Archivist Notes: It is February of 2025
but we are going back to 1993 for this channeling
session with the members of Ashtar Command. We only
have time for three of those members though as they
take up the bulk of the tape helping us with some
important things. This information from nearly
thirty-two years ago is as timely now as it was then
as we deal with astral travel, nutritional needs,
and focusing on a key part of a meta-concert, the
role of the conductor. We'll start with a side note
which is Tia getting the session going with a debate
on the merits of meat eaten raw and whether it is as
healthy as opposed to other options. Her feline
ancestry explains her dietary desires to like meat
raw. We wrap up the debate and move on to
farsighting questions such as learning that
traveling through the base in our astral bodies has
no effect on the physical things in our way. We
compare astral travel techniques and she explains
that everyone's technique is like a fingerprint that
is unique to them. We end with discussing Mark's
incredible talent of being able to go solid when
traveling to the base. She steps aside after that to
allow Karra to take her place in the channeling
field. Karra starts off with news she had received
about a blood test done on Luna that revealed that
either her body was becoming pregnant or a menstrual
cycle was beginning. She brought me the good news
because it was possible the baby was mine. They had
been trying to get Mark and myself to spread our
third dimensional genes among our sixth dimensional
female friends. Thus, Karra, Kiri, and Tia were all
fine with the program. We then get into the training
I was looking to begin with her of healing physical
trauma through touch and mind. That led to a
discussion on proper nutrition achieved through
paying attention to the food eaten and fluids taken
in throughout the day. A funny side note she brings
up is that for eighteen dollars, one could go to the
pharmacy and by all the ingredients that make up a
human being. We finish up the side with looking at
ways we could use to help the fact that Mark's body
isn't self-healing when he is on the base in his
solid form. It was causing health issues because his
astral and physical bodies weren't matching due to
his astral body was healing while he was on the
base. We would take up the subject again on the
second side.
In our efforts to get Mark's body to
start healing during his sleep cycle while he was
away or channeling, Karra reveals that when they are
channeling through him, his body is running at just
the bare minimums for survival. She applies the
analogy of a submarine crew waiting out a depth
charge run with all systems running at the barest
minimum. We move on to the subject of what
environmental factors are required for life. The one
we focus on is atmosphere and how the pressure of it
keeps the body's cells in place. Even with oxygen
being provided, the human body in the vacuum of
space has the fluids sucked out of it and they
freeze or even possibly boil. Either way, a person
has about thirty seconds of exposure before dying.
That's how we cap things off and Tia takes her place
so that Omal can begin channeling. The topic I bring
up immediately with him is to discuss is
meta-concerts and the role of the conductor that I
was looking to get more information to pass on to
Mark when he got back. It was something Omal and I
had started in a previous session but had to be put
off until now. The conductor is possibly the most
important participant in a meta-concert because they
determine the start, they take in and regulate the
energy to be passed on to the primary, and they take
in any flashback of energy to keep the rest of the
participants from any harm. He stresses practice and
training in the conductor role by learning the
abilities of each of the participants to handle
energies depending on their mood. That puts a big
responsibility on the conductor to read each of the
people in the meta-concert. He switches to a related
topic of taking in energy with the hands-on training
part of the channeling session. He has me stand up
and feel all the energy sources in the room. We had
cats, we had crystals, we also had the pyramid
surrounding Mark's body. He had me suck the energy
and then release it at a particular tempo. He next
has me draw in energy using both my physical and
astral bodies and then release it. I note the vast
difference between the two attempts and thus learned
a new way to approach the entire meta-concert
process going forward. It was a key bit of knowledge
we didn't have before. We finish things with his
suggestion to always have a couple cats around when
practicing gathering in energy. Tia returns to bring
on Kiri who has only seconds to speak before the
tape runs out. Before that, Tia confirms that the
energy gathering method Omal showed me would be
helpful for meditation and astral travel. A great
session we're happy to add to the archives and only
wish the sound had been comparable to last months
channeling session. We suggest following along with
the transcript below.
In love, light, and wisdom as one,
Russ and Karra
Ring Mistress
(Channel) |
HATFIELD (Archivist)
Side 1 Listen to this
Duration: 34:44 min. - File type: mp3
Side 2 Listen to this
episode (RIGHT
33:32 min. - File type: mp3

(Tia starts off the session with a
lot to go over)
Tia: to questions. To be do be
do be do be do be do.
Russ: do be do.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: hello. How are you Tia.
Tia: I'm fine.
Russ: good.
Tia: no comments about me being a member of the
herbivore family?
Russ: okay, I give up.
Tia: what's a herbivore?
Russ: plant eater.
Tia: uh-huh and what do you call me sometimes? So
hello dear.
Russ: oh, well not after you scarfed that massively
raw steak the other day, I suppose it's a little
tough to call you a herbivore.
(Tia growls)
Russ: hope it stays different(?).
Tia: I would have ate it raw but Mark does have
delicate sensibilities around meat.
Russ: well yeah, makes me upchuck pretty quick.
Tia: there's nothing wrong with eating raw steak.
Russ: well, there is a certain problem with certain
organisms which the cooking removes but that's
supposing a strong digestive system where it
wouldn't bother someone like yourself.
Tia: you're talking about tapeworms, right?
Russ: tapeworms, parasites, other various.....
Tia: if the animal is in a healthy environment and
is treated.......or genetically engineered so that
it is resistant to those sort of things, you don't
have to worry about it. After all, did not your
people in the northern steppes, Tartars eat raw
Russ: I believe it was marinated first and then just
slightly cooked it.
Tia: hold on. No, it was placed under the saddle to
tenderize it.
Russ: oh, that would cook it.
(Russ laughs in disgust)
Tia: I didn't have a bowl handy for you upchuck in.
Russ: oh man, I wish you did.
Tia: but I can see can see you now going.....
(Tia makes a retching noise)
Russ: oh God, under the saddle. Grab a little slice
once in a while and scarf it on the road.
Tia: I'm just relaying the information from Luna.
Now, whatever cooking techniques are there?
