example, she
remains incredibly focused quite a lot of the time,
lucky girl. She doesn’t lose lack of interest very
often in things but there again she
doesn’t get a lot of interest in other
Russ: hmm.
Karra: for example,
her sex drive for years has been the same, very
high, very intense. It climbs higher and then it
will slide back down gradually.
Russ: hmm, now this is basically all
part of growing correct?
Karra: correct yes.
Russ: and how does this compare also
with the physical growing states?
Karra: well as a
young child you grow rapidly and you're very active
hyper. It is not very often that you see a child
that is young and growing that is very lethargic and
lacking in activity. Normally when you see a child
like that it is not very well, poor and sickly. So
yes, the hyperactivity is relevant to the growing.
Russ: so that’s physical and then you
take a break from that a bit, grow the rest of your
life sort of.
Karra: yes but it
does affect you in the spiritual development and
your interests but the hyperactivity does remain in
certain things when you’re in a hurry to do
something for example.
Russ: hmm, okay I understand. Now with
the growth spurt that each of us goes on…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: the amount of rest means the
between spurts is just the amount of rest needed due
to the large amount of spurt that you had?
Karra: yes, it is
equal. If you have a huge spurt of activity, then
you need to have a fair bit of rest.
Russ: okay.
Karra: you run many
miles but you need about the same amount of time to
Russ: hmm, I understand. And
afterwards you’ve rested……
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: you're different from
the point before the spurt.
Karra: correct, if
you’re not, then you might as well of not had that
spurt........thank you.
(Speaking to someone in the channeling
room on the base.)
Russ: right.
(One of the Cubs says something in
Karra: we have a few
children around.
Russ: I took a wild guess, it’s not
often I hear you speaking Durondedunn.
Karra: no.
Russ: all right……
Karra: apparently
they have come out to see what’s going on.
Russ: I figured.
Karra: uh-huh, they
fit right in, they’re in their nightclothes and a
few people are in their “nightclothes”.
Russ: okay, so I went from spurt to
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now back to spurt.
Karra: correct.
Russ: without the rest, are you
basically oftentimes burning your candles as we
would say like for Carrie?
Karra: yes, how do
you mean by burning your candles, at both ends?
Russ: well for example you’re burning
Karra: uh-huh yes,
when I work on Carrie, I focus all my energy on
Russ: uh-huh, correct. Now
afterwards, do you take a rest period?
Karra: if I can yes.
Russ: okay and after any healing
Karra: if I
Russ: or any healing that you’ve done.
Karra: if I can,
Russ: if you can you will.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay.
Karra: there are
times when you have seen me that I have looked very
tired and my hair is not buoyant and it's limp
my eyes are kind of glazy and that is when I haven’t
had the opportunities to take rest. And it’s not
just because I’ve healed two or three people, it’s
because I’ve been very busy and healed many and I’m
low on energy.
Russ: now can you draw energy from me?
Karra: yes I can.
Russ: when you need to?
Karra: when you’re
up here.
Russ: okay.
Karra: you
have to be close enough for me to reach out
and touch as it were. The further away somebody is
the less energy I can pull. From you I can’t pull
any because you’re too far away.
Russ: oh.
Karra: although I
could pull energy into Mark’s body through you.
Russ: right.
Karra: but not up
here to me.
Russ: right. Okay yeah because there’s
just some times that I want to heal you more than
anything else.
Karra: yes.
Russ: okay. Well I told Omal about the
mass landings and…..
Karra: yes, he seemed
to chuckle with that.
Russ: yes, I was going to say, you
want to book yourself a spot on one of those
Karra: myself?
Russ: oh yeah.
Karra: thank you, I
would love to.
Russ: get your ticket
early before the rush starts.
Karra: yes.
Russ: like I can see 12,000 people
coming to Hades Base for a ski race,
I can’t see that many people coming down to Earth
to help educate us.
Karra: no.
Russ: all right. Okay
now, the amount of energy we can
Karra: yes.
Russ: is proportional to the amount of
energy we have……
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: correct?
Karra: correct.
Russ: now, the amount of energy we
have is proportional to the amount of energy we can
draw in from around us.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so, why is it we never remember
to draw in all the energy necessary that we need for
any occasion that we have?
