is still speaking)
Treebeard: okay I went around to the left and low
then like a..........what
is the thing you use to strikes spikes with?
Russ: a hammer.
Treebeard: on your top.
Russ: hmm, I
didn't feel that one.
Treebeard: hmm,
maybe I was too gentle on that. It is difficult to
be harsh and not finesseful after many years.
Russ: true but still, it's
nice though that I'm getting more sensitivity in
my shields to feel where I'm getting probed at.
Treebeard: uh-huh.
I need this practice for
people who down here don't have your skill but are
still going to be working on me. I can get a
little more sensitivity in something that's not
even existing except in the etheric form of my
energy. Which is a rather unusual thing I'd like
to work on for a second too.
Treebeard: okay.
Russ: shields,
which require energy and use the energy of our
aura and energy we draw in to power them, are also
a part of us that we can feel sensitivity to for
example when you're probing on various parts of my
Treebeard; uh-hmm.
they become almost another extension of your body
so from that extension of feeling that part of my
body that's being probed on, it's almost like a
muscle correct?
Treebeard: uh-hmm.
Russ: okay and just like I
can move my arm with my brain, it's telling my arm
to move, I can exercise my shield in the same way
as I would exercise my arm.
Treebeard: as a child you
used to get a kick out of watching the individuals
on the beachfront make money by being in a
invisible box?
Russ: oh the mimes.
Treebeard: you
have even tried to be one have you not?
Russ: oh well a little
practice here and there in my own private little
Treebeard: see it as a
opportunity to relive that and being your
Russ: hmm.
I do not like expending
energy unnecessarily.
Russ: no I see what....I
know what you mean. Oh I see........but
actually feel the energy of the shield and not
Treebeard: that is correct.
Russ: I see what you mean.
Treebeard: so as a exercise.........and
you can even do it on the auspices that you are
getting back into your tai chi.
Russ: oh yes.
Treebeard: that you are
doing that and you will be able to do it at your
workplace and the young lady may even give you
pointers on tai chi........
Russ: good point.
but in actual fact you will be......
Russ: practicing shielding.
Treebeard: correct
she may join you in doing tai chi which will
be good for her mind as I see that that is playing
on you a little too.
Russ: uh huh. Hmmm,
now with that, can I then use that in both
learning how to use defensive and offensive
shielding then?
Treebeard: yes.
Russ: from the
tai chi, you get an offensive as well as also a
defensive positions to work from.
Treebeard: uh-hmm.
so in extending out energy wise, I can actually
extend out offensively a shield to ward off attack
or to block an attack.
Treebeard: uh-hmm.
Okay I am being also told to.....
Russ: of course, we are
taking up too much time but of course as always
very entertaining and knowledgeable. I needed
Treebeard: you are welcome.
Now I will dwell briefly on....
Russ: don't please,
only briefly.
Treebeard: you have much
interest in that.
Russ: yes.
Treebeard: so I will for
you dwell as a question.
Russ: okay but over tea
maybe. Don't spend your whole off time working on
it, just a maybe a cup of tea and think about it
and see what happens but yeah don't use all your
time up for it.
Treebeard: I will not be
hasty in my answers.
Russ: fair enough, thank
you very much.
Treebeard: to a hasty
individual, enjoy yourself.
Russ: thank you
(The Baron comes on again)
The Baron: okay we are
putting on next person. We have to.....what you
say......move our tushes?
Russ: okay
The Baron: danke schön.
Russ: thank you.
(The Baron makes the
switch over to Karra)
Karra: hey hon.
Russ: hey sweetheart.
Karra: yes, I know that was
very reminiscent of Kiri wasn't it?
(Kiri also can do
telepathic probes)
Russ: yes it was, very much
so. He almost had me going there for a second.
Going nahhh. How's it going dear?
Karra: (breathes deeply)
does that answer it for you?