Russ: well geez, as long as it involves cooking I
don't mind.
Tia: hmm, the people from Denmark, now they have an
interesting one. They get raw steak, grind it up,
mix it with tartar sauce......
Russ: well, lucky I'm a vegetarian so I don't have
to worry about any of this stuff anyway.
Tia: you mean to say you pulled out those poor,
defenseless, little vegetable screaming out of the
ground by their hair and then devour them?
Russ: no actually, I go to the supermarket and
somebody else has already done it for me.
Tia: ahhhh, so you just buy vegetables that have
been murdered, huh?
Russ: yeah, right. Basically they gave their lives
for the betterment of the human animal whereas the
cows just go "huh?" Plants seem to have at least a
reason for living that includes being eaten. Cows
are trying to grow up.
Tia: yeah, but plants? They have a purpose of
reproduction, spreading themselves, growing bigger
and stronger, the same with cows. It's exactly the
same, no difference.
Russ: well yeah, there is a difference.
Tia:, what?
Russ: because the plant feelings, what plants know
what their purpose in life is.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: there aren't any cows going, "move, you're
about to get scarfed".
Tia: what about on your continent where it's hot all
the time? What about the tigers and the lions that
go out and scarf other animals as you put it?
Russ: well I don't really rank up there with Mark
and yourself.
(Russ laughs)
Tia: and you.
Russ: not me. Well, I do eat chicken.
(Tia clucks like a chicken)
Tia: so, you are guilty as me, as Mark, as Kiri, as
Luna, as Joey, as Calvin......
Russ: at least cook them, gosh.
Tia: well, I cook chicken when I have chicken. I
cook lamb when I have lamb. I cook cows when I have
cows. Just sometimes I like it raw.
Russ: just seems little bit scarfed.
Tia: there's nothing wrong with eating it raw. Other
animals you wouldn't eat raw. So we're all as guilty
as each other, agreed?
Russ: oh yeah.
Tia: okay, let us get on with the questions.
Russ: okay, first off.....
Tia: intsy-bitsy spider went climbing up the spout.
Down came the rain and washed poor intsy out.
Out came the sun and dried poor intsy out.
Now intsy-bitsy
spider won't get no pie or tea.
Russ: all right my darling, I'd like to know if I
could, is Taal going to be working with.....
Tia: we're waiting, we're waiting on him.
Russ: okay, so that's nothing I need to worry about
right now.
(Tia purrs like a cat)
Russ: well motherhood certainly suits you. I can see
Tia: what do you mean?
Russ: oh, your sense of humor is definitely.....
Tia: I never had a sense of humor before?
Russ: oh, I said you had a sense of humor, didn't I?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: I said it had matured.
Tia: well, I am 21 of your years, you know?
Russ: just a youngster.
Tia: okay, come on, farsighting questions.
Russ: all right......
Tia: otherwise, I shall go
Russ: okay, you've got to understand these
farsighting questions are strictly off the top of my
head. Nothing up my sleeve, nothing between my ears.
Tia: okay, I'll agree with that. Quick magic trick
for you. Notice my hands never leave the end of my
Russ: all right.
Tia: okay.
Russ: when I went up farsighting today.......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and the last couple times, I'm noticing that a
lot of my body functions are well regulated while
I'm up there. In other words, I can look and be at
some place and I'm getting better at being able to
maintain a kind of an extra sense of what my body is
doing down here.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: but it's still a point where falling
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: that sleep state is still necessary.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now, one thing I still don't understand, is
the trance state actually a light sleep state?
Tia: it's border point, border point.
Russ: border point.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. So in other words, it's that thin line
before sleep.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: okay. Now why is it that sometimes it's easier
to control than others? Or why is it other people,
other people are able to control it better than
other people do?
Tia: practice.
Russ: so it is practice. It's not a genetic trait
then, it's not something.......
Tia: to a certain extent yeah but it can be the same
thing, it can be achieved through practice.
Russ: uh-huh. So in other words, I bet people can
get a better use of it than others.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: in other words, they have an advantage.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: but somebody who is latent in it....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: can become operant to that point of that
person who has the advantages by the sheer weight of
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. Now, is the ability to focus on a fifth
dimensional level strictly related to a third sight
or third eye?
Tia: no, not really.
Russ: okay, that's just the astral version then.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: okay, now, is there something like contacts
for astral version?
Tia: you shouldn't need them.
Russ: no, but I mean a visual sight aid you might
Tia: no, you should have perfect vision. You might
try looking through your crystal some time though.
Russ: looking through my crystal, how so?
Tia: it will show you some interesting things. It
might help to clear your mind a little bit
beforehand. Let you relax. Because, sometimes it's
harder to farsight if your mind is in a turmoil.
It's best to be nice and relaxed. Not too relaxed
where you go snore.
Russ: really? Well that's the problem I have is
keeping awake but still asleep.
(Tia blows a raspberry)
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, so looking through the crystal though
gives your mind a little bit more relaxation I take
Tia: yeah.
Russ: okay, sort of like a focusing tool.
Tia: yeah, uh-huh.
Russ: makes your spirit faster.
Tia: uh-huh, yeah, that's what I mean.
Russ: okay, and then hopefully I suppose so.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now, once I'm up there......
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and I'm standing around in Karra's room....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: we're studying anatomy and fun stuff like that
and then I want to go visit Nazreal....
Tia: yeah?
Russ: I basically farsight to Nazreal's room. Now,
in the meantime, I'm passing through oh hell, I
don't know what, people's bedrooms, refrigerators,
computers, walls, ceilings, I'm basically cutting
through anything that's in my way.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: now, am I causing any disruptions up there as
far as power supply interruptions.....
Tia: no, no, no, no, no, no...
Russ: somebody's sleep.
Tia: just keep going as fast as you can to get here.
Don't slow down.
Russ: okay.
Tia: and just keep looking ahead.
Russ: okay. Now, I am using a new technique as far
as farsighting goes.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: which is going ahead and creating a
dimensional door....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: to go through on my way up.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: so that it's a doorway that separates my body
from my astral body.