Karra: because you
never know exactly what that occasion is going to need.
If you knew what every occasion was going to need,
you would know what the occasion was, how to handle
it, what was going to happen and it would be very
boring and tedious. By being able to not pull in
enough energy or pull in too much can be fun and
entertaining and part of growing.
Russ: well for example, today up at
Heavenly okay?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: getting towards the end of the
day there and it's starting to slow down a
little bit and I’m practicing tai chi......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay? Now at that point I can
start working on drawing in more energy to give
myself some more energy.
Karra: yes.
Russ: and that would be coming from
the skiers in the room and just basic earth energy
from around.
Karra: correct.
Russ: okay, now do you have any
information on whether or not the photon cloud has
any energy giving abilities?
Karra: I believe we
have covered that yes.
Russ: right. So that’s a new source I
can draw upon….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: as necessary.
Karra: yes and the
reason we haven’t told you to do so is because you
have to learn that for yourself.
Russ: right.
Karra: but I believe
that my sister………

(Karra returns
and gets back to where
she was.)
right, photonic energy I believe we discussed.
Karra: yes we
Russ: okay, so with the photonic
energy, we’ve never really discussed physical
properties of it…….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: except for the fact that it’s
different from other energy.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: are the differences something I
have to learn or is something you can help me with?
Karra: something
that you have to learn. I can tell you how to use
it, how to handle it, how it reacts, how it
behaves but those are words. Until you experience
and learn to manipulate it, the words mean
Russ: right.
Karra: I can
tell you when you pull the energy in is to breathe
normally but yet feel it filling your
body. Those are words, it gives you an idea but
until you do it and learn it, they mean nothing.
Russ: right and that’s just for basic
for any energy.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: photonic energy would naturally
react differently.
(she takes
a close look at the cat in the
Karra: now
it’s this side that’s blind is it?
Russ: right.
Karra: uh-huh,
it’s connected.
Russ: to the other one?
Karra: no,
connected to the optic nerve.
Russ: hmm, maybe just some accident.
Karra: it’s
possible that he… is not seeing properly, that
it’s blurred and fuzzy so he doesn’t bother using
it and it shuts itself down naturally.
Russ: hmmm…
Karra: anyway….
Russ: doesn't
seem to hamper it. Okay so, real
quickly then, does photonic energy aid in the
healing process more than regular energy does?
Karra: it depends
on how you use it. For example, let me fire up
here. That one’s black is it?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: very
close up.....they're brothers. This
was the patient if my memory serves me right.
Russ: right.
Karra: okay. Okay,
I’m only going to pump energy in, I’m not going
to do any fixing or repairing. That is something
that he needs to learn and he’s getting agitated
from the energy flow. Okay, feel the base of the
Russ: uh-huh, it's warm.
Karra: uh-huh, yes
that was quicker wasn’t it than normal?
Russ: right, that was photonic.
Karra: uh-huh, see
how he tweaked his head and he
started twitching his ears and
turning and diving his head? He’s not used to
that energy flow.
Russ: ahh, so I see, so you’ve been
learning to use it.
Karra: I learned
how to use it long ago. Now….
Russ: oh. Wait a second, I
thought the photon cloud was just a new phenomenon
for this period of time.
Karra: yes, don’t
forget I am sixth dimensional, I do remember.
Russ: oh that’s right.
Karra: okay now
watch his eyes……..come on, here we go. Now watch how
his eyes grow.
Russ: oh yeah.
Karra: it was
little bit too much for him that time but
he likes it there because of the energy flow.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: have you
noticed that where most cats sleep
when they curl up next to you?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: look at how
Mark’s body is at present how we’ve got him,
chakra and the line bends
but there's the flow that is straight
down, where does it go?
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: and then
you have the other one earlier on that was right
behind Mark’s legs.
Russ: right.
Karra: root
chakra, right the way down through. Most cats like
to sleep in those places don’t they?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: so what
does that tell you?
Russ: that they gain energy from you
but they also pass it on.
Karra: correct,
they’re in the flow line.
Russ: right. Okay, so
photonic energy is my homework assignment for the
Russ: no problem.