Russ: ah well,
Karra: I hate to see you in
Russ: well I do too
actually surprisingly enough. As much as I know
the lessons coming from it are vital and necessary
for my growth and learning, I can't like it
anymore and it can get going here.
(Ed. note: my
girlfriend at the time was causing
personal issues in my life)
Karra: hmmm.....I think
things will change one way or another. Well they
always do don't they?
Russ: well there is not
much static around this place I'll tell you. If
there was it wouldn't be our place.
Karra: no, no it wouldn't
although I do myself like a certain amount of
continuity and harmony.
Russ: well yeah but you
have a thousand years to play around
with that. In our poor little 80
Karra: you have to live
what I live in 10 years in one.
Russ: right,
absolutely. So yeah, It can get
going there.
Karra: and a thousand is a
maximum, very few
live to that great age.
Russ: oh really?
Karra: in fact I do not
know of any.
Russ: well your
Karra: she is only 800 and
Russ: that's true and she
is kind of getting on there.
Karra: uh-hmm,
I only know a few that are older and then only by
maybe 50 years at most.
Russ: oh really?
Karra: the abbess at her
convent was in her late 800's when she went to her
Russ: hmmmm, that's
interesting. I have a question for you darling......
Karra: yes.
Russ: this
relates back to what Treebeard and I were talking
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: if
you and I are both molecules that have agreed to
come together as a body, then our molecules should
be....shouldn't that be something that when I use
my astral ability, is I'm just taking part of my
molecules and taking them up there right?
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: okay and then what
Mark does is to reassemble them up there once he
gets there.
Karra: and he collects them
all as he arrives.
Russ: right, because he
needs extra. So what is actually going up there,
what part of his molecules are actually traveling
to Hades Base?
Karra: just his
Russ: how may molecules
does that take?
Karra: you want it in a
specific number?
Russ: no, I'm just kind of
curious is if there is a specific number or if
there is like an amount.
Karra: if you were to
measure it, it would probably weigh maybe about 16
to 20 ounces.
Russ: oh really?
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: wow, that's a lot.
Karra: uh hmm but it takes
up a very little space or it can be spread out.
Russ: interesting,
Karra: hmmm, actually
that....hear me through on the thought process for
a second.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay, if Mark
travels up here and is in his normal form but just
in the consciousness, then that would be very
dispersed. But, if he compacted it, ohhhh.......this
may be a lesson for him too. If he compacts it to
a very tight, tight pin size, then.....
Russ: less energy is used.
Karra: less energy is used
and it attracts more matter and molecules.
Russ: sort of like a black
hole kind of thing?
Karra: uh-hmm,
but in miniature.
Russ: I see.
Karra: so as it spreads as
it collects more matter together and molecules, it
grows to his full 170
Russ: so in other words, he
could actually....
Karra: that's how he does
Russ: and he could propel
that faster if he was compacting it smaller?
Karra: uh-hmm.
I think that's how he does it you know, is makes a
solid jump.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: he compacts it and
creates a small little gravity well which sucks in
matter and energy.
Russ: I see what you mean.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm,
so in other words, he could take molecules that
are just dust laying on the floor and all of a
sudden you have this clean spot on the floor and a
full Mark.
Karra: yes, I'd have to
watch that.
Russ: that'd be
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now
how does the consciousness know enough to be able
to reassemble itself and.....oh yeah because it's
just a basic cloning process.
Karra: uh-hmm
and it's Mark.
Russ: yeah, so Mark actually because it's that 18 to 20
grams of molecules.....
Karra: uh-huh.
they all know the
original. You could have just
one...well a bit more.
Karra: no you need the
consciousness. One would not make up a
Russ: so it's a group
consciousness. What about the molecules he pulls
in from up there? Do they suddenly become part of
that group consciousness?
Karra: they become under
the control of that group consciousness.
Russ: oh I see, and when he
leaves what happens to them?
Karra: they return back to
their original state.
Russ: so all of a sudden
somebody's got to go out and clean the dust up
after he leaves.