Tia: yeah?
Russ: and I've set it up in the form of a pentagram
which has to be traced out first then opens up like
the doorways up there.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: then once going through that doorway, I allow
my consciousness then to inhabit my astral body.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and the doorway closes behind me.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and then take off from there.
Tia: and you go zooooomwhoossshhhhhh.
Russ: now, in your vast experience, is a way I can
improve on that system at all?
Tia: well, my way differs from Mark's way and Mark's
way differs from your way.
Russ: right.
Tia: and never shall the twain meet. We each have
our own different techniques and your technique is
particular to you only. It's like a fingerprint.
Russ: right. But there are focusing traits and stuff
that you know which I don't know.
Tia: let me see, how do I put it? Normally, I just
get up and wander around for a few seconds, take a
few breaths, lie back down, step out and go.
Russ: uh-huh. Now are you conscious of your body
while you're gone.
Tia: hmm, depends on what sort of farsighting I'm
Russ: okay. So whereas Mark has no memory or recall
whatsoever of what he thought he did while he was
Tia: I think that's only whilst he's doing a D jump.
Because if you remember, when you would be doing
some farsighting to some city places, off in that
direction somewhere, you two were communicating were
you not?
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: so therefore that fills you up.
Russ: so it just depends on what kind of
Tia: correct.
Russ: really?
Tia: I think the only time that you go unconscious
totally is when you do a dimensional jump or a
really, really long, long one.
Russ: hmmm.
(We hear Tia licking something)
(Russ starts to laugh)
Tia: hmmm?
Russ: I don't think I'll repeat that. Anyway, that's
all the questions I have for now.
Tia: your cats would sit together gently lapping
Russ: see you later.
(Karra now comes as the second
Karra: good evening. Well, what can I do for you?
Russ: mentally or physically?
Karra: mentally.
Russ: well, we've got a lots of stuff to work with.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: this is from a session where a person was in
awe of Karra.
Karra: I am a mortal just like you. There is nothing
special about what I do.
Russ: that's true.
Karra: you too can be as knowledgeable as myself.
Russ: yeah, I'm working on it but......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I've never known that the work I need to do is
so vast.
Karra: uh-huh. Now a quick piece of information for
Russ: what?
Karra: on my way to this channeling session, guess
where I came from?
Russ: the pier?
Karra: no, my lab.
Russ: really?
Karra: uh-huh. I was running blood tests....
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: doing chemical analysis on blood.
Russ: really?
Karra: and there is a slow chemical change happening
in somebody's body.
Russ: yours?
Karra: no, not mine.
Russ: Alana?
Karra: no.
Russ: Kiri's?
Karra: no.
Russ: Luna?
Karra: yes.
Russ: I knew I'd get it sometime.
Karra: eventually. Now, why does a chemical change
happen in a young lady's blood?
Russ: because the blood can tell a lot.
Karra: which is?
Russ: that there is a feeling of what it felt like
when she was first pregnant.
Karra: uh-huh, exactly.
Russ: right.
Karra: now the chemical change isn't a definite yes,
not yet. But the change is happening. Now a similar
change occurs when the menstrual cycle starts.
Russ: you said it's like a start for a week and a
Karra: no, so that's why I'm looking at it very
Russ: good.
Karra: it's unlikely that it's early but she's not
particularly regular sometimes.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: so it is too early to tell and try not to get
your hopes up.
Russ: I won't, I'll just keep practicing.
Karra: uh-huh. Okay, let us continue.
Russ: okay. Oh, when are we gonna work on Mark's
knees again?
Karra: hmmm, tonight might not be a good time. How
about next session?
Russ: okay, good.
Karra: okay, yeah. Why do you ask?
Russ: well I was going over the tapes tonight and in
it you were mentioning how you wanting to work on
Mark's knees and this was back in August.
Karra: uh-huh. Are they giving him any problems?
Russ: no, but it reminded me that we never got to
that place.
Karra: ahhh.
Russ: with his being up on Hades Base as much as he
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and with what Omal and I discussed last
Karra: yes?
Russ: about his body's ability to rejuvenate
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: it might be handy if we gave him a little
assist once in a while.
Karra: we can try, we can try.
Russ: okay. Now, before starting.......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: a little thing came to me about
Karra: yeah.
Russ: or inter-active.
Karra: healing.
Russ: healing, right. And this was the psychic power
of healing.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: through touch and mind.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and I'm wondering how much of that we can work
with as far as part of our course?
Karra: okay, what particular field are you
interested in?
Russ: well mostly being able to transmit a lot of
this information I'm going through now.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: through touch.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: studying the knowledge of it on a cellular
Karra: no, no, no, no. What I'm saying is, what
field of medicine are you interested in doing?
Russ: general.
Karra: general. So mental health care?
Russ: right.
Karra: healing somebody's mental dysfunction.
Russ: oh, no. Healing physical trauma through touch
and mind.
Karra: okay, we can do that.
Russ: good.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: anyway, working on that anatomy and physiology
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and going through the basic building blocks of
Karra: yeah.
Russ: I'm realizing that's why I'm so much involved
the fact that you have to deal with genetics on a
much tighter scale than what I'm even thinking
Karra: yeah. Well, actually it's not as tight
because the gene pool up here is clean.
Russ: hmm, that's true. It must be a lot easier to
work with. Now one thing I noticed was, a question
came up was, atoms bond by exchanging electrons.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: these are called ions.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. Now, what I couldn't figure out is, do
the atoms that exchange electrons, is that because
there are spaces that are available for them to bond
Karra: don't know, I'm not a physicist. How many
times have I got to tell you that?
Russ: well, molecules are made up of atoms.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: you deal with molecules.
Karra: yes but I don't go down to that level.
Russ: oh.
Karra: when you start talking about atoms and
molecules, you're talking on a physics scale.
Russ: oh. What do you deal with, the cellular?
Karra: yeah. You see, I'm interested in this stuff
and this stuff and this stuff, calcium. So you've
got to know a little bit of chemistry and a little
bit of physics.
