Everyone Teaches and Flames That Burn Brightest-

Channeled (06/04/1994)

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Archivist Notes: This month's channeling session is being posted one day late due to a vacation and apologize to anyone expecting it yesterday. We hope it's worth the wait as this month we again have two channeling sessions on one tape as we had in September. It's a tale of two sides as the first side has the three most usual speakers with Tia as ring mistress, Omal, and Kiri. Side two on the other hand has the three rare speakers of Luna as ring mistress, Kornas, and Lyka, just as she was getting ready for her next mission. We start with Tia and myself discussing the past life regression I had done on Mark which ended in late 1918 due to an automobile accident. It was a sad life that did not end well but he was rewarded with finding happiness in this life with his decisions. Tia gives us a insiders look at her classes on the base that consist of learning from others around her instead of an assigned teacher. She's definitely succeeded over the next five years we held the channeling sessions. We end with her explaining that the Renaissance of Durondedunn was more political than artistic. Omal comes on next and answers the question of why make-believe in children is discouraged after a certain age. Its use comes in very handy later in life as a light worker so the question was whether it should be encouraged more. We move on to world affairs about the ongoing conflicts between North and South Korea and coincidentally, Israel and Lebanon. He gives his thoughts on that and from there he explains why the dolphins on the base were being shown holograms of earth animals. We finish up with the reasons humans were chosen by the Atlanteans for genetic manipulation. Kiri only has a few minutes to talk in which she confirms that ships they fly from the base can auto correct for any errors should it detect any. Regarding the ships, she relates that her most ambitious project yet is her current one where she was improving the neural scanners that processes pilot information. That brings up a reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which also gets us to the end of the channeling session.

Side two's channeling session begins with Luna as the ring mistress filling in for Tia by referring to a list of questions given to her by the girls on the base to ask me. The first question from Kiri was typically about my recent coercion practice. Tia's question focused on my astral travel while Karra sent a note of encouragement. She turned things over at that point to the head geneticist on the base, Kornas. This seventh dimensional being agreed to a request from Omal and Korton to answer some healing questions as they couldn't make it. I actually had a question that had been given to me by our friend Carrie about the consequences in a future life of donating body parts. Kornas confirms that the body in each life was separate from the previous one and each would be completely different. We next go over a recent lesson Karra had taught me about pushing energy through by channeling it through the body as opposed to pulling the energy into me to help heal someone. Kornas explains why one method works for one ailment and the other works for another. He shares that both forms may be used in some cases. In discussing Mark's health next, he says that some individuals burn more brightly so that they can achieve more but shorten their lifespans as a result. He provides an example of Alexander the Great who conquered much of the known world but died at a young age. We wrap things up from that point and Luna next brings in Lyka who is preparing to ship out on a mission with her platoon. I workshop with her the idea of using those able to astral travel to be the eyes the platoon. She explains that where they're going is somewhere they've been in the previous mission and it's not a great place for such things as a quiet place to leave one's body. In my worry about her life, she reminds me she is one of those people who burn brightly for half the time. We end things by confirming that the body armor she uses covers most of her body except her arms and legs which can be replaced. Luna comes back to finish things off and two more channeling sessions holding great surprises for anyone listening to them have been added to the archives of the Hades Base News.
In love, light, and wisdom as one,
Russ and Karra

TIA- Co-Ring Mistress
LUNA- Co-Ring Mistress


1.)(0:00)- Tia and I go over a recent past life regression of Mark from WW1. We discover she learns from those around her instead of an assigned teacher. We end with the political renaissance of Durondedunn.
2.)(11:17)- Omal discusses encouraging make believe in children, world affairs, and how Sirius could help if needed. We also cover dolphin evolution and why humans were chosen to have their evolution increased.
3.)(33:11)- Kiri is only on for a very short time but during our conversation we go over how their ships, depending on size, can auto-correct when needed. Her answer comes straight from Douglas Adams.


1.)(0:00)- Luna makes a rare appearance as a ring mistress as she fills in for Tia. She was given a list of questions from Tia, Kiri, and Karra. One of the questions involves my practicing coercion on Mark.
2.)(4:30)- Kornas helps me on my recent healing practice where energy is both pushed and pulled to help for different reasons. We discuss those who burn brightly but have short lives such as Alexander the Great.
3.)(20:51)- Lyka comes on to channel prior to her third mission with the Sirian Defense Force where she will be third in command of a platoon. She reminds me she is one of those lights that burn brightly.

SideListen to this episode (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 35:33 min. - File type: mp3
Side 2 Listen to this episode  (RIGHT CLICK AND OPEN IN A NEW TAB OR WINDOW)
Duration: 42:23 min. - File type: mp3



(Tia is this session's ring mistress and gets things going)

Russ: well, how are you doing love?

Tia: me? Oh, okey-dokey.

Russ: a couple questions for you then real quick and we'll go on to the rest of it with everybody.

Tia: okay.

Russ: hmm, oh yes, notes on Mark's regression.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: your opinions, statements, anything for the record.

Tia: there’s something for the record?

Russ: we're getting it on record.

Tia: I can't think of anything offhand. What is your opinion?

Russ: well, everything sounded really typical……..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: it explained a lot except for one thing.

Tia: the end.

Russ: no, the end we had already figured out.

Tia: yeah, he was connecting between booze and a depressed state of mind, the lack of will to live.

Russ: firearms close at hand.

Tia: no, automobile accident.

Russ: oh. Fair enough....

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: but still, that was obviously coming, fifty fifty shot there.

Tia: yeah. I mean he didn't have a drink problem you guys thought he did, everybody drank like that during the war. It's just the fact that he got absolutely blotto whilst driving.

Russ: hmm, a combination of things.

Tia: hmm.

Russ: anyway, one thing I can't resolve is that the lives that we've gone over with Mark before…….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: this is the one with the least capabilities.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so how do you reconcile the point between Maxxus and now……

(Maxxus was Mark's incarnation in Atlantis)

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: with this last one, with everything that's gone on between now and then?

Tia: hmm, he never said that he had capabilities and there again he next said he didn't. It's more than likely he didn't think that he had and they were very repressed. Or that the right questions were never asked to be brought up. For all’s you know he could be a member of a coven or something but the questions were never asked.

Russ: the right questions were asked to go through the problems upon his mind at the time…….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: to answer those questions.

Tia: but did they?

Russ: oh yeah, most definitely.

Tia: are you sure?