Karra: no it’s
just something that Kiri whispered in my ear.
Russ: oh.
Karra: concerning
of where he’s lying and a comment she made.
Russ: something about the root
Karra: no, it was
something to do with if he was up here it would be
a pussy on a pussy.
Russ: ahh good ole Kiri.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay so I’ll work on my
homework this week.
Karra: yes, I
think the way to describe Kiri at the moment is
that she is fully charged with sexual energy.
Russ: she’s good at that point.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay.
Russ: thank you Karra.
Karra: hold the
microphone, you
got it?
Russ: uh-huh.
(Tia comes on to make the
(Tia says hello in Durondedunn)
Russ: hi Tia.
Tia: okay I got it. What was she
doing to his eye?
Russ: sending some photonic energy
through it.
Tia: uh-huh.
(says something to
the cat in Durondedunn)
Tia: okay, I suppose you
want to talk to the next person.
Russ: you know me, I’m in no hurry.
Tia: you want to talk to my daughter?
Russ: sure, which one?
Tia: I think it’s Miranda beating
around in the bushes there. Not Miranda, Minerva,
Miranda’s next to her.
Russ: well we're not going to get
much out of her are we?
Tia: no,
probably a few mews. She’s intimidated by it,
she jumped over Karra….
Russ: right.
Tia: and she jumped
clean over.
Russ: there was little bleep.
Tia: uh-huh, that was
Russ: oh.
Tia: uh-huh, she wanted to go from
the far side to me so she took the direct route.
Surprised Karra the fact that she
jumped clean over her head.
Russ: did she know that she was in
the field all of a sudden?
Tia: no I don’t think so.
Russ: oh.
Tia: she just said sorry when she was
right over the top.
Russ: pretty good jump though.
Tia: hmm, it is good for
child yes.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: you’ve seen me jump.
Russ: I don’t think I have really.
Tia: I can jump close to from
standing, I can jump about nearly two meters.
Russ: 12 feet?
Tia: no I think it’s
what? Yeah about 12 feet, 10, 12
feet. I get confused with of all your
earth measurements. Put it this way, I can jump my
body length twice and half again.
Russ: that’s pretty good.
Tia: and that’s from a standing jump.
Russ: higher than I can go. How about
straight up?
Tia: straight up? I can jump my
height and about half again.
Russ: get you
and me in a one-on-one
basketball game.
Tia: what’s basketball?
Russ: that’s where you throw the
ball through the hoop.
Tia: no problem, I can do that.
Russ: yeah.
Tia: how big an area do
you play in?
Russ: oh it’s not very big, maybe the
size of twice my driveway?
Tia: no problem at all, I can do that
from one end to the other.
Russ: have Mark give you
a full detailed briefing of it.
Tia: okay. And then we
have……thank you…..Mark’s just come out and grabbed
Russ: cool.
Tia: anyway.
(Tia says goodbye in Durondedunn)
Russ: bye.
comes on to give us another example
of how the galaxy is guarded)
Lyka: yo dude.
Russ: what up?
Lyka: hey how’s it going?
Russ: well I’ve been
working hard and having fun. Yourself
also I take it has also been having a lot of fun?
Lyka: lots of fun dude.
Russ: cool darling.
Lyka: yeah, thought I’d talk to you
as this is the last opportunity I get to talk to
you in this year.
Russ: now….
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: you're Lyka right?
Lyka: who else?
Russ: that’s what I thought. You’re
going off on a trip right?
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: and that’s coming up in April?
Lyka: May.
Russ: May?
Lyka: May.
Russ: all right, we’re not going to
see you for six months?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: are we going to get some more
fun discs from you?
(Ed Note: holograms
on discs)
Lyka: what type do you want?
Russ: well the ones like middle of
the battlefield, battle raging all around, it’s
all blacked out but you can really tell what’s
going on.
Lyka: maybe.
Russ: and there’s you and like, “oh
Lyka: yeah, “just taking this
opportunity to send you a disk. Things are
entertaining, I wish I was at home.”
(Russ laughs)
Russ: well, it should be a little
more fun this time.
Lyka: yeah, we’re not going somewhere
so hot.
Russ: that’s what I heard..