Russ: so biochemistry?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: oh. Okay, well let's go to inorganic
Karra: okay.
Russ: now, inorganic salts.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: the book doesn't describe where inorganic
salts comes from.
Karra: I can tell you.
Russ: oh.
Karra: go down to the sea and drink the water.
Russ: okay, so that's sea salt?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm. Okay.
Karra: it's not organic, it's raw.
Russ: oh, so that's why it's inorganic.
Karra: correct.
Russ: okay, I see. Now we're taught that salt is bad
for you and yet it's also important for you.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so there's a proper......
Karra: percentage, yes, there is.
Russ: okay.
Karra: and it varies from species to species.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: and at the moment I don't have the figures on
the top of my head.
Russ: does it vary from person to person?
Karra: yes it does as well. Not that much.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: it can be a few milligrams.
Russ: I see.
Karra: but it does vary. It depends on size, how
much an individual sweats.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: perspires. How much active a person is. Their
age and more.
Russ: okay. Now what controls the concentration of
inorganic salts to make sure that......
Karra: the amount of fluid in the body.
Russ: okay. So in other words, if you eat a lot of
salt you should drink a lot of fluid.
Karra: correct. Well you will learn that, it makes
you thirsty.
Russ: that's true. Okay, because I noticed that it's
important for proper water concentration. Letting
the body develop its own salt concentrations.
Karra: yeah, it's responsible for a lot of things.
Russ: it transfers them between the cells and
muscles and nerve functions.......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: for electrolyte balance.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: now how is it the salts work with that though?
I mean, is it just because they're such a necessary
part of the human body?
Karra: yeah.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: let me explain. Do you know how much the
human body is worth?
Russ: no.
Karra: if you were to go to your local pharmacy and
buy all the chemicals?
Russ: I give up.
Karra: about eighteen dollars.
(Russ and Karra both break over that point)
Russ: oh God. Well that puts it into perspective.
Karra: I find it very amusing.
Russ: it is. But putting it all together, back to
this part.......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, what came out? Now, that supplied
massive energy.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I'm looking for sources of fats, is this then
in meats?
Karra: it's in quite a few things. It's in oils, but
fat, a useful thing.......
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: serves a purpose. When you build up fat, what
is it for?
Russ: it's for metabolism.
Karra: it's for energy. So if you build up a layer
of fat it's good for you but if you build up too
much it's bad.
Russ: right.
Karra: so you've got to know how much fat to build
Russ: really?
Karra: now fat, can form in all sorts of places.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: now external fat, fat that you eat from Tia's
favorite food is not that good for you.
Russ: no. Now, I've noticed that the differences
between saturated, polyunsaturated, and unsaturated
are very vast.
Karra: uh-huh, yeah.
Russ: it's between a single carbon binding with
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: or double bonded. What is the difference
between the two kinds, meat and fish? Is that one's
polyunsaturated, one is saturated?
Karra: it's more the density and the amount.
Russ: oh.
Karra: uh-huh, and the type of cholesterol that is
mixed with it.
Russ: oh, I see.
Karra: you see, not all cholesterol is bad.
Russ: right.
Karra: and not all cholesterol is good.
Russ: right, now do the fat and cholesterol bond
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. So they make up a single kind of
Karra: yeah. If you were to take cholesterol out of
the body totally, that would be very detrimental.
Russ: but too much of it is also detrimental.
Karra: correct.
Russ: so again we come to a question of balance.
Karra: exactly. You see, your diet has to be
balanced practically.
Russ: oh.
Karra: sometimes you can overindulge as long as a
couple of days later you underindulge.
Russ: I see.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, because right now I'm interested in
helping out both Mark and I as far as diet goes.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and increasing the amount of proper.....
Karra: nutrients.
Russ: nutrients, right.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and a lot of that includes fat, carbohydrates,
salts and other things.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: well, reading this book for example.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I'm trying to learn the differences in what we
eat and how it affects our bodies.
Karra: uh-huh. What sort of protein does Mark
indulge in?
Russ: meat?
Karra: yeah. What sort?
Russ: let's see, chicken.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: we had some fried chicken tonight. Hmmm, meat
and chicken.
Karra: well what sort of meat? Meats is a very large
Russ: steak every once in a while, once a month or
Karra: that's not too harmful. He could increase
that to once a week.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: that is not that harmful.
Russ: okay. Well something I read about tonight was
concerning how heat disorganize some protein
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: for example eggs.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: in which the egg white, which is denatured,
and then heat makes it comes to nature.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and the egg whites turn liquid into a solid.
Karra: correct.
Russ: but it can't be reversed.
Karra: exactly.
Russ: so therefore, it becomes nonfunctional and
threatens the life of the cell.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now, is that why eggs are bad for you?
Karra: in small doses they're good for you. When you
eat eggs in large quantities because they're so high
in cholesterol....
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: that's when they become harmful.
Russ: see, this is the balance, going through the
small amounts of cholesterol from eggs.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: bonding with the fats....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: to create the proper balance.
Karra: yes. An egg a day is all right. Two eggs a
day is border point. More than that and you're
asking for trouble.
Russ: oh, I see.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay.
Karra: but again, that can be counted by let's say
that for two days you have six eggs, right?
Russ: right.
Karra: and then you go oh, two or three weeks
without having any eggs at all.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: and it gives it a chance to get it out of of
your system.
Russ: oh, I see, okay. So lots of things like that
also you can find would be the problem....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but would turn liquid to solid.
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: for example lard.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: which is a saturated fat....
Karra: well, that can go from a solid to liquid back
to solid.
Russ: oh, I see. And back vice versa.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: ohhhh.
Karra: but it is very, very high in cholesterol.
Extremely high in cholesterol.
Russ: lard?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so that's a fat that is also very high in
Karra: it's a pure fat. That's what lard is.
Russ: right. Now does that mean that it's going to
be really the cholesterol that should be a balance
except that it's not because it's too much
Karra: correct.
Russ: oh, I see. Oh, okay.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now, going on to cellular functions and
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I became interested in DNA and RNA. Now......