Russ: well, I'm not an expert on these matters.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: being as that what could have been isn't….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and what was, was……

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so the questions were answered to my benefit….

Tia: uh-huh and to his benefit.

Russ: and to his benefit.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so that's all there is to it.

Tia: okay.

Russ: unless you'd like to add something.

Tia: no, I can't.

Russ: kind of leaving it open-ended there for me, aren't you?

Tia: uh-huh yeah, apart from there is one thing that was omitted.

Russ: hmm?

Tia: and he didn't know it when he had his car accident.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: because they hadn't seen each other but she was pregnant.

Russ: with his child?

Tia: I don't know that.

Russ: you wouldn't be joshing me, would you?

Tia: no. I don't know who the child was and yes, she was pregnant and I can't tell you if it was his or not because I haven't checked the records but she was carrying a child.

Russ: okay, would that change anything, you think?

Tia: if he had known?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: hmm, for him maybe, for her no.

Russ: would have made him even more depressed.

Tia: probably. He would have probably assumed straight away that it was his child. But you've got to remember that he was only overseas for what? A month and a half?

Russ: I've got him about three months.

Tia: hmm, you'd have to count up the days and everything. I mean, I don't know very much about regressions, do they skip days?

Russ: they skip weeks.

Tia: it is possible then. But he wouldn't have noticed. I think I got the date wrong. Could have been probably around about late 1918, I don't know. Anyway, more questions? It's a moot point and it's historical information. No, I haven't slipped. Anyway, there's only three of us here tonight.

Russ: okay, I've only got a couple more for you though.

Tia: okay.

Russ: do you go to classes for fifth dimensional learning?

Tia: sometimes.

Russ: who teaches it?

Tia: who teaches? All those people around me. It's constantly a continuous lesson. Kiri teaches me, Lyka teaches me, Luna, Karra, Alana…..no, not you because you still have third dimensional values.

(Russ laughs at that)

Tia: and these people are not from the fifth dimension.

Russ: yes, I know.

Tia: so I can learn a lot from them. And why do you bring that up? Yes I know, my behavior sometimes but that is a moot point.

Russ: no, it's not a moot point.

Tia: yes, it is.

Russ: no it's not because it has personal relevance to both Mark and myself therefore it is a question that can be directed toward a channeling session which both of us are learning from.

Tia: uh-huh, true. But, you have to remember that I have that slight added advantage that my body is a cloned body and I was dragged from the third dimension to the fifth dimension by my own silly mistake. If I hadn't been ready to be up here then they would have let me die, if they hadn't have seen the potential that I have.

Russ: absolutely.

Tia: so they must also understand that because I'm only a beginner up here, that there must be a need for me to adjust.

Russ: of course.

Tia: and sometimes I adjust really well and sometimes I kind of regress.

Russ: see, you realize of course that Mark and myself will be in your situation in the future at some point.

Tia: uh-huh and I'm looking forward to helping you guys.

Russ: I am too and so that's why I was wondering how it is that you are helped to adjust so that we can look forward to similar adjustments.

Tia: can you hold on a second please?

Russ: of course, my dear.

Tia: okay.

Russ: because you actually have more knowledge of fifth dimension……..

Tia: than most people that live on sixth.

Russ: that's correct. Yes, because you don't come from sixth. So you're not having to kind of step down a level……

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: to work on.

Tia: it's a real struggle to keep up here.

Russ: it's a real struggle to keep up here, right.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so we'll be in the same situation you are with less knowledge of the fifth than people from sixth even.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so I was wondering how you made the adjustments so that we could be able to either help each other……..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: or learn from your mistakes.

Tia: well you can learn from my mistakes but there will be people here to help you. You're not assigned anybody to help you but all those around you help you.

Russ: okay, so you don't bring up a teacher as you describe it.

Tia: no, no.

Russ: I understand.

Tia: uh-huh. Because if you have a teacher it means that you've got to go and talk to your teacher by a set pattern and set patterns don't work that well when teaching. When you’re learning by rote, right? They do. But when you're learning constantly all the time it's different.

Russ: I see. Well, I'm just also mentioning it because you remember the book '2150'?

Tia: yes I know, I was reading that in your mind.

Russ: ahh.

Tia: yes, we do not have a teacher that is higher than ourselves because everybody around teaches. I mean I've taught Kiri some things about sixth dimension and fifth.

Russ: I see.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and they're learning about third dimension…..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: from you and of course Mark and I….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and from just observations.

Tia: yes.

Russ: okay. Well thank you love.

Tia: okay, you’re welcome.

Russ: and last question, Durondedunn was on a renaissance.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: Mark only gave me a real quick, three line description on what it was. I thought you might be able to embellish it a little bit.

Tia: hmm, no not really. It's a period in time where there was more interest in cultural pursuits. It wasn't like your renaissance, it was more of a political renaissance.

Russ: okay, I see.

Tia: instead of independent little parishes, one parish would take over another parish either by political means or by wars.

Russ: hmm. Thank you, you've been very helpful with that.

Tia: okay.

Russ: who's on tonight?

Tia: Kiri and Omal.

Russ: oh.

(Omal is the main guest speaker for this session)

Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ. 

Russ: well greetings Omal. Okay, so no Karra. 

Omal: uh-huh. As you noticed, she was a little tired. 

Russ: very much so. But I understand. 

Omal: yes, she’s been spending time with her offspring. 

Russ: well, that’s good. Okay Omal, a couple things here to work with. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: first off to start with, well, I have a question concerning in raising children. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and some of the differences that I noticed between here and there. And here, children have a real great belief in make-believe. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and it’s a practice but it’s discouraged after a certain age.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: forced to grow up. Whereas I noticed up there it’s not. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: but it seems like make-believe is a real important tool for things like manifestation and belief systems and stuff......

Omal: yes, uh-huh.

Russ: why do we discourage it so much down here? 

Omal: because it is time for your children to grow up and to behave and learn about the great, wide world. 

Russ: yeah? But it seems like it would be more better for the creative instincts to like take on. 

Omal: that is correct. 

Russ: so, should we encourage them? 

Omal: yes, to a certain extent but differentiating between an imaginary friend and real friends is a very key issue. But if you let an individual continue believing in imaginary friends, then they tend to go a little bit on the strange side, a little bit crazy and they tend not to fit in. 

Russ: hmm.

Omal: it can evolve into a very nasty mental disease. 

Russ: a psychosis then.

Omal: yes. 