Karra: well the molecules
are floating around all over the place. For
example, there is a big chunk of molecules.
Russ: oh okay, I see what
you mean.
Karra: yeah molecules are
Russ: that's right, because
air is made up of molecules.
Karra: uh-huh. So
when he pulls them all together, he creates
himself in duplicate.
Russ: so when I go there,
I'm more spread out and dispersed.
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: now what would happen
if I try to compress myself down to a pin size?
Karra: you may create that
gravitational well. But, you've got to remember
that when Mark first did it, what almost happened?
Russ: he almost died, well
he got almost thrashed.
Karra: uh-hmm,
and he was even then a very experienced astral
Russ: oh yeah, that's right.
I could take it down to a less compact size or a
more compact size.
Karra: uh-hmm,
which you have done in the past.
Russ: yeah
which I have done in the past. But that's
the key though, that's what I'm not doing now is
I'm not compressing it down enough.
Karra: uh-hmm,
let's say we reduce it by three quarters.
Russ: okay.
Karra: and let the matter
fill in the rest. Either you will be a quarter
your normal height, or...
Russ: well our kids would
sure have a good time with that.
Karra: uh-hmm,
somebody their own size to play with. Even a
little shorter than that.
Russ: a little shorter than
that actually yeah.
Karra: uh-huh...the
may have a time to play with you.
Russ: okay I see, yeah take
it down to a quarter
size, now would that possibly though attract other
molecules just because I am getting smaller?
Karra: hopefully,
Russ: hopefully right.
would be something just to practice without astral
traveling though, just
use a mental amount to compress my consciousness
just sitting around.
Karra: uh-huh,
hmm, interesting......okay.
Karra: hmm, that would
explain why he doesn't have the nicks, cuts and
scratches because he's not cloning himself
Russ: right.
Karra: but down there he
has the cuts and scratches and nicks and cuts that
he normally has. Talking of which, I know what you
Russ: oh, the stuff for
that....yeah, that was put in last week.
Karra: uh hmm....we
will wait until Skip is up next for that.
Russ: okay good,
yeah that's a healing one.
Karra: uh-huh.
okay good. All
Karra: and what we will
need will be a........we're
going to add to it, going
to add some tools.
bit of humming takes place between
the two of us while Russ arranges his
Karra: we
will need a whole thing of garlic.
Russ: a whole clove, I mean
a whole garlic bulb?
Karra: uh-hmm...a
garlic crusher.
Russ: a garlic
crusher, we have one.
Karra: uh-hmm,
we'll have rosemary, fresh.
Russ: fresh rosemary.
Karra: and
Russ: oh yeah that's right,
tobacco. What was the one Skip was talking about?
Karra: tobacco.
Russ: Bull Durham.
Karra: Bull Durham.
Russ: okay.
Karra: just think of Kevin
Russ: yes absolutely.
Karra: uh-hmm, I had to
wait until you thought of a name.
Russ: okay?
Karra: okay.
Russ: sounds good to me.
Karra: uh
Russ: *&%$#.
Karra: language please.
Russ: oh, sorry, my
Karra: what did you forget?
Russ: I forgot to put these
someplace safe.
Karra: ahhh...oh yes.
Russ: ahh yes, all right
that's an interesting side scenario with
everything that's going on.
Karra: uh-hmm..
I'm keeping out of it.
Russ: of course you are
dear, wise move.
Karra: uh-hmm...I'm
not even going to advise because I'm taking away
from your lesson if I do.
Russ: correct, absolutely.
I mean for me it looks like a very interesting
challenge for my consciousness and I look forward
to the challenge. I'll meet it head-on.
Karra: whatever you do is
the right thing by me.
Russ: okay, got all that
stuff and we'll set that up for next week,
Karra: but when you get a
little uptight, don't go "Karra, what do I do?"
Because you know I can't help.
Russ: (laughs) of course
Karra: you've done that
Russ: have I?
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: oh well, I'll try to
avoid that in the future if I can.