Karra: it's for you, it's a cellular thing.
Russ: now, the nucleic acid....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: that controls cell activity, the large
nucleotides which contains atoms of hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: you can make nucleotides.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: five carbon sugar which are five carbons
called something....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and that's DNA and RNA.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now DNA, from what I'm learning, stores
information, tells the cell parts how to construct
specific protein molecules.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and then the protein acting as enzymes are
responsible for all the metabolism system actions in
cells. Thus they duplicate themselves in each living
form cell is an exact copy of its parent's cell that
carry instructions for vital life processes.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but what's firing them?
Karra: if I told you.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: you wouldn't go looking for them then.
Russ: well it's not in there.
Karra: it is in there.
Russ: it's not in the book.
Karra: well, you've got to go and research it
because you will stumble across other things that
you will learn. If I tell you, then you're not
learning anything. You're not going to stumble
across other things, you'll be able to ask the
questions then.
Russ: all right, now, one thing I want to know is
this is going to help Mark a lot......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: learning about DNA. Because this is the part
that's responsible for rejuvenation.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: because this is the part that is....
Karra: being switched off when he goes farsighting
or doing a dimension jump.
Russ: right. Now is this because they are not
duplicating themselves?
Karra: correct.
Russ: hmmm. Okay, now, is there a way to make the
DNA process happens when he's out of body?
Karra: I can't think of any but I will look into it.
Russ: thank you.
Karra: none that I can think of offhand.
Russ: hmmm, okay.
Karra: we are aware that doing long dimension jumps
up here is harming himself.
Russ: uh-huh. Now what about when he's up there?
Does his astral body....
Karra: yes it does, that body does heal itself. It
does continue rejuvenating itself which is part of
his problem, the reason why when he comes back
everything is so aching is because his rejuvenation
process of his astral body compared to his physical
body does not match. So it is like rubbing against
each other which irritates the astral body and the
physical body which means that touch, taste, smell,
hearing, sight, all become sensitive. It is like
when you rub your hands together for a long period
of time. They become sore, do they not?
Russ: yes they do.
Karra: and that is what is happening with the astral
and the physical.
Russ: ahhhh. Now, if he was able to pull his body
Karra: uh-huh, he would become mad.
Russ: well no, but I mean if he did pull his body

(Karra returns to the same
subject on the second side)
Karra: okay.
Russ: okay. Now then, the DNA itself is controlled
by the brain, correct?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and the brain commands the DNA to reproduce.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: all right. Now, the electrical functions
that make the brain produce the DNA.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: why do they stop when he's in astral form?
Because you would think if the brain is still
controlling the body to breath and make the heart
pump, that would make also the DNA.....?
Karra: no, what happens when he leaves and goes
farsighting, right?
Russ: right.
Karra: he is running at bare minimums. Enough to
keep the circulatory system flowing, enough to
keep the electronic impulses in the brain going,
that keeps the heart beating, the lungs breathing,
and the digestive system going.
Russ: really?
Karra: and that's it. It is cut down to the bare
Russ: okay, now....
Karra: let me look for an analogy. Hmmm, select
service, silent routine?
Russ: oh, Silent Service.
Karra: yeah.
Russ: right, submarine game.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: right.
Karra: silent routine, that is what the body does.
Russ oh, I see.
Karra: you see, when we are channeling, his body
runs at approximately the same speed, maybe a
little slower.
Russ: right.
Karra: but when he does farsighting and he does a
D jump to here.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: his body slows down.
Russ: hmmm, I see.
Karra: but when he makes the jump, the
disconnection, you see, it accelerates and then
the mind or the brain tells the body to slow down.
Russ: uh-huh, I see. Now, the DNA......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: is acted upon by the proteins acting as
Karra: yeah.
Russ: now proteins are acting as enzymes.......
Russ: and they're responsible for the metabolic
action in the cells....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: then what would happen if he were to eat a
big meal before D jumping?
Karra: he'd probably fall to sleep.
Russ: probably.
Karra: I don't know as I'm not a farsighter. Save
this one for next time, okay?
Russ: okay. Hopefully, this is going to be a
solution to our problem.
Karra: I don't think there is a solution.
Russ: yeah, but if you don't try stuff.....
Karra: yeah, experimentation is good. Okay.
Russ: all right. Oh yes, this morning when we were
going over functions for life....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: one of the functions was atmosphere.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now, how is it that atmosphere is necessary
for life? I mean if you had oxygen but no
atmosphere you couldn't live?
Karra: hmmm, life exists in many, many different
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: and oxygen is not a constant.
Russ: hmmm. It's the pressure I guess, the
atmospheric pressure.
Karra: correct.
Russ: does that help keep the body stable or
Karra: no, what it does is it help keep the
molecules in place, the cells in place. You see, I
might do that, what am I doing?
Russ: itching, knocking cells off.
Karra: correct. So, the pressure of the air keeps
the cells from just floating off.
Russ: oh.
Karra: you see?
Russ: they keep the cells on the body.
Karra: there are many, many contributing factors
to life. Correct chemical balance, correct
chemicals full stop.
Russ: oh.
Karra: atmosphere, fluid, which isn't totally
necessary, environmental factors, and we're all
kind of generalizing it.
Russ: right.
Karra: but life can also exist in the strangest of
Russ: yeah, I've noticed that.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but in the work that I'm doing would be
healing and search and rescue and stuff.........
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: is that going to be an important factor for
me to keep a point on?
Karra: well, whatever you do, don't step outside
the ship when you're in space.
Russ: okay, it's bad?
Karra: well, in the astral it doesn't really matter
but in the physical form.....
Russ: I mean, if I just had an air mask, right?
And step outside the ship, it's not going to do me
any good whatsoever.
Karra: no. And you want to know why?
Russ: because the atmosphere is lacking?
Karra: uh-huh, and what else would happen?
Russ: my body would not be able to breathe in
Karra: uh-huh, and what else?
Russ: the vacuum would suck the fluids out of my
Karra: uh-huh, and what does that cause?