Russ: but now the mental friends are oftentimes their guides, right? 

Omal: to a certain extent, yes, sometimes they are not. 

Russ: interesting. You know, for a third dimensional point of view of this time period, I agree with what you’re saying that yeah, they wouldn’t fit in but I can see a point in history where it would be more beneficial....

Omal: yes. 

Russ: but with a very firm....

Omal: control on it. 

Russ: control and also cooperation.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: well, who is the friend and what does he say? And kind of taking it from an early hand and working with them. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and then determine if it will be part of the kid’s future. We’ll see what happens here with child rearing. Okay, now I don’t know, you follow the events on Earth up there I know. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and a couple of events I want to work with you a little bit on here and........

Omal: yes, we are concerned about the removal of plutonium, very much so. 

Russ: alright, what I understand about that particular incident is the fact that even if they do make nuclear bombs, there is no way for them to really have use for them just due to the fact that.......

Omal: yes, there is. 

Russ: but they’re a little country, they'd be wiped out in a big way. 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and I don’t think China would jump in to help them out or any other country would help them out if they were to be reprimanded in a nuclear way. 

Omal: have you ever heard of the Sword of Damocles? 

Russ: sure. 

Omal: hanging over your head is a threat?

Russ: right.

Omal: the same thing. 

Russ: but, here is what I don’t understand. North Korea in a hypothetical situation sends a nuclear bomb to South Korea.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: it is responded to in kind.....

Omal: no, it wouldn’t be. 

Russ: why not? 

Omal: because of the fear of radiation. You see, North Korea has you over a barrel. You are a society that prides itself on making decisions......... 

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: coming to a consensus. If you attack North Korea with nuclear weapons.....

Russ: right. 

Omal: it could escalate. China could side with the side of North Korea. You have to remember that in the past they have done so. 

Russ: right.

Omal: does that not give you more nuclear weapons in the opposing forces side with greater range?

Russ: true.

Omal: what about the countries that are allied with China? Iran, Libya, Sirius....not Sirius. 

(Russ laughs at that)

Russ: I wish.

Omal: that little country....

Russ: Syria. 

Omal: Syria, thank you. What about those countries and other ones that you do not know about?

Russ: they would keep the exchange merely to the Korean peninsula. 

Omal: possibly. 

Russ: like if we were to send nuclear shells...

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: if we were to arm South Korea with those, and would North Korea be shelled with those after they shelled South Korea and keep it to just that peninsula and the world sees how horrible the exchange is....

Omal: but you’re forgetting one very important factor. 

Russ: hmm?

Omal: listen and feel. What do you feel at present? Not with your astral body but with your physical. Put your hand up, what do you feel?

Russ: quite calm.

Omal: correct. You remember your instant in Russia near Kiev? How far did the fallout from that go? 

Russ: Chernobyl? 

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: well, all the way. Some of it got on the West Coast of the United States. 

Omal: correct. And that was just a little fire compared to what could occur in North Korea and South Korea. 

Russ: okay. Any options for us from your point of view on a fifth dimensional side?

Omal: yes.

Russ: okay, go ahead.

Omal: get in there, attack them before they have total capability. It sounds very strange for that to come from my mouth. 

Russ: yeah, I’m a little shocked over here.

Omal: but listen. If you do not, it will escalate. There will be more saber rattling. It is unlikely that they will be stupid enough to use the nuclear weapons but that possibility always exists. How do you stop gangrene? 

Russ: cut off the leg. 

Omal: correct. 

Russ: but the last time we crossed the 38th parallel into North Korea, the Chinese responded and pushed us back down to the 38th again.   

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: wouldn’t the same thing happen again...?

Omal: yes, but, you must get in there and destroy their capability to make these weapons. 

Russ: I’m afraid your advice, though practical, won’t be put into practice. 

Omal: no. The sword will be above your heads for quite some time. That is an intelligent guess. 

Russ: so this is a situation you’ll be watching as well as we will be. 

Omal: yes.

Russ: okay, well here comes to our next question. We’re looking also at another little hotspot happening but much more hot over in Lebanon where Israel and Lebanese troops are massed on the borders of each ready to go to war. Now, with these two situations firmly in mind, how do you go about if you want to, trying to manifest peace on earth as a practice for future reference when needed or do you connect with the forces that already trying that? 

Omal: you connect with the forces that are already trying. One individual can do nothing, we have said that before in the past. 

Russ: yes, I know.

Omal: and many individuals can do a little. Thousands and thousands of individuals can do a lot. However, when a mindset is in place, that one force or one group of individuals is being assaulted by another group of individuals and they mass an army and the other group masses an army, then it is almost certain that conflict will occur. With such ethnic divisions that they have in that area, there will be violence. 

Russ: sure. 

Omal: but it is not as important as what is going on your Korean peninsula. 

Russ: right, because it's not involving nuclear arms. 

Omal: no. 

Russ: we don’t happen to have an agreement with Sirius for them to come down....?

Omal: yes, you do. 

Russ: oh great, this is helpful. So we can call in the marines if we have to, right?

Omal: yes. But they do not overtly materialize in their fleet of flying saucers and disembark a fighting peacekeeping force.

Russ: right. 

Omal: you’d have to talk to Lyka if she can get clearance from Sirius on the techniques that they use. All’s I can tell you is that when she gets assigned for her next shift, and I have already cleared this, is that she has to go in for some face surgery. 

Russ: oh darn. 

Omal: oh, it is minor. 

Russ: oh, it can be reversed. 

Omal: if she wishes. 

Russ: ruin that lovely ace of hers?

Omal: that is part of her duty. You remember she has to blend in with the indigenous population and if she were to go back to that same place, she could not go back as Lyka because Lyka supposedly was killed.

Russ: right. Well, if Mark and I when we make the jump from third to fifth and we're originally from Sirius, does that mean we are part of the Sirian force?

Omal: yes.

Russ: that means we're part of that commitment.

Omal: it depends, as was explained, it depends on your capabilities. If you're born into a house that has a high number of capabilities, then it is optional for you.

Russ: I don't remember when we were born or what we are born into it was so far back.

Omal: no, when you are born again up here.

Russ: right. Well, it gives me something to work on anyway. In the meantime, we'll hopefully see this situation calm down some.

Omal: yes, we are hoping that everything is directed towards a peaceful solution.

Russ: well one thing, it would take something to trigger North Korea to use those things on South Korea.

Omal: yes.