Lyka: uh-huh, in
fact it's apparently a little bit
on the chilly side the time that we're going.
Russ: hmm.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: now is this part of the thing
where Sirius has……
Lyka: yes.
Russ: an agreement if
it can?
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: now this goes back to what Omal
and myself were talking about…..
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: the Galactic Federation.
Lyka: yes. I am an oath keeper.
Russ: hmmm.
Lyka: which gives me certain
Russ: such as?
Lyka: well I have the
right to go wherever I wish. If I want to walk
into a Council chamber, I can do that.
Russ: can you be stationed wherever
you wish?
Lyka: no.
Russ: okay, so that’s decided for
Lyka: yes, they’ve taken away all my
rights, all my privileges right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: and in return, when I have
finished my service…..
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: and if I decide to do a full
service instead of a mandatory service that some
people have to go through, I do a volunteer
Russ: right.
Lyka: a volunteer service is 300
years minimum.
Russ: wow.
Lyka: but I get the opportunity to do
a volunteer service, change it to a mandatory
service at any time that I wish.
Russ: hmm.
Lyka: when I finish my voluntary
service, I have privileges.
Russ: you can take a place anywhere
you want?
Lyka: correct, I can go to any base
that I want, I can go to any educational facility
that I want, I can have a rejuve whenever I want.
For example, if I want to be a little girl all
over again, I can have my body rejuved to that
Russ: whoa.
Lyka: for example, if I want let’s
say the president of the Council to be the father
of my children……
Russ: that’s a pretty nice
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: and so you still have about
another close to 600 years of just retirement?
Lyka: yeah pretty much so.
Russ: that’s not bad.
Lyka: most oath keepers stay in until
they're 600 years old.
Russ: yeah I can see why.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: you get used to it right?
Lyka: well they become
teachers, instructors, commanding officers. They,
I think you would call, the commander of our
no……general of our regiment?
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: or our army? He is close to 700
years old.
Russ: he’s a lifer.
Lyka: yeah he's a
Russ: well when you find something
you like.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: but he isn’t go into
active service anymore.
Lyka: yes he does.
Russ: oh he does?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: at 700?
Lyka: yeah he leads from the front.
Russ: really?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: that’s impressive.
Lyka: we have nobody behind us,
everybody fights.
Russ: that’s probably why you always
Lyka: uh-huh, everybody fights. The
girl that cooks everything, she’s a damn good
Russ: she on the biathlon team?
Lyka: no, she doesn’t like getting
Russ: I was going to say, she should
Lyka: the guy in the other platoon,
he does the religious things, he’s like you might
call a padre?
Russ: yeah.
Lyka: he’s got so many
notches on his short sword, it’s ridiculous.
Russ: wow.
Lyka: you don’t want to fence against
him. If Mark channels him….
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: and he learns how to use Mark’s
Russ: he would be a pretty fun
teacher for sword fencing I’ll bet.
Lyka: uh-huh, he’d whoop the hell out
of you.
Russ: I can imagine, oh my God.
Lyka: he’s also a PK head as well.
Russ: wow.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: so you’ve been doing some
practicing I hear on your skiing
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: and, how’s it coming?
Lyka: I’m having a little bit of
problem with my weight at the
Russ: I hear you’re filling out
Lyka: yeah I know but it’s affecting
my skiing.
Russ: well you’re adding some weight
which means you’ll go faster.
Lyka: uh-huh but it’s handling the
speed. I mean my breasts have got bigger and it’s
sort of a little bit uncomfortable.
Russ: well there are sacrifices to be
Lyka: well they're all
tender at the moment. My sex drive is getting a
little uncontrollable.
Russ: well, one good ski session will
help you there.
Lyka: uh-huh. I decided the other day
that when I come back, when I reach my 21st
birthday, I'm going to take a year off.
That’s acceptable, that’s not breaking my oath.
Russ: well that would be nice.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm, what are you going to do?
Lyka: hopefully be pregnant for nine
months of that.
Russ: good deal.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: are you going to just jump up a
little size in skis now?
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: what are you going to go up to?
Lyka: I’m thinking for downhill
something like maybe 232’s.