Karra: it's natural.
Russ: I know, it's just a
habit I suppose but I'll try not to do that as
much. You know I want to be self-reliant.
Karra: well I think to
myself when you did that, "sort of like hmm,
what's up? Oh, he's got to do that himself."
Russ: that's right, well
just tell me that you know?
Karra: I won't even do
that, I will do what I did
last time, "oh, back to work."
Russ: yeah right, I
remember. Well that's okay if I don't figure it
out right away, I'll take a second more and figure
it out then.
Karra: uh-hmm...
sometimes that pause is useful.
Russ: uh-hmm..
I agree.
Karra: uh-hmm.....okay.
Russ: all right, being told
to rush along here?
Karra: uh-hmm..
Russ: I figured as much.
Thank you very much my sweetheart.
Karra: you're welcome my
Russ: it is great to hear
from you.
(The Baron comes on once more)
The Baron: okay we put on last person.
Russ: excellent, thank you.
The Baron: and then we wrap
up, I believe we have little time left, is that
Russ: quite correct.
The Baron: okay we get down
to pressing business and we.......hmmm.....
(Omal starts to channel)
Russ: we have 20 minutes
Omal: we
do do we?
Russ: 22 minutes actually
Omal: okay, how do you know
Russ: half the tape is gone
so therefore it's a 45 minute tape, 22 minutes
more or less.
Omal: more or less. Okay,
that was very interesting that last comment by the
Baron. He was trying to think of a
word and could not think of the word in any
Russ: in any language? Now
that's unusual.
Omal: that is very unusual.
Russ: I mean even for
anybody, that would be very unusual.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: I
mean you usually have at least a word for it in
your own language to get going toward that point.
Omal: yes that was very
unusual but Karra....let us not discuss it.
Russ: fair enough.
Omal: yes, but I think it
is self-evident on what that is part of the
symptoms of.
Russ: oh okay.
Omal: yes.
Russ: and how is yourself
Omal: I am functioning
within specified parameters.
Russ: I always like to know
Omal: thank you. Okay, let
us answer questions.
Russ: okay great, got a
bunch of them, mostly
from what we've already gone through to this
Omal: yes I believe
everything was set up very well.
Russ: I agree with that and
that's a nice way the Baron set this all up.
Omal: he works very hard on
Russ: it's very good, it
shows. Okay first off, let's go back into
Omal: okay,
Russ: all right, getting
the sensitivity down, shielding sensitivity
training. All right, when I'm feeling the shield
being probed.......
Omal: uh-huh.
it's not a sensation that I can put toward an
actual sense of touch. For example, hot, cold,
hard and soft.
Omal: it is a feeling in a
particular area.
Russ: correct.
what I need to do is I need to increase the
sensitivity. For example, I didn't notice when he
came through my top, I didn't notice when he came
through from behind.
Omal: okay I will make it
Russ: (laughs)
Omal: just warming up the
Russ: ah okay.
Omal: okay, I'm going to
use a finger, hello finger, hello Sirius, hello Deneba.
Russ: (laughs)
Omal; okay, let me rotate
the body.
Russ: okay.
is better. Okay,
will feel the direction.....
Russ: okay.
Omal: good
do like these trick shots.
testing my shields from various angles)
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, this will be
feather light.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, this will be a
little lighter.
Russ: nothing.
Omal: let's try it again, I
will do it Treebeard light.
Russ: (laughs)
Omal: and I will give you a
length of time.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay again.
Russ: a little bit, a
little bit. The first time was a lot more.
Omal: uh-hmm, I'm
bumping down gradually.
Russ: oh okay.
Omal: okay and the last
Russ: boy that was kind of
like a low bounce echo type thing.
Omal: that jumped when it
wasn't supposed to.
Russ: okay.
Omal: I got an
energy influx. Let us try it again.
Russ: okay. Yeah.
Omal: okay, that was
Treebeard light.
Russ: okay so, that was
tight, very tight.