Russ: I mean as it is, they're not just go and invade South Korea for the hell of it.

Omal: no, an attack would trigger that, it is a Catch-22. You need to go in and neutralize their capabilities but how do you do that without getting them to use them?

Russ: I suppose it's been done but I don't want to think of the consequences if it was done wrong.

Omal: uh-huh. Yes, it has been done.

Russ: on this planet?

Omal: yes, it has been done.

Russ: that might be something to research then.

Omal: I'll give you a clue to help you with your research.

Russ: okay.

Omal: raid on Entebbe. Do you know where Entebbe is?

Russ: boy, I've seen the movie I think.

Omal: uh-huh. So you know who raided where what.....?

Russ: yeah, the Israelis raided Entebbe.

Omal: which is where?

Russ: in Africa.

Omal: yes.

Russ: Northern Africa.

Omal: you wish me to give you another clue? It is a very mucky Lake at the moment with lots of chemical decomposing of human origins.

Russ: Rwanda?

Omal: and what is the country next to it? Or downstream from it rather?

Russ: oh, Uganda.

Omal: correct.

Russ: of course.

Omal: my next clue would be look in Mark's library under hospital ships in the Falklands.

Russ: okay, thank you for the clues. I'll see what I can find in my research.

Omal: okay.

Russ: all right, that's all I had for you. Now a couple I had with Karra....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and that is a question on AIDS.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and it's really devastating the young down here....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: but I was going to ask her how healers work with something that's incurable like that?

Omal: more along the lines of with the mind.

Russ: try to just ease them through in other words?

Omal: yes.

Russ: let them be able to work through that themselves.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: because they know they're going to die........

Omal: oh yes.

Russ: but how to make the passing easier.

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay. All right, when I was up at Hades Base the other night or the other day, I had a very interesting experience with a trip to the dolphin pool.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and they were doing holograms with dinosaurs.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and the dolphins were all watching the holograms. They're working with the race memories.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and two questions. Number one, are those race memories from Sirius?

Omal: no.

Russ: they are from Earth.

Omal: yes.

Russ: and I had assumed of course at the time when I first saw this, the dolphins weren't even in existence or their root stock weren't in existence.

Omal: their root stock was.

Russ: but their root stock....

Omal: you have to remember that the large long necked species did not die out until quite recently if it has at all.

Russ: that's true, yes, the big question. That is in fact when the one that they put up in the water came up, the dolphins really got interested.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: none of the ones on landed did anything for them but that one in the water certainly got them going. First off, what brings about research like that?

Omal: looking for responses, experimentation....

Russ: hmm.

Omal: in some cases, boredom.

Russ: I understand. Okay, and then question then on Lemuria.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: they go back quite a ways, I
mean quite a ways.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and they would possibly have still been in existence at the point where dinosaurs.....

Omal: no.

Russ: no chance then?

Omal: no chance.

Russ: but they would have bones then...

Omal: yes.

Russ: they would have knowledge of what had taken place before.

Omal: yes.

Russ: I see. Okay, I'm wondering is what is it about the mammals that Sirians at their landing decided to use us as a root race to start into genetically speaking?

Omal: your size of your cranium, your auras.....

Russ: hmm.

Omal: the suitability and availability of using digitals. The ability to stand upright when necessary. The hunter gatherer instinct. We could go on all night, there were many.

Russ: oh, I see. So essentially, it wasn't really a close race or anything to anything else on the planet.

Omal: no. You are a suitable tool would be the best way to describe it.

Russ: fair enough. Okay good. Well that's all I have for you this evening because it's a short session.

Omal: okay, thank you very much.

Russ: thank you Omal. Look forward to talking to you again.

Omal: okay. And, I'll be back.

Russ: okay.

Omal: that is a little bit regular, isn't it.

Russ: it's good for me. It's what we're more used to.

Omal: what I do not say you get worried.

Russ: well, no because you'll always say something else.

Omal: yes, normally.

Russ: normally. We'll see you Tuesday.

Omal: okay.

(Tia returns to change speakers)

Russ: hi Tia.

Tia: okay, I'll put her in.

Russ: okay, no hurry.

(Kiri has only a short to to channel)

Russ: hey buddy girl.

Kiri: buddy girl. Okay, let's answer the questions.

Russ: a ship, a starship, is essentially a extension of the pilot.

Kiri: it depends on how big.

Russ: scout ship sized.

Kiri: uh-huh, yes basically.

Russ: basically. The ones I'm used to.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: if they get any bigger, I don't know if I want to be in anything bigger yet. Those things are pretty intense.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, but can your ship correct for your mistakes?

Kiri: if it is a major mistake, yes.

Russ: so a navigational error of course....

Kiri: yes, of course.

Russ: because you always hear about pilot error....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: and since you're into the recording sessions of problems that happen....

Kiri: no, no, I don't record. I don't analyze the data, I design the equipment for that purpose.

Russ: okay, well since you theoretically know the uses of the equipment that you design, then you would be able to know whether or not a ship could make the differences in....

Kiri: hmm, that's not my department. I don't know if it does or doesn't. You see, what I do is I refine and design things such as improving the couches, neural scanners to pilot information which is quite tricky work, you know. Probably one of my most ambitious projects yet.

Russ: hmm, until you get a good, hot piece of equipment together.

Kiri: you mean getting a Branian Motion with a brambleweanian submeaseum brain and hook it up to a really strong cup of tea and create the improbability drive out of thin air?

(Russ laughs)

Russ: that's about the size of it, yeah.

Kiri: what you think I am, a super genius?

Russ: because you said.

Kiri: no I don't, I just say I'm a genius, not a super genius.

Russ: what's the difference?

Kiri: a big difference.




(Luna is the ring mistress for the second session)

Russ: how are you doing Luna?

Luna: fine.

Russ: haven't heard from you in a while, I'm very glad to hear from you dear.

Luna: uh-huh. There's just myself and two other individuals.

Russ: Lyka?

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: oh, so it's going to be a fun night.

Luna: yeah.

Russ: cool.

Luna: okay, now I've got a hold of things to read off.....

Russ: okay.

Luna: and I'll start off with Kiri's first and you'll have to excuse me because I'll be reading from a script.

Russ: cool.

Linda: okay, first of all, questions that she has for you.

Russ: right.

Luna: how is your coercion practice going?

Russ: very well. Trying to get through to a cat is like trying to get through a small wall with four legs, very difficult.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: but cats don't want to let you get through. Do cats have shields?