Russ: I guess.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: add another thirty two cents
onto my skis and that’s about what I’d have,
Lyka: well I’m only on 228’s at the
moment I that
correct 228’s? Yeah.
Russ: I wouldn’t even know how to
turn one of those things, I wouldn't turn
one of those things.
Lyka: you don’t, not until you get up
to speed.
Russ: which is major fast?
Lyka: uh-huh. My
ski suit that I’ve had designed for me, real nice
one, real nice one.
Russ: really?
Lyka: uh-huh, it’s in Tia’s colors.
Russ: oh.
Lyka: uh-huh, there are no leggings
to it.
Russ: it’s all one piece?
Lyka: no, it’s……yeah it’s one piece
but it’s more like a swimsuit.
Russ: oh, your legs are bare?
Lyka: uh-huh and my arms.
Russ: why?
Lyka: less drag, it doesn’t wrinkle.
It’s going to be cold.
Russ: it’s going to be hella cold.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: good Lord.
Lyka: it’s going to cut down on the
drag, there is one problem though.
Russ: besides the goosebumps starting
to cause drag?
Lyka: no I’m going to have a PK field
for practice around me and then gradually do away
with the PK field.
Russ: hmm, you can’t just get
something that like you can paint on or
Lyka: well we’re thinking
about that as well but the skin needs to breathe.
Russ: only in one place.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: you can leave something open,
your neck.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm.
Lyka: but yeah with a crash helmet
and everything on yeah, I’m pretty good. Besides,
if it’s a warm spell that we have, then I’m going
to wear that particular outfit.
Russ: hmmm, well this will be worth
coming up to see definitely.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: what are you going to do for
Lyka: I’m going to be wearing gloves.
Russ: yeah but how do you keep the
drag down and your weight down, what kind of
gloves are they?
Lyka: they’re kind of a…..almost like
a rubber glove type thing.
Russ: oh okay.
Lyka: uh-huh but they fit over a set
of gloves that are padded and hard on the back
Russ: can’t you just take those
gloves up to your elbow? Because your elbow’s
where your wrinkles will come in right?
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: well if
the glove comes up to your elbow but not quite
there then they never get any wrinkles in it but
your front….
Lyka: talk to
the ski suit designer?
Russ: all right, I’ll talk to her.
I’ll let you get back to what you doing darling.
Lyka: no, I’m talking to you.
Russ: oh okay.
Lyka: uh-huh. Actually I’m lying
on my stomach having my back rubbed.
Russ: oh you are?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: I envy you.
Lyka: in fact Karra’s
just got down to my buttocks.
Russ: I really envy you.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: I’d trade you in two seconds
Lyka: I know you would.
Russ: come on down here, we got a
whole mountain right over here that you can go
practice on.
Lyka: oh God, I would trade
you and I’d have Mark all to myself.
Russ: you bet, it’s a deal.
Lyka: uh-huh, now…..
Russ: uh-huh.
Lyka: a reference was made earlier on
from what Tia told me about Picabo
Street, who is she?
Russ: ahh Picabo Street, one hell of
a crash hot skier out of Colorado.
Lyka: what does she look like?
Russ: she’s got freckles…..
Lyka: oh she's the girl
on the holo I have, the one who
hurt her leg recently.
Russ: yeah, yeah, yeah that’s her.
Lyka: oh, that’s her name.
Russ: yeah, yeah she’s always wearing
those Spyder one piece suits…..
Lyka: yeah.
Russ: with the crash
helmet on.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: yeah, that’s Picabo.
Lyka: yeah I have a picture of her,
she’s a nice little thing. Her legs are nicely
Russ: yeah, I mean you’re going that
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: she’s got nice, yeah she’s
developing nicely.
Lyka: I have a picture of
her that I have on my desk.
Russ: do you?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: she’s won quite a few events
Lyka: yeah, it’s a picture
of her in a swimsuit.
Russ: really?
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: I haven’t seen her in a
Lyka: yeah, apparently a friend of
mine sent me the picture.
Russ: oh.
Lyka: uh-huh, don’t know where she
got it from, I won’t even ask.
Russ: yeah I guess you would.
Lyka: what?
Russ: well the way you ski, she skis
pretty much, pretty outrageous.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: she takes all kinds of chances.