Omal: we will work more on
that. Okay.....
Russ: okay, all right.
Omal: but
that is a demonstration. For
example, you felt all of that
Russ: yeah. That was a pull
out of my shields, then top it off, put it back a
little bit, come back out again.
Omal: uh-hmm.
Russ: interesting.
Omal: it is very
entertaining around here.
Russ: oh yeah, never a dull
moment in this place.
Omal: yes.
Russ: alright so it's that was a
example of manipulating somebody else's
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: okay,
now is that something that takes practice or is
that just something that can be picked up?
Omal: no, it's not
something that can be just picked up, it is
something that takes practice.
Russ: okay. Hmm now, I
assume that you can also do that without the other
person knowing you're doing it?
Omal: you mean pulling at
their shields and taking energy away
to use on yours?
Russ: right.
Omal: ummm.....yes it can
be done.
Russ: all they'll feel a
little bit tired, a little more tired, using more
energy to try to keep their shields going.
Omal: correct.
Russ: at which point the
more energy they expend to keep their shields
going, the more tired they get, therefore they're
more susceptible to being probed.
Omal: correct, however also
when you are taking their energy it may not be
compatible with yours.
Russ: can't you change over
the frequencies and adjust it yours?
Omal: then you leave
yourself open. If you are not experienced......
Russ: I see what
you mean, then yeah, you could be actually, it
would be like taking somebody's headache away from
Omal: yes.
Russ: if
you're not channeling through the energy cause it
feels right and compatible with yours, then you're
going to catch that headache.
Omal: yes you have to
either lower your frequency or adjust their
frequency up or down.
Russ: yeah.
I believe Karra discussed that some time ago.
Russ: uh-hmm
correct. Yeah it's always a
tricky position anytime I do it.
it is best not to do that.
Russ: not to take from
other peoples shields, okay. Now, in
offensive shielding, Treebeard and I discussed
this for a little bit.
Omal: uh-hmm.
extending out your shield in an offensive way,
it's setup so that you can then go ahead and
affect the other person's energy pattern correct?
Omal: uh-hmm, correct.
Russ: okay. How
do you determine need compared to using defense?
Omal: body language,
stance, proximity and mentality and mood. Okay let
us do a bit of, we can talk as we do this, a
little bit of earth analogy....
Russ: okay.
for a quick offensive lesson.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay, what I am doing
at the moment is collecting energy. Okay I am
making an energy ball.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay it is going to
be your target. Your hand, will assume this kind
of action and you will grab it. You won't actually
grab the energy, it will be your shielding around
your hand grabbing the energy and attack the
energy, breaking it down. Now we can see the
energy ball.
Russ: (laughs) oh I'm sure
you can.
Omal: you can't. Such as,
visualize a penny.
of his favorite manifestation objects)
Russ: (laughs)
Omal: I can see it, you
can't. Okay, are you ready?
Russ: I'm ready.
Omal: okay, batters up
and.....go. Okay, you missed it.
Russ: did I?
Omal: okay I will not put
spin on it this time and I will do it as a gentle,
lazy lob. Okay, break it down. Hmmm okay, let us
try that again.
Russ: okay.
Omal: hmm......little
better I think. It is something that
is not a good analogy for you.
Russ: still it's good
practice for me though.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm,
Omal: uh-hmm......I
cannot think of a useful analogy that would be
appropriate to make it easier for you.
Russ: okay but you're using
offensive energy.
Omal: uh-hmm.
Russ: and I'm.......what
the hell?
(the tape
gets a weird static bleeding through all of a
sudden. The tape stops and starts up
again after we had rewound and listened
to what had just happened)
Omal: okay....
Russ: that was a little
Omal: I am sorry I
overloaded the......we know where the first one
Russ: yes, I would say so.
Omal: I do apologize.
Russ: that's all right,
that was quite a demonstration.
Omal: I believe that is the
proof that you were seeking.