Russ: dehydration.
Karra: uh-huh. Well actually what happens is, as
it sucks out the fluids, it freezes and you
Russ: plus it's massively cold.
Karra: correct. But it can also be massively hot
as well.
Russ: ahh, but it doesn't matter due to the fact
that your fluids are being sucked out, whether
they get boiled off or they get frozen........
Karra: correct.
Russ: your body is not getting helped out one
little bit.
Karra: it takes approximately thirty seconds for
you to expire.
Russ: oh, so that's why they call it an
atmospheric pressure suit.
Karra: uh-huh. Because it holds in the pressure
and the atmosphere. Oh well.
Russ: thank you Karra.
Karra: oh, you're welcome. Yeah, I've been hogging
all the tape.
Russ: well, this is important stuff I had to get
Karra: okay. Well, I'll hand back.
Russ: okay.
Karra: see you later.
Russ: eighteen dollars.
Karra: don't start me.
Russ: okay.
Karra: bye.
Russ: bye.
(Tia takes over until Omal is ready to channel)
Russ: hello Tia.
Tia: hello.
Russ: well, we'll get on to important, fun stuff
Tia: oh goody, goody, goody, goody.
Russ: with whoever's left. Well I don't want to
use up all the tape just yet.
Tia: okay, party pooper.
Russ: okay. We'll have the opportunity to talk
once we get all this important stuff out of the
Tia: okay. I'll be back.
Russ: all right.
(Omal is the night's main
Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ.
Russ: greetings Omal, it's one of those nights.
Omal: yes it is, isn't it? It is entertaining and
how are we functioning?
Russ: we have been entertained.
Omal: good.
Russ: and functioning great.
Omal: functioning above specified parameters, are
we not?
Russ: well and above, yes.
Omal: okay, let us proceed.
Russ: okay, digging into oh, all kinds of fun
stuff tonight. Let's start off with meta-concert
Omal: okay.
Russ: now, as we discussed, I was going through a
tape tonight, in which you mentioned that later in
the session which we never got to we would
practice a conductor training exercise.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: but unfortunately, he went into other
matters instead and we never got to that part.
Omal: okay, remind me in the next session and we
will do so.
Russ: okay.
Omal: okay? We want to keep the energy supplied
for certain frivolous entertainments to prove a
Russ: anyway, is there such a thing as a solo
Omal: no.
Russ: is there a way to practice meta-concert in a
solo form that, even though you don't generate the
proper amount of energy....
Omal: yes, just running over the principal.
Russ: run over the principles. So you learn the
step up process?
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay, so using that for specific
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: like the candle, you can gain more practice
in meta-concert use.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Now then, we were dealing with at one
point at that same tape the Mayan books and the
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: Ashtar touched on and we got into a little
bit about the keys and explanations. I wondered if
you had any more information for me about that.
Omal: well, at the time we pointed out that it
wasn't wise for this knowledge to be released at
this time.
Russ: right.
Omal: that the translation could take many years.
And the reason is that you're not ready as a
species for that knowledge. Maybe in twenty or
thirty years.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: or the knowledge could be harmful or it
could be so obtuse as to be debated on what it
actually means.
Russ: that's true. Okay, but what he mentioned
was, it was a key and an explanation about
traveling specifically.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now just a little touch on, if it's not too
much of a gray area there, was that traveling as
in a D jump with your body?
Omal: I'm afraid that is a gray area.
Russ: it is a gray area.
Omal: yes, the only way for you to learn how to do
a physical D jump is through trial and error.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: we will tell you if you are pursuing the
wrong path.
Russ: right.
Omal: but we will not tell you if you are pursuing
the right path.
Russ: okay, good. So, for historical purposes,
we're going to leave that for histories.
Omal: yes.
Russ: excellent. Okay, we can work with that. All
right, now then, you also mentioned on the same tape
that behind Venus there was a star. In other
words, somebody working with Sumerians would describe the
evening star and the morning star as being two
different stars.
Omal: yes.
Russ: and that somebody said that they were from
Venus, from that star......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: it might actually mean they were from an
earthlike planet, they actually might mean the
star that was directly in line which you
Omal: yes.
Russ: and sometimes possibly.
Omal: yes.
Russ: I was wondering if you had the information
on which star that was so I can aim for that? Or
if that was not a gray area.
Omal: it is a gray area.
Russ: it is a gray area.
Omal: yes, we seem to be touching quite a number
of gray areas at the moment, don't we?
Russ: well, you know how works.
Omal: yes, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.
Russ: right, you never can tell.
Omal: no.
Russ: okay, now........
Omal: Korton's favorite feline.
(Russ chuckles)
Omal: greetings feline.
Russ: he does like to have someone paying
attention, that's for sure.
Omal: uh-huh and unfortunately Korton is very busy
at the moment, extremely busy.
Russ: well I understood that.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: I mean, he would've for sure been here
otherwise had it not been....
Omal: yes. He wants to make a concerted effort to
be here for the next channeling session.
Russ: okay, well it looks like were going to have
a pretty important one to go over all the stuff
that we're saving up for that point.
Omal: okay.
Russ: all right. Now then, going on to.......back
to meta-concert real quick.
Omal: okay.
Russ: okay. Now, we were discussing how in a
larger group of meta-concerts.....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: that the energy is sent from the secondary
to the primary almost immediately.
Omal: yes.
Russ: now this is for to be able to make a major
amount of power quickly to the primary.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now, with the conductor being such a crucial
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: as to take the power in from the primary
real quickly and then another mass of power real
quickly from the secondary......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: how does the conductor manage to make the
transition from a slow energy buildup to a real
fast energy buildup?
Omal: by practice. By steadily increasing his
capacity to handle energy.
Russ: okay, so it's not just energy though, it's
also how quickly the energy can come in.
Omal: yes, it is a practice. You have to practice
to start off with a few people......
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: or one person even sending the energy and
handling that and then you increase it to two
people and then three people and so on.
Russ: right.
Omal: but when you reach five people you can start
doubling it.