Lyka: yeah I would teach her a thing
or two, not just about skiing either.
Russ: Picabo.
Lyka: uh-huh.
Russ: I just love that
Lyka: I think I might
call my daughter that when I might take
my break.
Russ: well are you sure
it will be a daughter?
Lyka: I hope so.
Russ: could be a son. I can’t see
some guy named Picabo is going to be really fond
of his name after about the first hundred years.
Lyka: why?
Russ: peek-a-boo, I see
you. Ask Mark.
Lyka: oh, oh, Tia just
explained it to me. It’s a third
dimensional thing.
Russ: it’s a kids game.
Lyka: can I ask you........could
you on the I-mode tell Karra
not pull my panties so tight?
Russ: yes my darling, I sure well.
Lyka: she’s blushing. Well what she
did was she grabbed and pulled it across so she
could work on the base of my spine.
Russ: well it’s a mental image on my
Lyka: uh-huh yes. Anyway, anyway,
I’ll see you in a while.
Russ: have fun darling.
Lyka: uh-huh and I’ll see if I can
get her to project some really good images.
Russ: okay.
Lyka: ohhh, that’s a nice toy. See
Russ: bye.
(Tia returns for the final
(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)
Russ: hey babe.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: too fun. Better put
Kiri on for now, I don’t know how much tape we’ve
got left.
Tia: okay, I'll put
the Kiri monster on.
Russ: okay.
Tia: (speaking to
someone outside the channeling
.......oh you can’t? Okay, let me get out first,
Yeah, there’s a catch in the back just under……..yeah.
is left to end things on
a happy note)
Russ: a catch on the back?
Kiri: of her toga.
Russ: I picked up that part yeah.
Kiri: uh-huh yes, yes dude, yes.
Russ: hi Kiri.
Kiri: apparently Lyka was reaching
over to try to take her toga off.
Russ: ahhh.
Kiri: uh-huh, well she started to
pull it off the shoulders and it wouldn’t come.
Russ: ahhh.
Kiri: uh-huh. Now…..
Russ: what is this, girls night in
the pyramid again?
(Ed. Note: referring to a
session with little content but many moans)
Kiri: pretty much so yeah. Apparently
Omal’s left and Katrina’s moved over and Taal’s
Russ: well as the tape’s almost over
anyway it’s a free-for-all from that point.
Kiri: anyway, you have questions for
me dude? I'm the only
one sitting here that’s nearly fully
Russ: this is probably a first.
Kiri: uh-huh, I have my stockings on,
my panties and my T-shirt.
Russ: yep, this is a
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well since you’re the only
sensible one left here….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and uninvolved right now….
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: we’ll go over a few different
things. All right, I’m supposed to discuss with
you design of ski suits?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and I was talking to Lyka
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: if her glove is just right
Kiri: no, glove comes up to here.
Russ: why can’t it all come all the
way up to here?
Kiri: because it restricts movement.
You got your glove, move your arm.
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: what’s it doing?
Russ: well if it’s not all the way
to the elbow.
Kiri: it’s rubbing on the elbow though.
Russ: is it?
Kiri: uh-huh, it would rub on the
inside of the arm here.
Russ: if only the elbows were free.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay? But the material came up
to say here.
Kiri: no, it doesn’t work.
Russ: doesn’t work?
Kiri: no.
Russ: just an idea.
Kiri: uh-huh, I mean the hardest part
I had a problem with was actually between the
legs, keeping that whole area nice and smooth.
Russ: that would be tough.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: is it just a shave?
Kiri: yes.
Russ: poor girl.
Kiri: oh she likes it actually,
it increases her sex drive as well. I tried it a
few times, didn't work. Got too itchy
for me, especially when it started
to grow back.
Russ: right, that’s when it usually
starts to itch the worst.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh well.
Kiri: yeah but it was fun
trying to overcome that problem. We tried all
sorts of things and then finally……
Russ: I can imagine.
Kiri: no I came up with something
within the first day and a half.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: uh-huh but I didn’t tell her
that. Do you expect me to?
Russ: of course not darling.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: what are you going to do about
her tits? They’re not aerodynamically designed
Kiri: well when she's in the tuck
they’re going to be covered. Her arms….