Luna: hold on. Yes and no, some do, some don't.

Russ: so it's easier with some cats than others.

Luna: yes.

Russ: ahhhh, so the trick is if there is a shield to get through it or to find another cat.

Luna: presumably. Okay, next question from Kiri is, hold on.........I have to get a technician to translate. Can't read Sirian very well.

Russ: okay.

Luna: her next question is, how is your practice with coercing people? Have you used it recently?

Russ: yeah, it's going quite well actually.

Luna: list incidences if possible.

Russ: sure, Mark, when he was about to light up a cigarette in the office and he said he needed to go and I went ahead and applied coercion......

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: to remind him just prior to lighting up that he had to go.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: and then when he started to light it or started to sit down and get ready to light it, he realized he was being coerced.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: and then he scolded me a little bit for trying to coerce him of which of course I denied it.

Luna: of course.

Russ: of course.

Luna: okay, questions from Tia. Traveling distances, focusing on long distances and how is that proceeding?

Russ: this morning I made a trip to Sirius and didn't really have any problem at all. Sirius is pretty easy to get to actually.

Luna: okay.

Russ: that's about the longest I go to.

Luna: uh-huh. Okay, now from Karra, leave the best for last. Okay, your healing.....

Russ: ahhh.

Luna: uh-huh. You've got to have more faith in your abilities and not expect immediate....

Russ: results.

Luna: yeah, I think that's what it says here. Okay.

Russ: yeah, we went over that lesson.

Luna: uh-huh. I got given this as a kind of.......we were all over at Tia's place getting ready.

Russ: uh-huh.

Luna: okay, now, I will hand over to the next person, okay?

Russ: okay.

(Kornas is the guest speaker for side two)

Kornas: greetings Russ.

Russ: greetings Omal.

Kornas: no.

Russ: it's Korton.

Kornas: no.

Russ: Kornas?

Kornas: yes.

Russ: hi Kornas.

Kornas: greetings.

Russ: the only choice left to go. It is good to hear from you again.

Kornas: thank you.

Russ: been too long.

Kornas: yes.

Russ: well good, you can answer some questions hopefully that I was going to ask to Karra.

Kornas: of course.

Russ: healing questions, unless you had something you wanted to put in first.

Kornas: no, I am here for that purpose to answer healing questions requested by Omal and Korton.

Russ: ahh, excellent, okay. Now then, first I am going to ask a question that was asked to me by Carrie who got it from her boyfriend and that is, if a person in this life were to donate a kidney after they died or body parts to science, would they have problems with them in their next life after this?

Kornas: no. This is because the physical body that you possess at present is different in your next life. Each physical body is created for each physical life.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Kornas: so you could have a hundred lives and never look the same. You may be a different color, different gender, different genetical makeup.

Russ: okay, so it's your insides that count.

Kornas: it is your.......

Russ: soul.

Kornas: yes.

Russ: oh, okay, that makes sense. That's what I thought it was. Okay, now we, at the concert Karra and I just recently went to and had a little healing training in which she trained me about energy channeling compared to energy pulling. Now, let me describe the scene real quickly. My girlfriend down here was experiencing a bad stomachache and so what I attempted to do was to pull the pain through into my body and then channel it and ground it out. This was not successful and then Karra showed me that what was a better idea was to channel her energy through my hands into the area and bring that warmth in and that worked.

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: but why would one work over the other?

Kornas: for each individual case there is different possibilities that you can use.

Russ: okay.

Kornas: now channeling energy, where you use your energy to push or to pull, has a couple of functions. When you push energy away, you are using it on such things as ulcers, upset stomachs and so on.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kornas: when you pull energy, you use it more on aches and pains.

Russ: hmm.

Kornas: so the one type of healing, pushing energy, is good for one thing and pulling energy is good for something else.

Russ: I see. Now where would headaches fit in to that?

Kornas: it depends on what type of headache and whereabouts the headache is located.

Russ: let's say a migraine.

Kornas: migraine, I do not understand.

Russ: I don't either. Well, what Mark gets sometimes. He gets real bad headaches.

Kornas: hmm......

Russ: stress headaches let's say. Let's go stress headaches.

Kornas: okay.

Russ: that's good.

Kornas: then it would be best to find out the location or the start of the headache, where it started and expanded from and depending on what part of the brain or part of the head, you would use to channel energy say let's say it starts on the left frontal lobe just above the eye. What you would do is you'd push the energy away to the back of the brain and hold it there and then you would pull it out.

Russ: okay.

Kornas: see, you're using two types of healing there. The pushing of the energy and then the pulling.

Russ: okay, now I have Karra to be assisting me with guiding the correct usage of energies.

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: but is there a basic formula to look for?

Kornas: no.

Russ: no.

Kornas: each individual has a different set pattern to help them to heal.

Russ: hmm.

Kornas: normally it is best to get them out of the environment that is creating that headache such as loud noise. A continuous rhythm sound will give a headache.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kornas: bright sunlight gives a headache so what you want to do is to take them into an area where the light is subdued and get them to relax first and then work on their head.

Russ: I see.

Kornas: or, if it is in a noisy environment with a loud riveting sound and you take them to a nice, quiet area with subdued lighting again and do the same thing.

Russ: oh, okay. Now what was upsetting was the fact of her diet had caused a blockage in her intestines and the key was through her colon. The key was to push it through....

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: to release the blockage and that's what the channeling did. Now essentially what are the energy patterns that are formed by that blockage? It's like a dark area that is formed?

Kornas: yes, it's a discomfort that slowly spreads and gnaws away at the individual. If it is left too long, they will start to suffer other symptoms. Irritability, headaches, feeling nausea, possibly vomiting as well.

Russ: I see.

Kornas: so when you get to that situation you have to address each individual symptom......

Russ: ohh.

Kornas: so that you can get them to concentrate and to help with the final healing process of the blockage.

Russ: okay. Now Karra left me a message saying I should have more faith in my abilities.

Kornas: yes.

Russ: okay. Now, due to the fact that the lack of practice of my ability it's kind of hard to determine how to get that faith. So I need more practice work I think.

Kornas: uh-huh. Believe that you can do it.

Russ: yeah, right. So I need to get more patients. I'll have to work on that part. Now, healing questions concerning those around us and medical related information. First off, oh, how are Tia's kids after that?

Kornas: exceptional.

Russ: exceptional, great. Good to hear, very powerful right from the get go.