Russ: yeah, yeah no
argument there. Still
I certainly I have no doubts on my end, not that I
ever do but.....
Omal: I do apologize.
Russ: no, no, that was
quite an's just a glitch. You sent
it over and it fried just that section.
Omal: uh-hmm.
Yes, okay let us continue, I will not throw you
any curve balls.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay.
Russ: a little
bit too much spin on the first one there I think.
Omal: what surprised me was
that it bounced around and we did not track it
once we lost it....yes we were
Russ: (laughs) I like that
though Omal, it's definitely a good demonstration
of your manifesting abilities.
Omal: now if I can manifest
this feline to behave itself.
Russ: (laughs) now that's a
trick and a half. Whew, okay. I'm almost sorry we
rewound that, I like to have Mark hear that one.
Omal: I think there was
enough that will be on there.
Russ: okay.
Omal: afterall
we only got rid of the test at the end.
Russ: yeah.
Omal: okay, where
were we? Oh yes, practice on blocking energy
Russ: (laughs) okay.
Omal: this also proves that
I am not the flawless being that I am sometimes
portrayed as.
Russ: yes indeed. It
certainly adds a humorous aspect to our channeling
Omal: yes.
Russ: oh man, that was
Omal: I don't think I have
done that in many years, I think I have done it a
few times when you were present at earlier
sessions, back
in Sedona.
(with a
different channel by the name of Roger Pinion who
originally introduced me to Omal and Korton)
Russ: okay, that would make
more sense then. All
right anyway, so blocking offensive
Omal: yes.
Russ: and making
offensive attacks. So obviously when you did that,
you gathered the energy up.
Omal: uh-huh, I
deliberately was very large on the actions and the
behavioral patterns.
Russ: right, you could
actually do that without even moving a muscle.
Omal: correct.
Russ: right.
the energy within front of you and then
visualizing the push and it's on its way.
Russ: oh so that's
the offensive end of that?
Omal: correct. Normally it
would be done very rapidly, for example, okay
there we go
Russ: okay. All
right now a question, this goes on to the next
part of....
Omal: I am listening for
the....I just realized we fired directly up and
the feline is over there so........
Russ: they missed.
Omal: yes.
Russ: good. All right now
this goes back to what Treebeard was talking about
how the molecules come together in a conscious
form to form us.
Omal: correct.
Russ: with that in mind,
when we're forming this energy ball to itself to
go somewhere, we're actually controlling those
molecules to act in the form that we want them to
act in.
Omal: correct.
Russ: now what.......they
have no conscious decision in this I assume?
Omal: correct.
Russ: they merely act upon
our wishes.
Omal: correct.
Russ: which is basically
the same as anything solid, un-solid, whatever,
molecules merely act upon our desires or wishes.
Omal: correct, it is like
my explanation a while ago on, let me demonstrate.
Russ: (laughs) another
demonstration, oh we're full of them today.
Omal: oh yes, this is a
perfectly harmless one.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay it will not do
any energy overloads because I'm not using energy
to overload.......
Russ: okay.
Omal: I
am using molecules to affect a storm track.
Russ: oh okay.
Omal: okay there we go. I
have altered the course of the impending storm
just a minimal, minimal, minimal level. It is the
old analogies of....
Russ: butterfly?
Omal: yes correct,
butterfly beating its wings and changing the
course of the typhoon in China.
Russ: correct, okay.
Omal: so on a quantum
level, everything affects everything else.
Russ: hmm, okay. And so
with that in mind, our actions are actually more
easily demonstrated in sixth dimension where
you're able to analyze those changes from those
molecules far more efficiently than you would on
third dimension.
Omal: correct, but as was
demonstrated, the tests can be
Russ: good point, good
point as well, we learned that too I suppose?
Omal: uh-hmm..yes.
I must not be so relaxed and lazy in my
Russ: well I don't know,
that was pretty hilarious. At least there is not a
lot of people in the room to get nailed by that
too though.