Russ: well sure but when she comes
out of the tuck, the jumps and stuff.
Kiri: well the fact that she’s not as
big as most of the girls that are competing gives
her that advantage.
Russ: is there a way to make them
more aerodynamic?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how?
Kiri: we’re going to take them down a
little bit but she’s fine at the moment. Next year
when she’s more developed might be a problem.
Russ: oh.
Kiri: uh-huh, the fact that her
biggest problem at the moment is that when she
gets up to high speed she
gets sexually aroused has
been a problem. The
actual thing is that the hornier she gets the
faster she gets to the bottom.
Russ: well that’s probably
a good thing though.
Kiri: uh-huh, so her coach is going
to seduce her a little bit.
(Russ chuckles)
Kiri: well there have been
races in the past on Sirius that I’ve attended. I
remember I attended one when I was quite young,
wasn’t competing and I was a hanger-on
and there was a young girl that was racing and she
got a little bit pie eyed on flowers, red flowers.
Russ: before she went racing?
Kiri: no after.
Russ: oh after.
Kiri: and she put on a sex show right
on a table, vibrator and all.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: anybody watch the slopes after
that point?
Kiri: oh this was
Russ: oh okay.
Kiri: uh-huh and she got made love
to, I think she had like four different guys, I
had her, in fact I ended up waking up
with her in the morning.
Russ: wow.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well that’s not tough with you
Kiri: no but she was meant to race in
a fun race in the afternoon and she didn’t attend.
Russ: well we know where she was at.
Kiri: well we weren’t at our place,
we were out in the woods all afternoon.
Russ: wow.
Kiri: uh-huh, in fact she has
the disk of that. She was a student learning
Russ: what did you teach her?
Kiri: I taught her some interesting
things. She had all her equipment with her.
Russ: how to say ahh?
Kiri: oh yeah. I wonder if
I can get a hold of her, I still have her address.
See if I can get a hold of the disc.
It’s three dimensional and it’s touch
sensitive, you can actually touch. You can’t taste
or smell or anything but you can touch. Now that
would be the entertainment system.
Russ: now that would be.
Kiri: uh-huh. But on a serious note,
the technical side of that, building
something like that would be quite easy actually.
Russ: think so?
Kiri: uh-huh, if you do it all
visually right?
Russ: right.
Kiri: you use computer enhancement
right? Use a skin suit that has sensors that when
they touch you or the hologram or the cyber image
touches you, there’s pressure applied.
Russ: hmm, that would be interesting.
Kiri: uh-huh, the only problem would
be down in the genitalia region, you wouldn’t be
able to actually have any penetration.
Russ: well if anyone could design it
you could.
Kiri: oh it’s quite easy, you just
have little pressure sensors that apply pressure.
Russ: well you already have those.
Kiri: uh-huh and of course you’d have
the headset with the ears and everything.
Russ: actually you have those in the
boots. You could use the same system.
Kiri: yeah, the whole entire outfit.
You could do it down there, we’ve
got suits like that up here. Pilots use it for
flight simulations and stuff and some other
adventurous individuals wear nothing underneath
for other entertainment purposes.
Russ: of course yes.
Kiri: you normally get two people
wearing outfits in a cyber world.
Russ: well it sounds like it's
going to be a fun race coming up here.
Kiri: uh-huh but I am designing ski
gear for other people and Treeny's
going to be doing the entertainment or helping
with the entertainment.
Russ: hmm, what’s she going to be
Kiri: well she’s going to be……she’s
dancing for one thing.
Russ: sounds like fun.
Kiri: yeah, Teene’s going to dance as
well. Their outfits are nice, they're red and
white outfits.
Russ: the corner bar’s going to be
doing a great bit of business.
Kiri: oh yeah, uh-huh.
Russ: I mean 12,000 people on the
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: you're going to
open a few more corner bars.
Kiri: well they’re actually closing
the corner bar down for that.
Russ: oh they are?
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: what are they going to have in
its place?
Kiri: well they’re not having
anything in its place, they’re moving the whole
entire system and setup that they have there out
to the tent area, that’s
where the corner bar’s going to be.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: we’re going to put the
restaurant there, the
owner or the operators are going to basically live
at the tent for that week. They’ve got floorspace
four times the size that they’ve ever had.