Kornas: uh-huh. They are manifesting other abilities as well.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kornas: their main ones being astral travel, manifestation and a meta-concert conductor and executive.....

Russ: that's for sure.

Kornas: who is leaning onto PK and the astral traveler is learning coercion, only limited, and the manifestor is also learning a hodgepodge of manifestation and psychokinesis.

Russ: hmm, she could help her mom out a little bit.

Kornas: uh-huh. It seems to be that the coercion and the manifesting seems to be more dominant.

Russ: hmm.

Kornas: but the astral travel is quite exceptional. But if you notice that two of the offspring have the ability to use psychokinesis?

Russ: yes.

Kornas: it is possible that all three of them will manifest all the abilities in an operant form.

Russ: ahh, okay, good. Now, in looking at my children, I'm seeing healing and communication abilities and I haven't been able to notice other things manifesting just because they're too young?

Kornas: yes. When they reach six months of your time, then that will be the time that we will start doing tests.

Russ: okay.

Kornas: and I have every confidence in Karra not interfering.

(Russ gets laughing over that)

Russ: I'm sure she won't. Yes, that does sound like my life partner.

Kornas: we ask you not to be present also at the time.

Russ: I will be sure not to be there. Okay, now then, as far as Mark goes, any healing program we can start with him at all?

Kornas: well, first of all, find out if he wants to be healed. That is most important part in having the cooperation.

Russ: that's true. I thought everyone wanted to be healed. See, it goes against my basic learning method when people don't want to be healed.

Kornas: health, physical health, can be irrelevant to some individuals. That more of a spiritual health and some people can make themselves ill by helping other people. By constantly directing and........hold on a second, I'm having something relayed to me. A good example of an individual that was a healthy individual until the end but had a short life because of how brightly they burned was Alexander the Great.

Russ: hmm.

Kornas: he burned incredibly brightly, conquered a large portion of your planet and then died very suddenly and very quickly at a young age. A way to describe it would be the light that burns so bright. A better way to describe it is the light that burns doubly bright lasts half as long.

Russ: I see. Okay, hmmm.

Kornas: but that is sidetracking from the healing point. Sometimes the pain is necessary to keep somebody going to make them realize that they will not live forever. If an individual never had a day of illness and felt they could live forever, then they wouldn't strive as hard. But whereas somebody that is suffering physical pain, they know that their body is limited, will try to do more because their time is limited.

Russ: hmm. Okay, now let's take that same thought and apply it to instance of Carrie. Are you familiar with Carrie?

Kornas: yes, I do get regular reports. The name is unfamiliar though.

Russ: oh, okay.

Kornas: that would be....

Russ: the cancer patient.

Kornas: the cancer patient, case 227 I think it is.

Russ: okay.....

Kornas: the girl with the genetic dysfunction of aversion to sunlight directed at her skin, correct?

Russ: right, melanoma cancer.

Kornas: ah yes.

Russ: okay, right. Now on that, she was found to be that she would have a very short life due to this problem....

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: and she tended to burn very brightly to help her achieve the necessary healing techniques to get away from that.

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: and with Karra and our help, she's been over to overcome that. And now, her life has become one very nicely state of flame.

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: she's not burning as brightly but she's taking life far more preciously then she used to before.

Kornas: yes.

Russ: so that's a good lesson for anybody is that life is so short......

Kornas: yes.

Russ: on a comparative scale. You've got to take every day as possibly wonderful as possible.

Kornas: I don't know if this would be advisable to do but when you come across an individual that is very operant but burns so brightly, is to weigh the risks that if you heal them, will they continue to burn as brightly or will they tend to become a less bright individual but live longer and help more people? It is a question you that have to ask yourself.

Russ: well that's a real tough one. I assume you've had to ask this once or a while yourself?

Kornas: I do not heal. I'm a repository of information. I'm a geneticist, I'm not a healer although I do know more about healing than any of your doctors would.

Russ: yeah, that's for sure. Okay, excellent.

Kornas: that is why I am a geneticist is that I do not like to make that decision.

Russ: ohhh, I see. So you don't have to know.

Kornas: correct.

Russ: okay. Well, that's all the questions I have on healing except for myself. I've been working on taking the advice of Karra in having more vitamin C and calcium in my diet........

Kornas: uh-huh.

Russ: and taking better care of my health. But is there anything you can suggest that would be anything I might need?

Kornas: listen to Karra, she will direct you.

Russ: that's true.

Kornas: she knows you better than I do.

Russ: yeah, that's true. Okay Kornas, that's all I have and thank you very much.

(Luna returns to cover things as the next speaker gets ready)

Luna: okay Russ.

Russ: hi Luna.

Luna: yo.

Russ: yo, how's your history lesson going?

Luna: oh, fine, fine, keeping me busy.

Russ: I'll bet.

Luna: uh-huh.

Luna: sorry, can't make it tonight.

Russ: what?

Luna: I have plans.

Russ: well, I guess that's good.

Luna: you could say that I'm at my maximum fertility.

Russ: and how are you doing with your new boyfriend and all that?

Luna: ohh, fine.

Russ: well good to hear it, glad. And you're happy?

Luna: yeah.

Russ: that's all that counts.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: I like to know that you're happy.

Luna: yeah. I miss my little daughter but, you know.

Russ: well you're going to have your own here pretty quick, aren't you?

Luna: uh-huh, working on it, working on it.

Russ: glad to hear it. It's amazing all the things me and you have gone through.

Luna: yeah. Okay.

Russ: all right.

Luna: no more questions for me?

Russ: well, you're the ring mistress, I figured you're in a hurry or something.

Luna: yeah, well okay. I'll put on the last person and be gentle with her.

Russ: okay and we'll talk afterwards?

Luna: yeah.

Russ: okay.

(Lyka makes a special appearance to channel before a mission)

(Lyka comes on so loud she had to be muted a bit)

Lyka: hey Russ.

Russ: hi Lyka, how are you doing?

Lyka: sorry.

Russ: that's all right. Took me by surprise there for a second.

Lyka: made you jump.

Russ: yes you did. I was out of my skin there for a second.

Lyka: can't help it.

Russ: oh, that's all right love, that's all right. Getting more practice all the time.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: good, how are you doing?

Lyka: oh, fine.

Russ: all right, getting ready for your trip?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: you're not worried, are you?

Lyka: nah.

Russ: ahh good. You're old hat at this stuff nowadays.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: yeah.

Lyka: third one.