Omal: correct. I would hate
to have a room full and knock half of them over
with a bouncing energy ball.
Russ: well if that's what
it does to the tape, good God.
Omal: uh-huh,
especially with a group of sensitive beings all together
in one place.
Russ: hmm...well now this
is what you mean by offensive energy?
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, the
more sensitive you are, the more affected you are
by it or....?
Omal: correct, yes, yes. I
would hate the it to be every time I launch an
energy ball for people to shout "duck" or what
would be another word? Ummm...
Russ: heads up?
Omal: heads up, catch the
energy ball. New sport for you......
Russ: there you go.
Omal: energy volleyball.
Russ: energy
volleyball, energy
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: well this has
definitely been an enjoyable night. Wow, a lot
going on, I'm looking forward to practicing.
Omal: it is useful.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: uh-huh.
especially the part about
working on affecting the energy around me.
Omal: that's correct. I
think Leonedies gave a good demonstration on when
he was taking energy from you and giving you
energy when you were discussing things a while
Russ: right.
Omal: how
he created energy balls by deliberately showing
the actions.
Russ: right, well yeah and
he's had even more demonstrations of that up
there. That for example, becoming a older person.
Omal: correct.
Russ: that's
just a matter of collecting the energy and then
forming it around you to become another person.
Omal: that is correct.
Russ: so it is actually
kind of a simulacrum correct?
Omal: correct.
Russ: now is that what Mark
is doing is creating a simulacrum of
himself there?
Omal: yes, basically.
Russ: I see, I see, so it's
not the actual Mark?
(a kitten
knocks over the mic stand)
Russ: (speaking to
the kitten) I'm going to take you and turn you
into jelly.....squirts...all right.
Omal: I think they would
make very little jelly.
Russ: very little jelly.
Okay, so it's not the
actual Mark, it's a
portion of Mark.
Omal: correct, it is the
essence of Mark with molecules forming.
Russ: okay for example,
when we have other aspects of ourselves, other
parallel lives or dimensions......
Omal: uh-huh.
those are actual versions of ourselves.............
Omal: correct.
Russ; it's
not the same thing as what Mark is doing.
Omal: no.
Russ: I see, that clears
that up
Omal: but you are an aspect
of yourself in another dimension looking at you
from the other universe.
Russ: I see, okay and the
reason is because those molecules are connected on
an etheric level with my molecules here.
Omal: in essence yes.
Russ: okay and that is why
my actions here affect the molecules on other
parallel lives and vice a versa?
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, so when
something happens to me, I can or cannot blame it
on my parallel lifetime person that says....
Omal: that says "let's go
Russ: right, or whatever.
Omal: correct.
Russ: then it's actually, a
lot of it still has to do with me.....
Omal: correct.
Russ: but I assume there is
some sort of rub off somewhere.
are basically the same person in parallel
universes but just a little bit more different. So
the further you go, the more different you are.
Russ: so would you say that
I myself am the center of those or how does that
Omal: you are neither out
of the center or in the center. It depends on
where you are.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay if we go back to
the discussion on parallel universes....
Russ: uh-huh.
everything is a little bit more different. You
could go from your current one to the next one and
it would be hardly noticeable.
Russ: right.
Omal: it
may be as noticeable as the font on the computer
is slightly thinner or your skin pigmentation is
slightly darker but hardly, barely noticeable.
Russ: I see what it is and
if you go to the very far end of that scale, it
would be wildly different but that person looking
out would see it going out in an
opposite direction toward where I'm at.
Omal: correct.
Russ: and to them, I would
be widely out of sync.
Omal: and there would be
even more further out from them that would be even
more wildly different.
Russ: I understand. Okay,
so I'm neither the center nor am I....
Omal: on the extremities.
Russ: extremities, right,
I am merely me..........
Omal: correct.
Russ: in my universe doing
what I am doing now.
Omal: correct.
Russ: cool.
Omal: but, this is where it
gets a little complicated.