Russ: yeah I’ll bet.
Kiri: uh-huh. They’re putting in a
little band area for a band and a raised up area
for the band to stand on.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: we’re going to have dancers on
there, we're going to have......another
part is going to be closed off and be a……what
would you call it? Place like I took over Mark’s
body at…..Ed’s.
Russ: what, at the Tahoe nugget?
(a local topless bar at the
time inside a casino)
Kiri: yeah but it’s going to be men
and women dancing.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: a visual feast.
Kiri: uh-huh, I’m supplying…let me
rephrase that…I am donating for small fee of
course a whole load of wine.
Russ: yes of course.
Kiri: yeah they’re going to replace
the wine cost, it's favor for a favor, trade
Russ: ahhh.
Kiri: uh-huh. We’re also going to be
having a swimsuit and lingerie contest,
Russ: oh you are?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: why isn’t there
a ski suit….
Kiri: well the ski suit as well but
it’s basically the swimsuit lingerie contest. It's
going to be all my swimsuit designs, all of them
are going to be orderable. I’m going to have one
of each design available, I’m going to model quite
a few of them. Karra
I hope will model a couple, we’ve got Treen,
Treen’s daughter, Teene, they’re all modeling.
I’ve got Kalana, she’s going to model. We have
Jenna, she’s going to model.
Russ: that’s going to be quite
enough girls.
Kiri: uh-huh. Yes so we’re going to
have all those on show. We’re
going to do that in between races to show that so
there’s going to be a few people wandering around
in swimsuits watching the races. What else is
there arranged?
Russ: you should
do a wet T-shirt contest.
Kiri: that’s afterwards in the
evenings we’ve got that kind of entertainment. We
have some volunteers to keep some of the younger
members of ski teams entertained.
Russ: you know what you could do?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: do a ski box race.
Kiri: uh-huh, well we’ve got sledding
going on for the children that will be there.
Russ: oh they will?
Kiri: uh-huh and then I’m going to be
marketing some of my toys.
Russ: naturally.
Kiri: you haven’t picked up your
Christmas present have you?
Russ: you know, I’ve been wanting to.
Kiri: it’s not that big, it
only stands about yea tall.
(Ed. Note: the
infamous Energizer Bunny she made a life-size
robot of for Christmas)
Russ: I’ve got to find it first.
Kiri: I’ll make sure she’s finds it.
Russ: yeah I’ll just go up, turn it
on, play with it for a while and watch it wander
Kiri: uh-huh, oh it does a few other
things besides bang the drum and go
around in circles and drive around.
Russ: oh, well I’ll have some fun
with it.
Kiri: yeah it will stop and puts the
drum down is one of the things that it does and it
puts on sunglasses.
(Russ laughs)
Russ: you are a genius.
Kiri: uh-huh and then it picks up the
drum and off it goes. And as it gets darker and
darker it will stop, take off the sunglasses, put
the sunglasses into a pouch and then pick up the
drum and off it goes again. We had hours of fun
with it in the lab.
Russ: I'll bet you did.
Kiri: uh-huh. And then there is a
thing where if you’re not authorized or it’s not
activated to you right and you pick it up right?
It will play dead, it will go totally limp and you
put it down, as soon as you put it down it grabs
the drum and runs and hides. It has little
microprocessor that gives it a random
program of what it can do.
Russ: oh my God.
Kiri: uh-huh. It’s a little bit like
Mark’s cyber rabbit you’ve heard about, his cyber
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: uh-huh, it’s little bit like
that on what it gets up to. What’s another program
that I have running in there that you have. Okay
there’s one that if you grab it by its ears right?
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: it will fight like crazy and
the harder you grab the harder it fights until you
grab to the point where it becomes critical on the
ears and then it shuts down right? And it shuts
down until you put it down. As
soon as you put it down or its feet touches the
ground it will go off again but I think the
sunglass routine is quite funny.
Russ: I look forward to that one.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: all right, well I’ll give it a
full workout here next time I come on up there.
Kiri: oh yeah but I’ll find out where
it’s from. Okay, I just found out which……
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