Russ: hmm, I see. Now you also mentioned here in
something you have working with five people......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: that the conductor, one of the prerogatives
of him would be to be able to handle or to know
the energy of each of the people in the group.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and how those people work with energy.
Omal: correct.
Russ: now, in doing so, is that done by the
ability to work with each person singularly.....
Omal: yes.
Russ: or working with each person as a group?
Omal: both actually. Working with each person
individually and knowing how they work with the
Russ: okay. Now, people being infallible as they
are, tend to vary as far as their energy levels
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: according to their moods, emotions or
something like that.
Omal: correct. The conductor has to know everybody
well to know how when they are in a sad mood they
handle energy. Or when they're in a happy mood,
how they handle energy or an aggressive or an
upset or a negative and so on. It is necessary for
the conductor to know these individuals well.
Russ: okay. Now, one of the fallacies about
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: is about the fact that they hide their
feelings well. And where a person looking for
something physical could to say that these people
are happy when in actuality they're quite
depressed but hiding behind a very good persona.
Omal: correct.
Russ: how does a conductor get a knowledge of
Omal: by being able to read the astral form.
Russ: ahhhh, there's the tricky part we haven't
discussed yet.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: how is the astral form able to be read by
the conductor?
Omal: he should be experienced enough. However, if
he is not that experienced, there is another way.
Russ: okay.
Omal: look into the eyes.
Russ: the eyes.
Omal: the eyes are the gateway to the individual.
Russ: okay. Obviously, this will take a lot of
practice in eye reading then.
Omal: correct. So the conductor should start
working with people's eyes.....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: determining moods from them. Okay, that's
the tricky one of them all.
Omal: oh yes.
Russ: I mean, first off, you can't hide anything
in your eyes, but how do you determine....?
Omal: what sort of mood it is.
Russ: that's right. How do you judge what the eyes
are saying?
Omal: to the size of the pupil, the amount of iris
visible, to how steady the eyes are. If they're
constantly moving from side to side, somebody
tends to be very agitated.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: or if they're looking at somebody and
they're wide, it means that they are receiving a
lot of light so they're looking at you possibly
with a little bit of interest. Or, if the eyes are
glazed, it means that the person is either in an
aggressive mood or a sad mood.
Russ: hmmm. Okay, now, if I was the excellent
conductor that I always wanted to be....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and let's say I'm not there really good at
reading eyes....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: or at least people still have a tendency to
throw me off after I read their eyes.....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: now, how would a good conductor be able to
control the mood so that each of the people in the
group are in the same mood which would make it
easier to be able to read?
Omal: what do we do sometimes to you when you're
in a slightly negative mood?
Russ: make me laugh.
Omal: exactly. Humor, it is a very good teaching
Russ: yes.
Omal: and it is also a very good tool to help
people along their path to help them to increase
their energy. After all, if you're laughing and
joking, are you not bouncing around?
Russ: true. It's an increase in energy.
Omal: correct.
Russ: ahhh. Now you've had experience being a
conductor quite a bit I take it?
Omal: uh-huh, yes.
Russ: now when you are.....
Omal: yes, I remember the 76 Spyrit (?)
performance. Yes, I did conduct well.
(Russ laughs at the joke)
Russ: okay.
Omal: a good example right there, you were being
Russ: a good routine, yes, I see that. Okay, now,
with the ability to control moods.....
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: are you also then able then to control to
the point where the meta-concert takes place then
being the conductor?
Omal: yes.
Russ: so you are the one, not the executive, but
the conductor is the one who says when the go sign
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay.
Omal: the conductor is more important than the
executive. The executive can be played by any
Russ: right.
Omal: that can handle power like that....
Russ: needs fine focus.
Omal: yes. It is the conductor's job to regulate
the amount of flow to the executive.
Russ: but also be able to judge when the time is
right to start.
Omal: correct.
Russ: I see.
Omal: so, who is the most important person in the
Russ: the conductor.
Omal: no.
Russ: the executive?
Omal: no. They're all equally as important.
Russ: oh, I see.
Omal: you can have an exceptional conductor, but
without a executive, if he doesn't know how to use
the energy......
Russ: right.
Omal: or, you can have a primary which is good but
a conductor that does not know how to use the
energy properly.
Russ: so that's why when we worked out the
meta-concert down here.......
Omal: exactly.
Russ: you had a faulty executive.
Omal: correct.
Russ: I see. And so the conductor has to know how
good the executive is too.
Omal: correct.
Russ: ahh, so this is a well-trained, well
operated group of individuals.
Omal: yes. It is a very precise, interactive
group. When we did the meta-concert up here, we
each know each other's ability.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: so therefore, we can have a very interactive
group that knows exactly what to do step-by-step.
Russ: hmm, I see. Okay, now, because I was the
variable in that...
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: you took a chance on that.
Omal: well, it was necessary to teach you.
Russ: right. Okay, now, can the conductor then
work on increasing the executive's ability?
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay.
Omal: but also the executive can work on
increasing his ability.
Russ: so the the conductor should be a good
executive also.
Omal: uh-huh. Each has to know each other's
Russ: right.
Omal: now, can you do me a favor?
Russ: sure.
Omal: stand up........sit down, stand up, sit
(Russ laughs)
Russ: okay, stand up?
Omal: yes, there is a reason why. Okay.....
Russ: right.
Omal: now, feel all the energy around you. Stretch
your arms out, like thus, and feel all the energy
around you. From the cat over there, to the feline
here, the channeler's physical body, feel all the
energy. The energy of the pyramid. You got your
eyes closed?
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: okay. Now, feel all of that energy around
you. Now with your physical body and your astral
body, take a deep, deep breath. Inhale and keep
inhaling until I tell you to stop.
Inhale.........stop, exhale. Now, you're going to
take a bigger breath this time. Go from here and
(Omal takes a deep breath)
Omal: not yet, not yet. Okay, now relax. Stand on
one leg, jump up and down, do a twirl, touch your
toes, okay now, take a deep
breath.............stop, exhale. Okay, now you may
sit down if you wish. Now, see the difference
between the first one and the second one.