(Russ chuckles)

Russ: well good to hear. I hear you increased your bra size.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: well congratulations. Most women down here would like to do it without all the extras they have to go through.

Lyka: well, necessary.

Russ: yeah, that's true. And you'll be there tonight? No?

Lyka: no, I got class.

Russ: what class?

Lyka: historical analysis of strategy and battlefield tactics of Sirius and earth.

Russ: okay, I won't go too far into that one.

Lyka: well? I'm a warrior.

Russ: well yeah, but I didn't think.........oh, I see, you're studying comparative strategies between earth and.....

Lyka: no, learning about both types of strategy.

Russ: well don't they correspond?

Lyka: yes and no.

Russ: hmm, I would think that with what Mark showed you, the battle of the Civil War.....

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and with Sirius, there's a lot of similarities there.

Lyka: not that time period.

Russ: oh, I see. Well we know you're very aggressive.

Lyka: want to arm wrestle?

Russ: no thanks, I'm afraid you'd tear my arm off probably. But have you found that you're able to increase your psychic abilities through this at all?

Lyka: working with Mark on astral travel, yes.

Russ: oh.

Lyka: but nothing else.

Russ: well that's good.

Lyka: PK, same as always.

Russ: hmm. Okay, but here's a question for you on battlefield tactics combined with psychic exercises.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: now, isn't there a way to do surveillance then with astral projection that would assist any battle strategy planning?

Lyka: yes, but have to be in a nice, quiet area to do so.

Russ: well, back of the line maybe? I mean, let's say that....

Lyka: last place, no, wouldn't have worked. This place, I'm going back to the last place, nope.

Russ: wouldn't of worked either. There was no back part of it at all?

Lyka: no.

Russ: okay. Well, in that case, isn't it something that could be added into as an alternative form? I mean, I'm just looking at this also for down here, for future battlefield strategies for earth using astral projectors instead of having to take the risk of doing overflights and stuff.

Lyka: hmm, same as a spy satellite. You have them, they have them.

Russ: right. But there's some things a satellite can't see into that an astral projector can.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: now the tricky part is like knowing what to attack and what not to attack, especially if it's a covered building.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: or it might an empty covered building something that very significant militarily wise but having to separate that and not waste men and munitions on something that's not as important as something else. Astral projection would come in real handy at that point.

Lyka: yes, but you have to have a nice, quiet environment for an astral traveler to do so.

Russ: okay. Well, let's take an example then real quickly on earth.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? Let's take South Korea and North Korea.

Lyka: uh-huh. Ahh yes, I've been following with avid interest the ins and outs of the soap opera in South and North Korea.

Russ: good, so you're familiar with the concept of what I'm doing with it.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: okay. Now, two things here to look for and that is the fact that the 38th parallel marks the front or the no man's land, let's say.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: okay, now, let's say war broke out, okay?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: now, ten miles from the 38th parallel, all is quiet because that's where your supply lines are all at and your rear echelons and everything.

Lyka: refers.

Russ: right, yeah, yeah, right. But basically, that would be quiet enough for you to be able to go out and go up to the front and do your searching.

Lyka: yes, uh-huh.

Russ: now one thing is that there's miles and miles of tunnels underneath that whole front.....

Lyka: yes.

Russ: big enough to drive trucks through.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: so an astral projector could actually monitor those or at least find them.

Lyka: yes. But some people have difficulty with rocks, with rock penetration.

Russ: yeah, going through the earth.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: that would be a tricky part. But it depends on if that's where you would have your better astral projectors.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: I see. Okay, so there is a possibility for this in the future.....

Lyka: yes.

Russ: and something that hasn't been approached yet but could be later on.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: hmm, okay. So you might find yourself in a more strategic position than having to put your body in danger in the future.

Lyka: maybe, but I like it.

Russ: I know but I'm little worried about you. I'm sorry, it's just.......

Lyka: Kornas said the light that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.

(Russ laughs at her remembering his words)

Russ: that's true, that's true. You are a burning, bright kind of girl.

Lyka: hey, you missed the important thing.

Russ: what's that?

Lyka: PK.

Russ: yeah, what about it? You don't have any yet, do you?

Lyka: enough.

Russ: enough? What can you do?

Lyka: well, I can levitate objects. Not very well, not as good as Tia so I don't when Tia is around.

Russ: well, like can you lift one of the kids up?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: oh you can?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: oh, well that's a pretty.....I thought you were like talking about pencils or something.

Lyka: there's a weapon with PK.

Russ: true.

Lyka: enough energy behind it and you can punch through one of your wooden partition devices that swing.

Russ: a door.

Lyka: yes.

Less: absolutely. Ahh, so, basically your PK is another aspect of your weaponry.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: ahh, I see. So what you're doing is trying to do is learn all about your best asset that you could go into a battle naked, well......not naked and still.....

Lyka: without a weapon.

Russ: without a weapon and hold your own, right. Completely unarmed.

Lyka: against not operants.

Russ: right which is the key.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: I see. Ahh, well that's something to think about though as far as.....

Lyka: yes.

Russ: well good, I'm glad to hear that's a good approach to it. So that's another part of your training then?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: well that's good. But I am a little sorry you won't be there tonight. Oh well, you'll get replays on them I'm sure.

Lyka: yes.

Russ: so when do you leave anyway?

Lyka: ship out week from....eight days.

Russ: eight days from now?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: you going off for two weeks.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, I want you to take care of yourself whatever happens.

Lyka: try.

Russ: well that's good, that's good. Should I save you one of the bottles of Sirian claret?

Lyka: if you wish.

Russ: can we have you a going away party for you?

Lyka: no.

Russ: can we have a bottle of
claret to share with you?

Lyka: when I get back.

Russ: all right. I'll wait till you get back and keep it on ice or something.

Lyka: uh-huh. Yes, going with a platoon this time.

Russ: oh, you are?

Lyka: yes.

Russ: that's good to hear.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and are you kind of as ready as you can get, you got total rehabilitation of all your limbs?

Lyka: you want to come up here and try a few rounds?

Russ: no, I'm a healer. I don't have to try and fix myself up afterwards.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: which is where I'm afraid I would be at.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: and what are your plans when you get back?

Lyka: study, get ready for possible next mission.

Russ: ahh.

Lyka: I'm acting as third in charge of platoon?

Russ: okay. Well I've got a personal question, you can answer or not, but I'm wondering what your long-term goal is for you?