Russ: (laughs) I knew this
was coming.
Omal: okay you are thinking
Russ: right.
that way and that way.
Russ: right.
Omal: but
what's to stop you from going that way and that
Russ: forward, backward.
Omal: and this way and that
way and that way and this way and
this way and that way?
Russ: yep, so
many changes.
Omal: correct,
is a center and everybody is at that center.
Russ: every version of
ourselves is that that center.
Omal: correct.
Russ: right, I see what you
mean, okay.
Omal: okay, we must be
getting close to wrapping up.
Russ: yeah we are, we're
really close.
Omal: okay let us answer,
let us ask a few more questions.
Russ: okay well I don't
have too much more to go here.
Omal: okay.
Russ: umm.....oh
Omal: conference.
Russ: uh-hmm. Okay,
right now we are on to the getting the third
channel going, the Zeta Reticuli.
Omal: okay good.
Russ: we have the
Arcturians already.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: should
we worry, or should we do any research upon the Pleiadian
end of it yet or let that come together after we
get the Zeta in since that's the most important?
Omal: ummm......I
think you are doing the appropriate thing. The
Zeta's are the main.........what is
the point of having three allied groups together
if we have nobody to sit down and discuss with?
Russ: right. I mean for
example, the gentleman we have with the Arcturians
already channels Sananda.
Omal: uh-hmm...yes
I know.
Russ: that makes it fairly
easy for us so there's not going to be a whole lot
of room for....
Omal: wonder how that
Russ: what a shock.
Omal: shock, horror,
Russ: absolute disbelief.
Omal: send him Sananda's
Russ: hey there's
a good idea. I'll have to post that, I think it's
on the web.
Omal: I believe it is.
Russ: all right I'll make a
link to that page. All right and then......
Omal: no, just the joke.
Russ: oh just the joke
okay. So we'll work on then on getting the Zeta's
Omal: he probably has the
same joke.
Russ: yeah you're probably
right. Okay, all right so Zeta next and then we
can get going.
Omal: yes, it would be
useful to have another one of the opposed groups.
Russ: like the Reptoids.
Omal: that would be useful.
Russ: alright I'll work on
René and see how he is doing on whether
his decision has changed or not.
Omal: I don't think it has
but he may know somebody that does.
Russ: good point, good
point. Any other opposed groups we should think
Omal: umm...
Russ: Zeta's, Reptoids......
Omal: we are probably
Russ: yeah.
Omal: okay let
us move along.
Russ: okay.
that's all I have for questions.
Omal: okay.
Russ: I was going to call
it quits. We're getting close to end and I know
that the Baron wants to wrap up.
Omal: okay yes he does.
Russ: okay.
Omal: but I don't think he
would argue with me although in the past he has
told me.
Russ: well thank you Omal, it's
more than entertaining as always.
Omal: you're welcome. Live
long, prosper.....
Russ: thank you.
(The Baron finishes out the session)
Russ: greetings Baron.
The Baron: ah greetings ja?
Russ: sorry I'm having to
corral a couple little youngsters here.
The Baron: ahh ja.
Russ: giving me more grief
than I planned on.
The Baron: what has
the youngsters been doing?
Russ: oh they're growing.
The Baron: ja.
Russ: doing their learning
thing. Anyway always is fun, it was an enjoyable
The Baron: yeah you seem to
to have much humor from the....what is word? Is
cockup from Omal.
Russ: yes, absolutely. It
definitely makes for an interesting sideline. I
can't wait until Mark gets back and tell him about
The Baron: ja
I think you will enjoy yourselves telling what is
Russ: that should be a good
one. Well I hope you have a wonderful week and
we're having Thanksgiving tomorrow. Do you guys
think about doing anything for Thanksgiving?
The Baron: what is this
Thanksgiving? Well that answers the question ja?
Russ: there you go.
The Baron:
is Thanksgiving?
Russ: earth......actually
an American concept from our continent here when
we first got to this continent we....