Russ: vast difference.
Omal: the first one, you just sucked in a little
bit of energy.
Russ: right.
Omal: but on the second one you sucked in a lot of
Russ: right.
Omal: you feel the charge.
Russ: righttttt.
Omal: when you exhale, you feel the energy
physically leave you.
Russ: ahhhh, there's a difference.
Omal: now, when you do a far hail, you do the
process. You suck in the energy from around you,
the conductor hits you with the other energy as
you're sucking in. When he does the countdown and
he reaches now, you suck in as he hits you with
the energy and then you are ready to exhale that
energy in the direction you are facing in a line.
It is also a visualization. Because you are
focusing facing a direction, let's say North.....
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: right, you're sending the message north. You
are exhaling along your line of breath, you're
also sending that energy in that direction.
Russ: I see. Hence the difference in the amount of
wait, how the energy is handled...
Omal: correct.
Russ: not the amount of energy as much as a how
it's handled. Because you can lose a lot of energy
if it's improperly handled, right?
Omal: correct.
Russ: like when I was the executive, I was
receiving tons of energy....
Omal: but it was just going all over the place.
Russ: but it was disorganized, it wasn't being
focused properly, it wasn't being channeled into a
proper channel.
Omal: it was being channeled into a proper
channel, it was not being used by the executive
Russ: ahhh.
Omal: it was just flowing out of you willy-nilly.
Russ: I see.
Omal: that's a good expression, willy-nilly.
Russ: willy-nilly. Don't tell Mark that one, okay?
Omal: why not?
Russ: he'll use it for my president or something
like that.
Omal: ahhh.
Russ: okay....
Omal: wouldn't that be willy-Billy?
(Russ breaks out into laughter)
Russ: you have a grasp of politics Omal that's
Omal: if you insist. Hmm, where were we?
Russ: back to properly using the energy.
Omal: yes. It's a matter of being very stringent
with the meta-concert and the energy.
Russ: right.
Omal: the more stringent you are with the energy,
the longer you can continue the meta-concert.
Russ: okay. All right, now then, since we do have
to work on other things tonight, I wonder if we
could spend the next four sessions with yourself
working on each section of the meta-concert?
Omal: yes, we will try to do so.
Russ: like next week we'll start with conductors
since we were going to do that anyway.
Omal: correct.
Russ: they will go on to executive, primaries.....
Omal: well, hopefully believe we will be able to
do a run through.
Russ: okay, great. We need to practice what you
showed me tonight.
Omal: yes.
Russ: but essentially, what I want to do is start
breaking this down into being able to handle each
of the sections....
Omal: okay.
Russ: and this will help out Mark also since he
listens to the tapes, he'll be able to work on it
Omal: okay. What you may also do is when you do
your practice sessions......
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: to have one of these available.
Russ: kitty cats?
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay.
Omal: or both of them even.
Russ: they're usually here anyway.
Omal: to suck in when you're doing your practicing
in your restroom........
Russ: right.
Omal: not your restroom, that means something
different. Your relaxation and sleeping quarters.
Russ: hmm, okay. Now I wonder if you could go over
real quickly the process of sucking in the cat's
energy. I mean.....
Omal: just feel the energy that they transmit.
Every living organism transmits energy.
Russ: right, but in someplace like the room where
you had me focus on each section of the room,
there's so many sources of energy......
Omal: uh-huh. Well, select a source. A living
source is much better than that source over there,
a mechanical source.
Russ: I see. Now, is the pyramid then living or
Omal: it is both.
Russ: hmmm, there's a clue. Okay, now, with the
cat's energy......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and it's coming off in the way that it
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: it's then able to just focus on that only
and working with energy and then switch over using
like the pyramid......
Omal: correct.
Russ: switching over then to use the crystal or
Omal: correct. When you do your practice, work
with each energy one at a time and then we will
progress from there.
Russ: okay. Excellent, thank you.
Omal: you're welcome.
Russ: that's all I have for now.
Omal: well......
Russ: like I said, we've got so much else going
Omal: heard any good jokes recently?
Russ: I knew you were going to ask me that. I
don't have them here right now. Okay, we've got
lots to work on then.
Omal: okay.
Russ: at least I do.
Omal: hmmm, let me see. I can understand why
Korton has so much fun with felines. The affection
that they generate.
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: unfortunately, I do not have time for one
and to tell the truth, neither does Korton. I
think it is more a luxury to help him relax.
Russ: I thought it was a learning experience.
Omal: learning experience as well but it also
helps him to relax. Stroking the feline is very
relaxing and very continuous. They generate energy
that is relaxing. They also generate thank youness
or gratuity.
Russ: yeah, they definitely are thankful for being
Omal: uh-huh. Take this one for example. Is she
not going bananas?
Russ: oh yeah, loving it.
Omal: she has her eyes closed and has her tongue
sticking out probably. Well, I must depart.
Russ: okay, thank you again Omal.
Omal: you're welcome.
Russ: we have lots of fun to do next week.
Omal: and I go off but I shall return.
Russ: all right, see you later.
(Tia returns to bring on Kiri)
Russ: hi Tia. Using that breath technique that
Omal showed me just now for sucking in
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: would that assist in farsighting also?
Tia: you can try it.
Russ: in other words, where usually I'm taking ten
deep breaths before starting.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: but their only usual breaths like I did for
the first one.
Tia: you could try that for that deep breaths, it
might help.
Russ: what it is, I mean not just the deep breaths
but the sucking in of energy.
Tia: uh-huh, you can try that.
Russ: okay.
Tia: oh well, right.
Russ: right.
Tia: well, I've got to hand over to the last two
Russ: okay. See you later love.
Tia: yeah.
Russ: bye-bye.
(Kiri comes on right at the end of the session)
Russ: the thrillseeker.
Kiri: yo dude.
Russ: hi dudette.
Kiri: yeah.
Russ: okay. Now I was going over a tape that you
were on back in March.....or August I should
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and at that time you mentioned how coercion,
we had talked about maintaining a positive.......
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