Lyka: I haven't set one yet.

Russ: oh, that's always good.

Lyka: too young.

Russ: too young? Well yeah, I guess in earth years? In earth years you're too young, in Sirian years you're older than I am I think. Let's see, you're eighteen up there, right?

Lyka: no.

Russ: no, you're not?

Lyka: I'm eighteen, well not quite.

Russ: eighteen in Sirian years?

Lyka: uh-huh and in earth years.

Russ: and in earth years. Okay, so you're still young.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: well that's all right, I haven't made any long-term goals for me either.

Lyka: that's why I was a virgin. How many Sirian women do you know that are virgins.

Russ: you're my first.

(Russ chuckles under his breath)

Russ: well anyway, I mean I don't know any, I'll admit it.

Lyka: my sister, but she's on Sirius.

Russ: yeah, she's fifteen.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: that's right, yeah, I forgot about that. Well good, I look forward to seeing how we all work out. Now, I've been trying to work on astral projection....

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and I wondered if you've got any techniques that you use that are different from what Tia has told me? For example, do the ten deep, ten shallow, shut off the lights, same thing.

Lyka: no, don't do that.

Russ: you don't do that?

Lyka: no. Lie down, relax, take a deep breath, close my eyes and go.

Russ: and just go?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: God, that's pretty good.

Lyka: but short compared to Tia.

Russ: oh, okay. And are you still feel your body or are you able to....

Lyka: yes.

Russ: so you still feel your body. Oh, so you do it the same way I do.

Lyka: yeah, probably.

Russ: okay, I still feel my body too.

Lyka: Luna's nudging me saying check your tape.

Russ: we got about ten minutes.

Lyka: okay.

Russ: okay. Well good, well I'm looking forward to seeing how this all comes about and I'm looking forward to hearing your communiqués.

Lyka: uh-huh, not very nice place.

Russ: didn't sound like a nice place. I'll tell you, I was actually worried about it.

Lyka: more interested in saving as much of the planet as possible for rehabilitation afterwards. People on there, oh well. But rehabilitation of planet for other species more important.

Russ: that's a little hard to grasp. I would think people would be more important.

Lyka: people come, people go. Empires rise, empires fall, can't change it.

Russ: that's true. But yeah, you've probably learned enough about warfare to know that's all the basic, everything changes.

Lyka: yep. Don't make friends in war, only breaks your heart. Lost too many friends.

Russ: ahh God, girl. Well, did you go up in rank?

Lyka: hmm, yeah.

Russ: you did? So you going to be training people, training younger kids coming up yet?

Lyka: no.

Russ: oh, you're not that high up in rank yet?

Lyka: no. I'm just third in command of platoon. Don't know what it is on your planet.

Russ: third command of the platoon.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: let's see, wouldn't be a first lieutenant or second
lieutenant, it would be a sergeant.

Lyka: don't know.

Russ: you give orders.

Lyka: sometimes. First time trying though, just for two weeks. Combat platoon experience with.

Russ: what's the name of the platoon?

Lyka: platoon?

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: don't know if I can pronounce her name in your language but bastards comes into it.

(Russ laughs loudly)

Lyka: think it would translate into a girls name Lucky Bastards.

Russ: excellent. Now here's a question for you, do have anything like body armor you wear?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: you do?

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: but it doesn't cover all of you, just like your chest or something?

Lyka: chest and crotch area.

Russ: well good.

Lyka: but arm and leg can be replaced and kind of covers back of the neck and top of head.

Russ: oh, okay.

Lyka: arms and legs replaceable, expendable.

Russ: well good, I feel little safer now.....

Lyka: I know.

Russ: well still, I feel a little better now knowing that you're not going out there in just a pair of pants and shirt and go and try to take on whatever world you gotta take on.

Lyka: your planet do that, don't they?

Russ: yeah, I know.

Lyka: oh well.

Russ: okay, thank you, I don't feel as worried for you now as I used to.

Lyka: you come up and try me sometime buster. You won't worry about me ever again.

Russ: they'll be replacing my arm and leg.

Lyka: you betcha.

Russ: okay love, well good luck and I hope I'll talk to you before you go.

(Luna jumps back on to wrap up the session)

Russ: hi Luna.

Luna: yo. Aggressive little girl, isn't she?

Russ: little?

Luna: yeah, she's taller than me.

Russ: taller than me. Oh well.

Luna: she could have snapped you just like that even with Mark's body.

Russ: yeah, I'm pretty sure she could. Well someday I might take her up in a arm wrestling match.

Luna: don't.

Russ: only in this other arm and I'm using my strong arm and even that.

Luna: she got strong in both arms. I've arm wrestled her.

Russ: no luck, eh?

Luna: no luck. Okay, now interesting side note. When you mentioned was it because Karra was.....

Russ: yeah.

Luna: she went forty shades of red and went very, very quiet.

Russ: I noticed that. I think I hit too close to the bone on that one.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: but it was just something that struck me all of a sudden because she has said okay when I talked to her before about it.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: I guess she thought about it for a few.

Luna: no, she tends to, being young, ask her something on the spot and she'll give you an answer and then she'll think about it and go, oops.

Russ: poor girl. Well I hope she can get over her awe.

Luna: I don't know.

Russ: it's just Karra. We'll try when she gets back.

Luna: yeah.

Russ: she's got a little more worldly knowledge and doesn't feel so young anymore.

Luna: well, the best time to get her is when she comes back from combat.

Russ: yeah.

Luna: I've seen them come back and their affirmation of life is incredible.

Russ: oh.

Luna: when she came back wounded, she was all doped up and everything and missed out on all the parties that she would have normally have gone to. Which reminds me....

Russ: yes.

Luna: when she gets back, we're organizing a party.

Russ: right, right.

Luna: uh-huh.

Russ: how is your boyfriend? I haven't heard anything from him at all. Is he from, where's he from?

Lyka: well he's part Sirian, part blue......

Russ: oh.

Luna: and he's got another couple races in there as well.

Russ: what's he do for a living?

Luna: he's an engineer.

Russ: oh, like Kiri.

Luna: uh-huh. In fact, Kiri's his boss.

Russ: oh that's right, that's right, Kiri is his boss.

Luna: yeah.

Russ: how did you guys meet anyway, I never heard that story?

Luna: Kiri.

Russ: oh, really?

Luna: uh-huh, and the Corner Bar.

Russ: the Corner Bar.

Luna: yes. He came and made.......


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